ACREL DC energy meter Application in Indonesia

2023-11-21 15:44

本文主要是介绍ACREL DC energy meter Application in Indonesia,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

安科瑞 华楠

Abstract: This article introduces the application of Acrel DC meters in  base station in Indonesia.The device is measuring current,voltage and energy together with hall current sensor.

1.Project Overview

This company is located in Indonesia and is the installation telecommunication service company in Indonesia. Mainly used DC multi-function meter PZ72L-DE/C and shunt, used to measure and monitor current and voltage in telecommunication station.

2. PZ Series DC Programmable Intelligent Electric Meters

PZ series intelligent DC energy meter is designed for applications such as DC panels, solar power,telecommunications base stations, and charging posts. This series of instruments can measure voltage, current, power,forward and reverse power in DC system. It can be used for local display, and connected with industrial control

equipment, computers, form a measurement and control system. And it has a variety of external excuse functions for the user to choose: RS485 communication interface, Modbus-RTU protocol, relay alarm output, digital input/output. According to different requirements, through the instrument panel keys, you can set the ratio, communication parameters.

The product meets the relevant technical requirements of the standard Q/GDW1825-2013 DC power meter specification,GB/T29318-2012 Non-vehicle charging electric energy metering for electric vehicles,Q/GDW364-2009 Single-phase energy meter


3.Technical data

4.Product main functions

5.Installation picture

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