android 揭示动画_新研究揭示了手机游戏货币化的未来

2023-11-21 16:41

本文主要是介绍android 揭示动画_新研究揭示了手机游戏货币化的未来,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

android 揭示动画

A new Unity report called, “In-Game Advertising the Right Way: Monetize, Engage, Retain” indicates that any preconceptions one might have about rewarded video ads being unpopular among mobile game players has no basis. In fact, according to the report, rewarded video ads are well on their way to becoming the new monetization norm.

Unity的一份新报告名为“正确的游戏内广告:货币化,参与度,保留度”,这表明人们对有偿视频广告的任何先入之见都没有受到手机游戏玩家的欢迎。 实际上,根据该报告,奖励视频广告正逐渐成为新的获利规范。

The study, which you can download here, summarizes and assesses a November 2015 survey based on the input of over 2,000 mobile game developers and players. The survey reveals that rewarded video ads have enormous potential as a way to monetize games. And that’s without negatively affecting either IAP or the lifetime value of players, mind you. Here are a few highlights.

您可以在此处下载该研究报告,该报告根据2,000多位移动游戏开发商和玩家的意见汇总并评估了2015年11月的一项调查。 调查显示,奖励视频广告作为游戏获利的方式具有巨大的潜力。 请注意,这不会对IAP或玩家的终身价值产生负面影响。 这里有一些重点。

奖励视频广告带回家的培根最多 (Rewarded video ads bring home the most bacon)

When it comes to monetization, it seems as though rewarded video ads are currently the hottest revenue generator — at least according to the developers who participated in the study. Over half said that rewarded video ads are providing them with the highest revenue per user compared to any other type of in-game advertising.

关于获利,至少在参与该研究的开发商看来,奖励视频广告目前似乎是最热门的收入来源。 超过一半的人表示,与任何其他类型的游戏内广告相比,奖励视频广告为每位用户提供的收益最高。

What’s more, the players surveyed said that they actually prefer rewarded video ads to other types of payment. Almost two-thirds stated that they always or sometimes choose to engage with a video ad for an in-game reward, given the chance.

此外,接受调查的玩家表示,与其他类型的付款方式相比,他们实际上更喜欢奖励视频广告。 几乎三分之二的人表示,只要有机会,他们总是或有时选择与视频广告互动以获得游戏内奖励。

玩家无法获得的秘诀 (The Secret recipe that players can’t get enough of)

The fact that the study discovered almost 80% of players confirmed they are open to engaging with video ads for in-game rewards doesn’t surprise Made With Unity client Futureplay, makers of the hit Farm Away!. Co-Founder and CEO Jami Laes said, “Our secret to success is focusing on creating a monetization method that has positive reinforcement. We give our players a choice when they want to watch rewarded video ads, stirring engagement.” Mika Rahko, Co-Founder and Head of Development, continued, “Even more amazing is that we’re seeing an average of 22 rewarded video ads watched per install. And this engagement is sending our revenue through the roof – driving $0.15 average revenue per player per day in the US market.”

该研究发现几乎80%的玩家确认他们愿意与视频广告互动以获取游戏内奖励,这一事实不足为奇,由热门游戏《 Farm Away!》的开发商Made With Unity客户Futureplay提供。 联合创始人兼首席执行官Jami Laes表示:“我们成功的秘诀在于专注于创建具有积极作用的货币化方法。 我们为玩家提供了选择观看奖励视频广告的选择,从而激发他们的参与度。” 联合创始人兼开发部负责人Mika Rahko继续说道:“更令人惊奇的是,我们平均每次安装观看22个奖励视频广告。 这项业务使我们的收入不断增长,在美国市场上每人每天可带来0.15美元的平均收入。”

你有他们,如何保持他们? (You’ve got ’em, how do you keep ’em?)

The implication then is that rewarded video ads don’t just earn short-term revenue, but they can be designed to extend the players’ lifetime value for the game maker. This is confirmed by the responses in the study, which indicate that rewarded ads can improve (or at the very least, do not negatively impact) retention. In fact, less than 1-in-10 developers saw any drop in retention at all after introducing rewarded video ads.

这就意味着,奖励视频广告不仅可以赚取短期收入 ,还可以用来延长玩家对游戏制造商的终身价值 。 研究中的回答证实了这一点,这表明奖励广告可以改善(或至少不会产生负面影响)保留率。 实际上,在推出奖励视频广告后,不到十分之一的开发人员根本没有保留率的下降。

找出哪些有效,哪些无效 (Find out what works and what doesn’t)

Not only does the study present the results of the ads survey, but it digs into the numbers, interprets the implications of the results, and presents the details of what works and what doesn’t. To get insight into how rewarded video ads might work for your studio, game, and audience, download the free study: In-Game Advertising the Right Way, Monetize, Engage, Retain.

该研究不仅提供了广告调查的结果,而且还挖掘了数字,解释了结果的含义,并给出了有效和无效的详细信息。 要深入了解奖励视频广告如何在您的工作室,游戏和观众中发挥作用,请下载免费研究:正确的游戏内广告,获利,参与和保留。

Download Your Copy Now



android 揭示动画

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