java valve_Valve付出代价骚扰我或Valve如何窃取微软的知识产权

2023-11-20 21:31

本文主要是介绍java valve_Valve付出代价骚扰我或Valve如何窃取微软的知识产权,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

java valve

TL;DR: a Valve employee and other people harass me on social media websites since I refused to delete my clone of Valve’s open source project because Valve pays programmers to implement and maintain Microsoft’s intellectual property they have no legal rights to copy.

TL; DR:Valve员工和其他人在社交媒体网站上骚扰我,因为我拒绝删除我的Valve开源项目克隆,因为Valve向程序员支付实施和维护Microsoft知识产权的权利,而他们没有复制的合法权利。

It all started with a Github pull request to the REDGPU repository that had nothing to do with REDGPU at all:


“Some kid is having fun, I get it”, I thought to myself, closing the pull request.


But then I saw he tweeted at me this:


He repeated these tweets in the joking REDGPU pull request I previously closed.


I had so many questions that I can’t help myself but to list them all:


  • How did this guy learned my Twitter handle? I don’t hide it that good, but it’s hard to find from my Github profile alone. Try for yourself. Do I know him? No, not at all. Does he know me? Maybe? Maybe he saw my Twitter profile image that matches my Github profile picture before, maybe he had to Google for a keyword match between my Github and Twitter profiles, I don’t know. But he connected somehow that is the same person as Okay, the profile image gives it away, but how he ended up finding a “relativetoyou” Twitter handle is a mystery to me. Either he has a good memory, or he secretly followed me on Twitter, or he’s good at finding people on the Internet on different websites. All these three skills require some effort for a weird question he had to ask.

    这个人是如何得知我的Twitter处理的? 我没有把它藏得那么好,但是很难从我的Github个人资料中找到。 自己尝试。 我认识他吗 一点都不。 他认识我吗? 也许? 也许他之前看过我的Twitter个人资料图片与我的Github个人资料图片相匹配,也许他不得不向Google查询我的Github和Twitter个人资料之间的关键字匹配,我不知道。 但他不知何故连接,使得是同一个人作为 。 好的,个人资料图片会泄露它,但是他最终如何找到一个“相对于您”的Twitter句柄对我来说还是个谜。 他的记忆力很强,或者在Twitter上暗中关注了我,或者擅长在互联网上的其他网站上找到人。 所有这三种技能都需要付出一些努力才能解决他不得不问的一个奇怪的问题。

  • “I’d appreciate it if you deleted your d3d12/vkd3d repo”, he wrote. Have you ever seen a person looking for you on the Internet on different social media websites asking you to delete something of yours? I have a d3d12 Github organization that I created I don’t remember when, somewhere around 2017 (I think Github employees can confirm this?), way before Valve’s Proton even existed, I created it for my personal needs and stored there some other people’s open source code I found interesting at that time with some other files of mine. Now some guy that created a joking pull request on one of my repositories asks to delete my other repository. What?

    他写道:“如果您删除了d3d12 / vkd3d存储库,我将不胜感激。” 您是否曾经在其他社交媒体网站上看到有人在互联网上寻找您,要求您删除您的某些内容? 我有一个创建的d3d12 Github组织 ,我不记得是在2017年左右某个时候(我认为Github的员工可以确认这一点),在Valve的Proton甚至还没有存在之前,我就为满足个人需要创建了这个组织并将其存储在其他人的手中。我当时发现的开放源代码与我的其他一些文件很有趣。 现在,在我的一个存储库中创建了一个开玩笑拉请求的家伙要求删除我的另一个存储库。 什么?

  • “simply because it’s taking our project”, he wrote. “our”? Who are you, people? I assume “our” means he represents some group of people? But who are those people? My d3d12 organization had only one repository at the time he wrote those tweets: vkd3d. At the time, only one group of people and one other person could claim that it was their project, because only these people committed the code to vkd3d: the programmers behind winehq project (mainly the guy named Jozef Kucia), from which I initially cloned the repository ( and uploaded it to my d3d12 organization because it was not on Github at that time, and Hans-Kristian Arntzen, who continued to add code to his winehq’s fork ( after Jozef Kucia has died in a tragic accident.

    他写道:“仅仅是因为这正在承担我们的项目”。 “我们的”? 你们是谁? 我认为“我们的”意味着他代表某些人? 但是那些人是谁? 我的d3d12组织在撰写这些推文时只有一个存储库: vkd3d 。 当时,只有一群人和另一个人可以声称这是他们的项目,因为只有这些人将代码提交给了vkd3d: winehq项目背后的程序员(主要是名叫Jozef Kucia的人),我最初是从中克隆的存储库( )并将其上传到我的d3d12组织,因为当时它不在Github上,而Hans-Kristian Arntzen则继续向其winehq的服务器中添加代码约瑟夫库西亚 ( Jozef Kucia ) 在一场不幸的事故中死亡后,叉子( ) 死亡 。

  • Jozef Kucia, the only main programmer behind vkd3d project at the time, has died. The loss so great that for the next few months no one has committed anything major to vkd3d.

    当时vkd3d项目背后唯一的主要程序员Jozef Kucia已去世。 损失如此之大,以至于在接下来的几个月中, 没有人对vkd3d做出重大承诺

  • vkd3d was Jozef’s baby. But then a hero appears! Hans-Kristian Arntzen, a Valve employee and then a Valve contractor, have forked winehq’s vkd3d repository to his own Github profile, giving it the same name, vkd3d, which helped me to find it with Github’s search bar, and at that point I started to pulling the code from Hans-Kristian’s winehq fork, because he continued Jozef’s work. Great. A happy end of the story. Thank you for reading.

    vkd3d是约瑟夫的孩子。 但是随后出现了英雄! Valve的员工Hans-Kristian Arntzen,然后是Valve的承包商,已经将winehq的vkd3d存储库分叉到了自己的Github个人资料中, 并为其命名了相同的名称vkd3d ,这帮助我在Github的搜索栏中找到了它,到那时,我开始了从Hans-Kristian的winehq分支中提取代码,因为他继续执行Jozef的工作。 大。 故事的结尾很高兴。 感谢您的阅读。

  • WHO IN THE WORLD IS JOSHUA ASHTON? The guy that first created a joking pull request on my REDGPU Github repository on my REDGPU Github organization, and then found me and asked me on Twitter to delete my other Github organization’s repository that hosted only Jozef Kucia’s and Hans-Kristian Arntzen’s open source code? At that time, I couldn’t 2 + 2 this, because I updated d3d12/vkd3d repository manually once a few months due to being busy with designing and programming the REDGPU API, and I missed the moment when a guy named Joshua Ashton started to contribute some code to Hans-Kristian Arntzen’s repository:

    谁在世界上是约书亚·阿什顿? 那个首先在我的REDGPU Github组织的REDGPU Github存储库上创建一个笑话请求的人,然后找到我并要求我在Twitter上删除我的另一个Github组织的存储库,该存储库仅托管Jozef Kucia和Hans-Kristian Arntzen的开源代码? 那时我不能2 + 2,因为由于忙于设计和编程REDGPU API,我几个月才手动更新d3d12 / vkd3d存储库,所以我错过了一个叫Joshua Ashton的人开始的那一刻。向Hans-Kristian Arntzen的存储库贡献一些代码:
  • I missed the 42 commits Joshua Ashton has contributed to Hans-Kristian Arntzen’s repository while I was busy with REDGPU. Great. Now I know who he is. He is a new Valve hire, to help Hans-Kristian maintain vkd3d.

    当我忙于REDGPU时,我错过了Joshua Ashton为Hans-Kristian Arntzen的存储库做出的42次提交。 大。 现在我知道他是谁。 他是Valve的新员工,以帮助Hans-Kristian维护vkd3d。
  • This is where it gets interesting. Joshua Ashton said to “shut the fuck up” to me. That was super weird. Have you ever seen a Valve employee that asks to delete your clone of Valve’s open source code, and when you refuse you get insulted by that employee? How many Valve employees do you know that tell people to “shut the fuck up” on the Internet? “What in the world are you doing here, kid?”, I thought. So I blocked him everywhere, on Twitter and Github. Great. A happy end of the story. Thank you for reading.

    这就是它变得有趣的地方。 约书亚·阿什顿(Joshua Ashton)对我说“ 闭嘴 ”。 那太奇怪了。 您是否曾见过Valve员工要求删除您的Valve开源代码克隆,而当您拒绝时,您遭到该员工的侮辱? 您知道有多少Valve员工告诉人们在互联网上“闭嘴”吗? 我想:“孩子,你在这里做什么?” 所以我在Twitter和Github上到处都封锁了他。 大。 故事的结尾很高兴。 感谢您的阅读。

  • Now other people I never knew about or met before started to pop up and insult me out of nowhere:


I do swear on the Internet myself, but you will not find a single tweet where I directly insulted any of these people. I don’t even know them or interacted with them in any way ever, they just popped up and started to insult me, because I kept a clone of Valve’s open source code in my Github organization, how wild this is? To me, it’s pretty wild. I don’t believe in out of nowhere, not too far off between each other, attacks.

我本人确实在互联网上发誓,但是您不会找到一条我直接侮辱这些人的推文 。 我什至不认识它们,也从未与他们进行任何互动,它们只是突然弹出并开始侮辱我,因为我在Github组织中保留了Valve的开源代码的克隆,这有多疯狂? 对我来说,这很疯狂。 我不相信攻击会无处不在,彼此之间相距不远。

A large number of people liked those out-of-nowhere insult tweets and said other rude things to me on Twitter, for example:


At that point I didn’t know what was happening, it seemed to me that I hit some very sensitive nerve by just refusing to Joshua Ashton to delete a repository of mine. So I started questioning.

那时我不知道发生了什么,在我看来,我拒绝了约书亚·阿什顿(Joshua Ashton)删除了我的仓库,打了一些非常敏感的神经。 所以我开始质疑。

Why? Why would anyone care at all? Since I created my Github organizations in 2017, no one ever cared. What is so different now?

为什么? 为什么有人会在乎呢? 自从我于2017年创建我的Github组织以来,没人在乎。 现在有什么不同?

vkd3d is different. Jozef Kucia’s vkd3d had nothing to do with Hans-Kristian Arntzen’s vkd3d fork.

vkd3d是不同的。 Jozef Kucia的vkd3d与Hans-Kristian Arntzen的vkd3d分支无关。

Hans-Kristian Arntzen and Joshua Ashton were paid by Valve to continue vkd3d after Jozef Kucia has died. I “potentially cause problems” not for them, but for Valve by associating the Microsoft’s name “d3d12” with “vkd3d” Valve paid for.

约瑟夫·库西亚(Jozef Kucia)死后,汉斯·克里斯蒂安·阿恩岑(Hans-Kristian Arntzen)和约书亚·阿什顿(Joshua Ashton)被Valve支付,继续vkd3d。 我通过将微软的名称“ d3d12”与Valve支付的“ vkd3d”相关联,“潜在地导致问题”不是针对他们,而是针对Valve。

Money. Oh, of course it’s money. Valve doesn’t have any value outside of their own games, devices and store. How would you steal other people’s countless hard work, but in a way that would not point at you? For example, you want to run all the Windows games on your OS which is called, say, StreamOS, but you can’t, because you’d have to copy and implement Microsoft’s intellectual property called, for example, D3D12. How would you do that? Very simple! You pay open source programmers and tell them not to tell others that you’re paying them! This way it’s not you who implements D3D12, it’s them, the open source people you have nothing to do with!

钱。 哦,当然是钱。 Valve在自己的游戏,设备和商店之外没有任何价值。 您将如何窃取他人无数的辛勤工作,但又以一种无法指责您的方式? 例如,您想在自己的OS上运行所有Windows游戏,这些游戏称为StreamOS,但您不能运行,因为您必须复制并实现Microsoft的知识产权,例如D3D12。 你会怎么做? 很简单! 您付钱给开源程序员,并告诉他们不要告诉别人您要付钱给他们! 这样,实现D3D12的不是您,而是与您无关的开源人员!

The crucial part for this plan to work is to hide the traces. Never ever mention that you’re paying these open source programmers to copy and implement Microsoft’s intellectual property. Like, never. Make a proxy consulting company for them to work for called, I don’t know, “Arntzen Software” or something stupid like that, it doesn’t matter, what matters is that this proxy company will get your money indirectly so that no one could see the connection. This plan will work only if the employees of “Arntzen Software” will never be allowed to say that they work for you, will never be mentioned with your company name anywhere.

该计划起作用的关键部分是隐藏痕迹。 永远不要说您要向这些开放源代码程序员付钱来复制和实施Microsoft的知识产权。 喜欢,从不。 为他们工作的代理咨询公司叫做“ Arntzen Software”或类似的愚蠢产品,没关系,重要的是该代理公司将间接获得您的钱,因此没人可以看到连接。 只有在永远不允许“ Arntzen Software”的员工说他们为您工作,在任何地方都不会提及您的公司名称的情况下,该计划才有效。

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Oh no.


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Oh God.


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It can’t be…


…that the Internet…



……记住。的.com /科纳斯组织/福尔康-文档/提交/ cc5a1ec67405bab282fb037b065a88e0afcf3483 HTTPS://web.archive .org / web / 20200908231847 / rok0d


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