sonos 服务器_如何使用Apple Watch控制Sonos

2023-11-09 18:31

本文主要是介绍sonos 服务器_如何使用Apple Watch控制Sonos,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

sonos 服务器

sonos 服务器

While we like our Sonos player for its excellent functionality and usability across an abundance of devices, it unfortunately is missing an official Apple Watch app, which would really round things out.

虽然我们喜欢Sonos播放器,因为它具有出色的功能和可在多种设备上使用的功能,但不幸的是,它缺少官方的Apple Watch应用,这确实可以解决问题。

As we’ve discovered thus far, Sonos is really easy to set up on Windows, OS X, iOS, and Android. Similarly, you can add a plethora of streaming services to round out your music listening experience.

到目前为止,我们已经发现,Sonos 确实很容易在Windows,OS X,iOS和Android上进行设置。 同样,您可以添加大量流媒体服务来完善您的音乐聆听体验。

When it comes to the Apple Watch however, you have to look elsewhere to join the Sonos party. ZonePlay is an unofficial Sonos app that works on your iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. For $3.99, it’s actually quite good and being able to control your Sonos player from your wrist is well worth the price.

但是,在谈到Apple Watch时,您必须寻找其他地方加入Sonos派对。 ZonePlay是一款非官方的Sonos应用程序,可在您的iPhone,iPad和Apple Watch上运行。 只需$ 3.99,它实际上是相当不错的,能够从手腕控制Sonos播放器非常值得。

ZonePlay can be purchased from the App Store.

可以从App Store购买 ZonePlay。

Using the app, you can see and stream music to your “zones,” which are just your Sonos players and the rooms to which they are associated. In our case, we have one player in our Office, so that is our only zone.

使用该应用程序,您可以查看音乐并将其流传输到“区域”,这些区域就是您的Sonos播放器及其关联的房间。 在我们的情况下,我们办公室中只有一名球员,所以这是我们唯一的区域。

If you tap on the “Music” button at the bottom of the app, you can switch between your Favorites, Playlists, Library (seen below in the Albums view), and TuneIn Radio.

如果点击应用程序底部的“音乐”按钮,则可以在“收藏夹”,“播放列表”,“库”(在“专辑”视图中见下文)和TuneIn Radio之间进行切换。

On the Watch side of things, you get your very own ZonePlay app, seen below circled in red.


ZonePlay is considerably stripped down, having only the ability to play music that has been favorited on the Sonos apps.


Nevertheless, whatever you do have in your Favorites is easily controlled with the ZonePlay Watch app.

不过,您可以使用ZonePlay Watch应用程序轻松控制收藏夹中的所有内容。

When you pick something to play, you’ll be presented with some choices. If want to play something after your current selection, you can choose to play it next or you can add it to the queue to play at some point, eventually, depending on how large your queue is.

当您选择要玩的东西时,系统会为您提供一些选择。 如果要在当前选择之后播放某些内容,则可以选择下一个播放,也可以将其添加到队列中以在某个时候播放,最终取决于队列的大小。

Finally, once you are playing something, you can pause/play, skip forward and backward, and change the volume.


Note, you’re not completely limited to playing Favorites on the Watch app. Whatever you’re playing on the Sonos app …

请注意,您不完全限于在“观看”应用程序上播放“收藏夹”。 无论您在Sonos应用程序上玩什么……

Will also be playing on the ZonePlay iOS app.

也将在ZonePlay iOS应用上播放。

And, thus it can also be controlled from the Watch app as well.


So, if you’ve set up a rather large queue on your desktop or from your iPhone or iPad, you can putter about the house with only your Watch and control the playback from your wrist.


Until Sonos releases an official Apple Watch app (if they ever do), ZonePlay will have to do the trick. Thankfully, it works very well with zero configuration and effort. It’s a little unfortunate that you can only access music favorites rather than having access to your entire music collection, but given the smallness of the Watch interface, and the largeness of some collections, that’s probably not a bad thing.

在Sonos发行正式的Apple Watch应用程序之前(如果有的话),ZonePlay将不得不采取措施。 幸运的是,它在零配置和工作量的情况下非常有效。 不幸的是,您只能访问音乐收藏夹,而不能访问整个音乐收藏,但是鉴于Watch界面的小巧和某些收藏的大,这可能不是一件坏事。

That you can control everything, once it is initiated on the desktop or mobile app, including playback of local and streaming music is also a huge plus. So, if you’ve been looking for a way to control your Sonos player from your Apple Watch, you might want to give ZonePlay a try.

一旦在桌面或移动应用程序上启动所有内容,包括本地和流音乐的播放,您就可以控制所有内容,这也是一大优势。 因此,如果您一直在寻找一种通过Apple Watch来控制Sonos播放器的方法,则可以尝试使用ZonePlay。


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