杰克 辛普森_什么是R-J11(注册杰克11)?

2023-11-20 18:20
文章标签 注册 辛普森 杰克 j11

本文主要是介绍杰克 辛普森_什么是R-J11(注册杰克11)?,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

杰克 辛普森

杰克 辛普森

Registered Jack 11 or simply R-J11 is a connection interface or connector used to plug cables with the wall outlet. In general, RJ-11 is also named as modem port, phone connector, phone jack or phone line in a nontechnical way.

已注册的Jack 11或简称为R-J11是用于将电缆插入墙上插座的连接接口或连接器。 通常,RJ-11也以非技术方式被称为调制解调器端口,电话连接器,电话插Kong或电话线。

RJ-11接线2或4针 (RJ-11 Wiring 2 or 4 Pins)

There are male and female RJ-11. RJ-11  has 6 connector positions but in general 2 or 4 of them are used in practice. Generally untwisted and unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cables are used to end with RJ-11 connector. We can see below that RJ-11 is implemented as 4 connecting cables with 4 pins.

有公母RJ-11。 RJ-11具有6个连接器位置,但实际上通常使用2个或4个。 通常,非绞合和非屏蔽双绞线(UTP)电缆用于RJ-11连接器。 下面我们可以看到RJ-11被实现为4个4针连接电缆。

RJ-11 4 Pins In Use
RJ-11 4 Pins In Use
RJ-11 4引脚正在使用

In the following example, only two pins are used and other pinholes are not used for a cable connection.


RJ-11 2 Pins In Use
RJ-11 2 Pins In Use
RJ-11 2引脚正在使用

6 pins can be used in rate situations for telephones. 6 pins RJ-11 can be used to connect 3 phones to the telephone line.

在电话费率情况下,可以使用6个引脚。 6针RJ-11可用于将3部电话连接到电话线上。

RJ-11 6 Pins in Use
RJ-11 6 Pins in Use
RJ-11 6引脚使用中

RJ-11类型(RJ-11 Types)

There are two types where C type is used for desktop phone jack with the name RJ-11C and W type which is used for wall-mounted jack with the name RJ-11W.


RJ-11用例 (RJ-11 Use Cases)

RJ-11 is a popular connector type like RJ-45 where it can be used for different cases. Here are some of them.

RJ-11是一种流行的连接器类型,例如RJ-45,可用于不同的情况。 这里是其中的一些。

  • `Phone` is the most popular use case for RJ-11. Phones are connected to the wall outlets with RJ-11 connectors.

    “电话”是RJ-11最受欢迎的用例。 电话通过RJ-11连接器连接至墙壁插座。
  • `Modem` is another use case which is related to the phone. Modems are using the phone line where it uses RJ-11 connectors. In the old days, computers and the notebooks have RJ-11 for a modem connection.

    “调制解调器”是与电话有关的另一个用例。 调制解调器在使用RJ-11连接器的地方使用电话线。 在过去,计算机和笔记本电脑都使用RJ-11进行调制解调器连接。

RJ-11和RJ-45 (RJ-11 vs RJ-45)

RJ-45 is another popular connector type. Generally, RJ-11 and RJ-45 are compared with each other. In this part, we will compare both connector types with each other.

RJ-45是另一种流行的连接器类型。 通常,将RJ-11和RJ-45相互比较。 在这一部分中,我们将比较两种连接器类型。

  • The RJ-11is used for telephone lines where RJ-45 is used for computer network

  • The RJ-11 has 4 wires in general and 6 wires at max where RJ-45 has 8 wires

  • The RJ-11 connector is smaller then RJ-45 connectors

  • The RJ-11 connector can be plugged into a RJ-45 slot but it will not work and may damage the devices

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RJ-11和RJ-12 (RJ-11 vs RJ-12)

Well, actually RJ-11 and RJ-12 are very same connectors where only the cable and pin count is different. RJ-12 uses 6Pin 6 Cable which means all 6  pins are used by the 6 cables. Both RJ-11 and RJ-12 are used for telephone lines.

好吧,实际上RJ-11和RJ-12是非常相同的连接器,仅电缆和引脚数不同。 RJ-12使用6针6电缆,这意味着6根电缆使用所有6针。 RJ-11和RJ-12均用于电话线。

  • RJ-11 has the same six-slot connector and size as the RJ-12

  • RJ-11 differs from RJ-12 in cabling where RJ-11 has 4 cables but RJ-12 has 6 cables

  • Both RJ-11 and RJ-12 used in the same cases as phone

  • RJ-11 is commonly used in homes and offices where RJ-12 is very low usage which is in large companies


翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-r-j11-registered-jack-11/

杰克 辛普森

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