今天为大家推荐的是被狙击的学园(( ⊙o⊙ )?感觉博主每日靠的是推荐与图片来骗的阅读量?)
农场上有N(1 <= N <= 50,000)堆草,放在不同的地点上。FJ有一辆拖拉机,也在农场上。拖拉机和草堆都表示为二维平面上的整数坐标,坐标值在1..1000的范围内。拖拉机的初始位置与所有草堆不同。
第1行: 3个整数,即N 和拖拉机的初始位置 (x,y)
第2..1+N行: 每行2个整数,表示一堆草的位置 (x,y)
第1行: FJ必须移动的最少的草堆的数量
7 6 3
6 2
5 2
4 3
2 1
7 3
5 4
6 4
样例说明:拖拉机初始在(6,3),7堆草分别在 (6,2), (5,2), (4,3), (2,1), (7,3), (5,4), (6,4).
#define rez(i,x,y) for(int i=x;i>=y;i--)
#define res(i,x,y) for(int i=x;i<=y;i++)
#define INF 2100000000
#define ll long long
#define clr(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))
#define N 100005
#define NAME "tractor"
#define minn(x,y,z) x=min(x,min(y,z))
using namespace std;
inline void readin(int &res) {static char ch;while ((ch = getchar()) < '0' || ch > '9');res = ch - 48;while ((ch = getchar()) >= '0' && ch <= '9')res = res * 10 + ch - 48;
int a[1005][1005];
int dp[1005][1005];
int n,r,c,op;
int ans=INF;
int main(){freopen(NAME".in","r",stdin);freopen(NAME".out","w",stdout);readin(n);readin(r);readin(c);for(int x,y,i=1;i<=n;i++){readin(x);readin(y);a[x][y]=1;}for(int i=0;i<=1001;i++){for(int j=0;j<=1001;j++){dp[i][j]=min(dp[i-1][j],dp[i][j-1]);dp[i][j]+=a[i][j];}}ans=min(ans,dp[r][c]);clr(dp);for(int i=1001;i>=0;i--){for(int j=0;j<=1001;j++){dp[i][j]=min(dp[i+1][j],dp[i][j-1]);dp[i][j]+=a[i][j];}}ans=min(ans,dp[r][c]);clr(dp);for(int i=0;i<=1001;i++){for(int j=1001;j>=0;j--){dp[i][j]=min(dp[i-1][j],dp[i][j+1]);dp[i][j]+=a[i][j];}}ans=min(ans,dp[r][c]);clr(dp);for(int i=1001;i>=0;i--){for(int j=1001;j>=0;j--){dp[i][j]=min(dp[i+1][j],dp[i][j+1]);dp[i][j]+=a[i][j];}}ans=min(ans,dp[r][c]);clr(dp);for(int i=0;i<=1001;i++){for(int j=1001;j>=0;j--){dp[j][i]=min(dp[j+1][i],dp[j][i-1]);dp[j][i]+=a[j][i];}}ans=min(ans,dp[r][c]);clr(dp);for(int i=0;i<=1001;i++){for(int j=0;j<=1001;j++){dp[j][i]=min(dp[j-1][i],dp[j][i-1]);dp[j][i]+=a[j][i];}}ans=min(ans,dp[r][c]);clr(dp);for(int i=1001;i>=0;i--){for(int j=1001;j>=0;j--){dp[j][i]=min(dp[j+1][i],dp[j][i+1]);dp[j][i]+=a[j][i];}}ans=min(ans,dp[r][c]);clr(dp);for(int i=1001;i>=0;i--){for(int j=0;j<=1001;j++){dp[j][i]=min(dp[j-1][i],dp[j][i+1]);dp[j][i]+=a[j][i];}}cout<<ans;return 0;
<testcase status="7" exitcode="0" detail="" time="0.14" memory="8416" score="10" /> <testcase status="7" exitcode="0" detail="" time="0.17" memory="8416" score="10" /> <testcase status="7" exitcode="0" detail="" time="0.15" memory="8416" score="10" /> <testcase status="7" exitcode="0" detail="" time="0.15" memory="8140" score="10" /> <testcase status="7" exitcode="0" detail="" time="0.15" memory="8416" score="10" /> <testcase status="7" exitcode="0" detail="" time="0.14" memory="8140" score="10" /> <testcase status="7" exitcode="0" detail="" time="0.15" memory="8416" score="10" /> <testcase status="7" exitcode="0" detail="" time="0.15" memory="8140" score="10" /> <testcase status="7" exitcode="0" detail="" time="0.17" memory="8416" score="10" /> <testcase status="7" exitcode="0" detail="" time="0.17" memory="8140" score="10" />
Solution Notes: This is a fairly standard shortest path problem, where we wish to find the shortest path from the initial location of the tractor to the outer boundary of the square with coordinates in the range 1..1000. Squares containing haybales cost 1 unit to cross, and all other squares cost 0 units. We could solve this problem using Dijkstra’s algorithm, although the fact that costs are either zero or one allows us to use a slightly different (perhaps slightly simpler) approach using a pair of queues, one containing all the squares we intend to visit that are at distance zero away from our current location, and the other containing a list of all squares we intend to visit that are at distance one away from our current location. We always visit squares from the “zero away” quque, and when this empties out, we refill it with the contents of the “one away” queue. The total running time is therefore linear in the area of the square we are searching.
#include <cstdio>
#include <queue>using namespace std;struct Point {int x, y;Point (int _x, int _y) { x = _x; y = _y; }Point (void) { x=y=0; }
};queue<Point> zero_away, one_away;
int A[1002][1002], D[1002][1002];int relax(int curx, int cury, int x, int y)
{if (x>=0 && x<=1001 && y>=0 && y<=1001 && (D[x][y]==0 || D[curx][cury]+A[x][y]<D[x][y])) {D[x][y] = D[curx][cury]+A[x][y];if (A[x][y]==0) zero_away.push(Point(x,y));else one_away.push(Point(x,y));}
}int main(void)
{Point p;int i, n;freopen ("tractor.in", "r", stdin);freopen ("tractor.out", "w", stdout);scanf ("%d %d %d", &n, &p.x, &p.y);D[p.x][p.y] = 1;zero_away.push(p);for (i=0; i<n; i++) {scanf ("%d %d", &p.x, &p.y);A[p.x][p.y] = 1;}while (!zero_away.empty() || !one_away.empty()) {if (zero_away.empty()) while (!one_away.empty()) {zero_away.push(one_away.front()); one_away.pop();}p = zero_away.front(); zero_away.pop();relax(p.x,p.y,p.x-1,p.y);relax(p.x,p.y,p.x+1,p.y);relax(p.x,p.y,p.x,p.y-1);relax(p.x,p.y,p.x,p.y+1);}printf ("%d\n", D[0][0]-1);return 0;
N(1 <= N <= 100)个数排成一行,值分别为A_i,现在希望把每个数对应地改成B_i。(A_i,B_i的值均在0..10之间)。改变的方式有3种:
(1)把A_i增加到B_i,每增加1,花费 X(2)把Ai减少到Bi,每减少1,花费 Y
第1行:4个整数 N, X, Y, Z (0 <= X, Y, Z <= 1000).
第2..1+N行: 每行2个整数 A_i 和 B_i.
4 100 200 1
1 4
2 3
3 2
4 0
INPUT DETAILS: There are 4 flowerbeds in a row, initially with 1, 2, 3, and 4 units of dirt. Farmer John wishes to transform them so they have 4, 3, 2, and 0 units of dirt, respectively. The costs for adding, removing, and transporting dirt are 100, 200, and 1.
OUTPUT DETAILS: One unit of dirt must be removed (from flowerbed #4), at a cost of 200. The remaining dirt can be moved at a cost of 10 (3 units from flowerbed #4 to flowerbed #1, 1 unit from flowerbed #3 to flowerbed #2).
Solution Notes: We transform each landscape pattern into an array of length at most 1000 by listing out the locations of the individual units of dirt in the landscape in order. For example, if we have a landscape with heights 3,1,4,1, we would transform this into the sequence 0,0,0,1,2,2,2,2,3 (e.g., there are 4 units of dirt at position 2). Our problem now reduces to something very close to the computation of the “edit distance” between two sequences, which is a classical dynamic programming problem. Our goal is to transform one landscape sequence into another at minimum cost given three possible operations: insertion of a new character (at cost X), deletion of a character (at cost Y), or modification of a character (at cost Z times the magnitude of the change). This can be accomplished in O(N^2) time (where N=1000) using dynamic programming, as shown below. Each subproblem C[i][j] we solve along the way represents the minimum cost of transforming just the first i characters of the source sequence into just the first j characters of the target sequence.
#ifdef WIN32
#define AUTO "%I64d"
#define AUTO "%lld"
using namespace std;
#define smax(x,tmp) x=max((x),(tmp))
#define smin(x,tmp) x=min((x),(tmp))
#define maxx(x1,x2,x3) max(max(x1,x2),x3)
#define minn(x1,x2,x3) min(min(x1,x2),x3)
typedef long long LL;
template <class T> inline void read(T &x)
{x = 0;T flag = 1;char ch = (char)getchar();while(ch<'0' || ch>'9'){if(ch == '-') flag = -1;ch = (char)getchar();}while(ch>='0' && ch<='9'){x = (x<<1) + (x<<3) + ch - '0';ch = (char)getchar();}x *= flag;
template <class T> T gcd(T a,T b) { return !b?a:gcd(b,a%b); }
const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
const int maxn = 105;
const int maxd = 2005;
const int base = 1000;
int V;
int a[maxn],b[maxn],delta[maxn];
int n,X,Y,Z;
inline void init()
{read(n);read(X),read(Y),read(Z);for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) read(a[i]),read(b[i]),V+=abs(a[i]-b[i]),delta[i]=b[i]-a[i];
int dp[maxn][maxd];
int dynamic()
{memset(dp,0x3f,sizeof(dp));dp[0][base] = 0;for(int i=0;i<n;i++){for(int j=-V;j<=V;j++) smin(dp[i+1][base+j+delta[i+1]],dp[i][base+j]+Z*abs(j));for(int j=V;j>=1;j--){smin(dp[i+1][base+(j-1)],dp[i+1][base+j]+X);smin(dp[i+1][base-(j-1)],dp[i+1][base-j]+Y);}}return dp[n][base];
int main()
{freopen("landscaping.in","r",stdin);freopen("landscaping.out","w",stdout);init();int ans = dynamic();printf("%d",ans);return 0;
1. 表达式只可能包含一个变量‘a’。
2. 表达式中出现的数都是正整数,而且都小于10000。
3. 表达式中可以包括四种运算‘+’(加),‘-’(减),‘’(乘),‘^’(乘幂),以及小括号‘(’,‘)’。小括号的优先级最高,其次是‘^’,然后是‘’,最后是‘+’和‘-’。‘+’和‘-’的优先级是相同的。相同优先级的运算从左到右进行。(注意:运算符‘+’,‘-’,‘*’,‘^’以及小括号‘(’,‘)’都是英文字符)
4. 幂指数只可能是1到10之间的正整数(包括1和10)。
5. 表达式内部,头部或者尾部都可能有一些多余的空格。
((a^1) ^ 2)^3,a*a+a-a,((a+a)),9999+(a-a)*a,1 + (a -1)^3,1^10^9……
输入文件equal.in的第一行给出的是题干中的表达式。第二行是一个整数n(2 <= n <= 26),表示选项的个数。后面n行,每行包括一个选项中的表达式。这n个选项的标号分别是A,B,C,D……
( a + 1) ^2
a + 1+ a
a^2 + 2 * a * 1 + 1^2 + 10 -10 +a -a
值得注意,由于进行数值运算,采用哪种数据类型成为程序是否正确的关键。下面的程序,采取mod m的方法,其中m为任意正整数。当对a多次赋值,且m取不同的较大的正整数时,可以保证算法的正确性。
//package noip2005.equal;import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.math.BigInteger;public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{BufferedReader stdin =new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));Polynomial poly = new Evaluator(stdin.readLine()).count();int n = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {if (poly.equals(new Evaluator(stdin.readLine()).count())){System.out.print((char)('A' + i));}}System.out.println();}
}interface Invariant {int POLY_LEN = 200;int EVA_LEN = 1000;
}class Polynomial {private BigInteger[] v = new BigInteger[Invariant.POLY_LEN];private int length = 0;private void initial() {for (int i = 0; i < Invariant.POLY_LEN; i++) {v[i] = BigInteger.ZERO;}}private void clear() {while(length >= 0 && v[length].equals(BigInteger.ZERO))length--;}Polynomial() {initial();length = -1;}Polynomial(int a) {initial();if (a == 0) {length = 1;v[1] = BigInteger.ONE;}else if (a > 0) {length = 0;v[0] = BigInteger.valueOf(a);}else assert false;}Polynomial add(Polynomial other) {Polynomial ans = new Polynomial();ans.length = Math.max(length, other.length);for (int i = 0; i <= ans.length; i++) {ans.v[i] = v[i].add(other.v[i]);}ans.clear();return ans;}Polynomial subtract(Polynomial other) {Polynomial ans = new Polynomial();ans.length = Math.max(length, other.length);for (int i = 0; i <= ans.length; i++) {ans.v[i] = v[i].subtract(other.v[i]);}ans.clear();return ans;}Polynomial multiply(Polynomial other) {Polynomial ans = new Polynomial();if (length == -1 || other.length == -1) return ans;ans.length = length + other.length;for (int i = 0; i <= length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j <= other.length; j++)ans.v[i + j] = ans.v[i + j].add(v[i].multiply(other.v[j]));}//ans.clear();return ans;}Polynomial pow(int a) {if (length == -1) return new Polynomial();return pow_1(a);}private Polynomial pow_1(int a) {if (a == 0) return new Polynomial(1);if (a == 1) return this;Polynomial ans = pow_1(a / 2);ans = ans.multiply(ans);if (a % 2 == 1) ans = ans.multiply(this);return ans;}boolean equals(Polynomial other) {if (length != other.length) return false;for (int i = 0; i <= length; i++) {if (v[i].equals(other.v[i]) == false) return false;}return true;}int intValue() {assert length == 0;return v[0].intValue();}
}class Evaluator {private String str = null;Polynomial []num = new Polynomial[Invariant.EVA_LEN];int lnum = 0;char []sign = new char[Invariant.EVA_LEN];int lsign = 0;static boolean [][]pos = new boolean[256][256];static{pos['^']['^']=pos['^']['*']=pos['^']['+']=pos['^']['-']=pos['*']['*']=pos['*']['+']=pos['*']['-']=pos['+']['+']=pos['+']['-']=pos['-']['+']=pos['-']['-']=true;}Evaluator(String s) {str = s;}Polynomial count(){lnum=lsign=0;int i;int t;for(i=0; i < str.length(); i++){if (str.charAt(i) == ' ') continue;if (Character.isDigit(str.charAt(i))){t=0;while(i < str.length() && Character.isDigit(str.charAt(i))){t=10*t+str.charAt(i)-'0';i++;}num[lnum++]= new Polynomial(t);i--;}else if(str.charAt(i) == 'a') {num[lnum++]= new Polynomial(0);}else if(str.charAt(i)=='(') {sign[lsign++]='(';}else if(str.charAt(i)=='+'||str.charAt(i)=='-'||str.charAt(i)=='^'||str.charAt(i)=='*'){while(lsign>0&&sign[lsign-1]!='('&&pos[sign[lsign-1]][str.charAt(i)]){if(sign[lsign-1]=='+')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].add(num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='-')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].subtract(num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='*')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].multiply(num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='^')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].pow(num[lnum-1].intValue());lnum--;lsign--;}sign[lsign++]=str.charAt(i);}else if(str.charAt(i)==')'){count_1();}else assert false;}count_1();return num[0];}private void count_1(){while(lsign>0&&sign[lsign-1]!='('){if(sign[lsign-1]=='+')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].add(num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='-')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].subtract(num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='*')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].multiply(num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='^')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].pow(num[lnum-1].intValue());lnum--;lsign--;}if(lsign>0&&sign[lsign-1]=='(')lsign--;}
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string>using std::string;//using namespace std;inline int MAX(int a,int b) {return a>b?a:b;}const int DIV = 10000;struct bigint1{enum{LEN = 10};int num[LEN];bigint1(){//num = new int[LEN];int i;for(i=0;i<LEN;i++)num[i]=0;}bigint1(const bigint1& a){//num = new int[LEN];int i;for(i=0;i<LEN;i++)num[i]=a.num[i];}bigint1(int a) {//num = new int[LEN];//memset(num, 0, sizeof(num));//assert(a > 0);int i = 0;while(i < LEN) {num[i] = a % DIV;i++;a = a / DIV;}}//~bigint1() { delete[] num;}bigint1& operator=(const bigint1& a){int i;for(i=0;i<LEN;i++)num[i]=a.num[i];return *this;}bigint1 operator+(const bigint1& b) const{bigint1 result;int tot;int i;int add = 0;for(i=0;i<LEN;i++){tot = num[i] + b.num[i] + add;result.num[i] = tot % DIV;add = tot / DIV;}return result;}bigint1 operator*(const bigint1& b) const{bigint1 result;int i, j, tot, add;for(i=0;i<LEN;i++){if(b.num[i]==0)continue;add=0;for(j=0;i + j < LEN;j++){tot=result.num[i+j]+num[j]*b.num[i]+add;result.num[i+j]=tot%DIV;add=tot/DIV;}}return result;}bigint1 operator-(const bigint1& b) const{bigint1 result;int i, sub = 0;for (i = 0; i < LEN; i++) {if (num[i] - sub >= b.num[i]) {result.num[i] = num[i] - sub - b.num[i];sub = 0;}else {result.num[i] = num[i] - sub + DIV - b.num[i];sub = 1;}}return result;}int compare(const bigint1& b) const {int i;for(i = LEN - 1; i >= 0; i--) {if (num[i] != b.num[i]) return num[i] - b.num[i];}return 0;}void print() {bool isp = false;for (int i = LEN - 1; i >=0 ;i--) {if (num[i] != 0) isp = true;if (isp) cout << num[i];}if (!isp) cout << 0;}
};struct bigint {int sign;bigint1 value;bigint(int a):value(a) {sign = 1;}bigint():value() {sign = 1;}void clear() {int i;for (i = 0; i < bigint1::LEN; i++) {if (value.num[i] != 0) break;}if (i == bigint1::LEN) sign = 1;}bigint& operator=(const bigint& b){sign = b.sign;value = b.value;return *this;}bigint operator+(const bigint& b) const{bigint result;if (sign * b.sign == 1) {result.sign = sign;result.value = value + b.value;}else {if (value.compare(b.value) >= 0) {result.sign = sign;result.value = value - b.value;}else {result.sign = b.sign;result.value = b.value - value;}}result.clear();return result;}bigint operator-(const bigint& b) const{bigint temp(b);temp.sign = -b.sign;bigint result = *this + temp;result.clear();return result;}bigint operator*(const bigint& b) const{bigint result;result.value = value * b.value;result.sign = sign * b.sign;result.clear();return result;}bool operator==(const bigint& b) const{if (sign == b.sign) {for (int i = 0; i < bigint1::LEN; i++)if (value.num[i] != b.value.num[i]) return false;return true;}else {return false;}}void print() {if (sign == -1) cout << '-';value.print();}};bool pos[256][256];
bigint ZERO;
bigint ONE(1);const int POLY_LEN = 150;
const int EVA_LEN = 1000;struct Polynomial {bigint* v;int length;void clear() {while(length >= 0 && v[length] == ZERO)length--;}Polynomial() {v = new bigint[POLY_LEN];length = -1;}Polynomial(int a) {v = new bigint[POLY_LEN];if (a == 0) {length = 1;v[1] = ONE;}else if (a > 0) {length = 0;v[0] = bigint(a);}else assert(0);}Polynomial(const Polynomial& other) {v = new bigint[POLY_LEN];length = other.length;int i;for (i = 0; i <= length; i++) v[i] = other.v[i];}Polynomial& operator=(const Polynomial& other) {length = other.length;int i;for (i = 0; i < POLY_LEN; i++) v[i] = other.v[i];return *this;}~Polynomial(){delete[] v;}Polynomial add(Polynomial other) {Polynomial ans;ans.length = MAX(length, other.length);for (int i = 0; i <= ans.length; i++) {ans.v[i] = v[i] + other.v[i];}ans.clear();return ans;}Polynomial subtract(Polynomial other) {Polynomial ans;ans.length = MAX(length, other.length);for (int i = 0; i <= ans.length; i++) {ans.v[i] = v[i] - other.v[i];}ans.clear();return ans;}Polynomial multiply(Polynomial other) {Polynomial ans;if (length == -1 || other.length == -1) return ans;ans.length = length + other.length;assert(ans.length < POLY_LEN);for (int i = 0; i <= length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j <= other.length; j++)ans.v[i + j] = ans.v[i + j] + (v[i] * other.v[j]);}//ans.clear();return ans;}Polynomial pow_1(int a) {if (a == 0) return Polynomial(1);if (a == 1) return *this;Polynomial ans = pow_1(a / 2);ans = ans.multiply(ans);if (a % 2 == 1) ans = ans.multiply(*this);return ans;}Polynomial pow(int a) {if (length == -1) return Polynomial();return pow_1(a);}bool equals(Polynomial other) {if (length != other.length) return false;for (int i = 0; i <= length; i++) {if (!(v[i] == other.v[i])) return false;}return true;}int intValue() {assert(length == 0);return 10 * v[0].value.num[1] + v[0].value.num[0];}void print() {if (length == -1) cout << 0;int i;for (i = length; i >= 0; i--) {v[i].print(); cout << ' ';}}
};struct Evaluator {string str;Polynomial* num;int lnum;char* sign;int lsign;Evaluator(const string s) {str = s;lnum = lsign = 0;num = new Polynomial[EVA_LEN];sign = new char[EVA_LEN];}~Evaluator() {delete[] num; delete[] sign;}Polynomial count(){lnum=lsign=0;int i;int t;for(i=0; i < str.length(); i++){if (str[i] == ' ') continue;if (isdigit(str[i])){t=0;while(i < str.length() && isdigit(str[i])){t=10*t+str[i]-'0';i++;}num[lnum++]= Polynomial(t);i--;}else if(str[i] == 'a') {num[lnum++]= Polynomial(0);}else if(str[i]=='(') {sign[lsign++]='(';}else if(str[i]=='+'||str[i]=='-'||str[i]=='^'||str[i]=='*'){while(lsign>0&&sign[lsign-1]!='('&&pos[sign[lsign-1]][str[i]]){if(sign[lsign-1]=='+')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].add(num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='-')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].subtract(num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='*')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].multiply(num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='^')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].pow(num[lnum-1].intValue());//num[lnum-2].print(); cout << endl;lnum--;lsign--;}sign[lsign++]=str[i];}else if(str[i]==')'){count_1();}else assert(0);}count_1();return num[0];}void count_1(){while(lsign>0&&sign[lsign-1]!='('){if(sign[lsign-1]=='+')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].add(num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='-')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].subtract(num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='*')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].multiply(num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='^')num[lnum-2] = num[lnum-2].pow(num[lnum-1].intValue());//num[lnum-2].print(); cout << endl;lnum--;lsign--;}if(lsign>0&&sign[lsign-1]=='(')lsign--;}
};int main() {pos['^']['^']=pos['^']['*']=pos['^']['+']=pos['^']['-']=pos['*']['*']=pos['*']['+']=pos['*']['-']=pos['+']['+']=pos['+']['-']=pos['-']['+']=pos['-']['-']=true;char buffer[1024];cin.getline(buffer, 1024);Polynomial poly = Evaluator(buffer).count();//poly.print(); cout<< endl;cin.getline(buffer, 1024);int n;sscanf(buffer, "%d", &n);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {cin.getline(buffer, 1024);Polynomial temp = Evaluator(buffer).count();//temp.print();cout<< endl;if (poly.equals(temp)) cout << char('A' + i);}cout << endl;return 0;
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>char obj[200];
char data[30][200];void change(char *a) {int i, j;for (i = 0; a[i] != 0; i++) {if (isalpha(a[i])) assert(a[i] == 'a');if (isdigit(a[i]) && a[i + 1] == ' ') {for (j = i + 2; a[j] != 0; j++) {if (a[j] != ' ') break;}assert(!isdigit(a[j]));}}for (i = j = 0; a[i] != 0; i++) {if (!isspace(a[i])) {a[j] = a[i];j++;}}a[j] = 0;
}int pp[30];bool pos[130][130];int num[1000];
int lnum;
char sign[1000];
int lsign;int divide;inline int add(int a, int b) {return (a + b) % divide;
}inline int sub(int a, int b) {return (a - b + divide) % divide;
}inline int mul(int a, int b) {return a * b % divide;
}inline int sqr(int a, int b) {assert(1 <= b && b <= 10);if (b == 0) return 1;if (b == 1) return a;int c = b / 2;int d = sqr(a, c);d = (d * d) % divide;if (2 * c != b) d = d * a % divide;return d;
}void count(){while(lsign>0&&sign[lsign-1]!='('){if(sign[lsign-1]=='+')num[lnum-2] = add(num[lnum-2], num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='-')num[lnum-2] = sub(num[lnum-2], num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='*')num[lnum-2] = mul(num[lnum-2], num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='^')num[lnum-2] = sqr(num[lnum-2], num[lnum-1]);lnum--;lsign--;}if(lsign>0&&sign[lsign-1]=='(')lsign--;
}int count(char* a){lnum=lsign=0;int i;int t;for(i=0;a[i]!=0;i++){if(isdigit(a[i])){t=0;assert(a[i] != 0);while(isdigit(a[i])){t=10*t+a[i]-'0';assert(0 < t && t < 10000);i++;}t = t % divide;num[lnum++]=t;i--;assert(a[i + 1] == 0 || a[i + 1] == '+' || a[i + 1] == '*' ||a[i + 1] == '-' || a[i + 1] == '^' || a[i + 1] == ')');}else if(isalpha(a[i])) {assert(islower(a[i]));assert(a[i + 1] == 0 || a[i + 1] == '+' || a[i + 1] == '*' ||a[i + 1] == '-' || a[i + 1] == '^' || a[i + 1] == ')');num[lnum++]=pp[a[i]-'a'];}else if(a[i]=='(') {assert(isdigit(a[i + 1]) || isalpha(a[i + 1]) || a[i + 1] == '(');sign[lsign++]='(';}else if(a[i]=='+'||a[i]=='-'||a[i]=='^'||a[i]=='*'){assert(isdigit(a[i + 1]) || isalpha(a[i + 1]) || a[i + 1] == '(');if (a[i] == '^') assert(isdigit(a[i + 1]));while(lsign>0&&sign[lsign-1]!='('&&pos[sign[lsign-1]][a[i]]){if(sign[lsign-1]=='+')num[lnum-2] = add(num[lnum-2], num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='-')num[lnum-2] = sub(num[lnum-2], num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='*')num[lnum-2] = mul(num[lnum-2], num[lnum-1]);else if(sign[lsign-1]=='^')num[lnum-2] = sqr(num[lnum-2], num[lnum-1]);lnum--;lsign--;}sign[lsign++]=a[i];}else if(a[i]==')'){assert(a[i + 1] == 0 || a[i + 1] == '+' || a[i + 1] == '*' ||a[i + 1] == '-' || a[i + 1] == '^' || a[i + 1] == ')');count();}else assert(0);}count();assert(lsign==0 && lnum==1);return num[0];
}int equal[30];int n;void issame(){int t=100,i,j;int a,b;for(i=0;i<t;i++){divide = rand() % 10000 + 100;for(j=0;j<26;j++)pp[j] = rand() % divide;a=count(obj);for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {if (equal[j]) {if (count(data[j]) != a) equal[j] = 0;}}}
}void solve(){cin.getline(obj,200);assert(1 <= strlen(obj) && strlen(obj) <= 50);change(obj);int i;cin >> n;assert(2 <= n && n <= 26);cin.ignore(200, '\n');for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {cin.getline(data[i], 200);//cerr << data[i] << endl;assert(1 <= strlen(data[i]));assert(strlen(data[i]) <= 50);change(data[i]);}{char c; assert(!(cin >> c));}memset(equal, -1, sizeof(equal));issame();for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {if (equal[i]) cout << char('A' + i);}cout << endl;
}int main(){//frist >= secondpos['^']['^']=pos['^']['*']=pos['^']['+']=pos['^']['-']=pos['*']['*']=pos['*']['+']=pos['*']['-']=pos['+']['+']=pos['+']['-']=pos['-']['+']=pos['-']['-']=true;solve();return 0;
#define NAME "equal4"
#define ll long long
#define N 10005
using namespace std;
char s[N];
ll number[N],i,p=1;
char symbol[N];
void push(){symbol[++p]=s[i];
ll mf(int x,int y){if(y==1)return x;return x*mf(x,y-1);
void pop(){ switch (symbol[p--]){case '+':number[p]+=number[p+1];break;case '-':number[p]-=number[p+1];break;case '*':number[p]*=number[p+1];break;case '^':number[p]=mf(number[p],number[p+1]);break;}
bool can(){if((s[i]=='+'||s[i]=='-')&&symbol[p]!='(')return 1;if((s[i]=='*')&&(symbol[p]=='*'||symbol[p]=='^'))return 1;return 0;
int str(char t[]){int len=strlen(t);return len;
ll work(){s[str(s)]=')';symbol[p]='(';while (i<str(s)){while (s[i]=='('){push();i++;}int x=0;if(s[i]=='a'){x=-23;i++;}elsewhile (s[i]>='0'&&s[i]<='9')x=x*10+s[i++]-'0';number[p]=x;do{if (s[i]==')'){while (symbol[p]!='(')pop();--p;number[p]=number[p+1];}else{while(can())pop();push();}i++;}while (i<str(s)&&s[i-1]==')');}return number[0];
int main(){freopen(NAME".in","r",stdin);freopen("equal.out","w",stdout);int n;for(int q=0;q<=1000;q++){s[q]=symbol[q]=number[q]=0;}scanf("%s",s);int bd=work();cin>>n;for(int j=0;j<n;j++){for(int q=0;q<=1000;q++){s[q]=symbol[q]=number[q]=0;}scanf("%s",s);i=0,p=1;char ch='A';ll ans=work();if(ans==bd){ch+=j;cout<<ch;}}return 0;