hdu3555 Bomb

2023-11-07 20:49
文章标签 bomb hdu3555

本文主要是介绍hdu3555 Bomb,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Problem Description The counter-terrorists found a time bomb in the
dust. But this time the terrorists improve on the time bomb. The
number sequence of the time bomb counts from 1 to N. If the current
number sequence includes the sub-sequence “49”, the power of the blast
would add one point. Now the counter-terrorist knows the number N.
They want to know the final points of the power. Can you help them?

Input The first line of input consists of an integer T (1 <= T <=
10000), indicating the number of test cases. For each test case, there
will be an integer N (1 <= N <= 2^63-1) as the description.

The input terminates by end of file marker.

Output For each test case, output an integer indicating the final
points of the power.


#define LL long long
using namespace std;
int a[25];
LL f[25][3];
int main()
{int T,len,i;bool flag;LL ans,n;scanf("%d",&T);f[0][0]=1;for (i=1;i<=21;i++){f[i][0]=f[i-1][0]*10-f[i-1][1];f[i][1]=f[i-1][0];f[i][2]=f[i-1][2]*10+f[i-1][1];}while (T--){cin>>n;n++;len=0;while (n){a[++len]=n%10;n/=10;}ans=0;flag=0;for (i=len;i;i--){ans+=f[i-1][2]*a[i];if (!flag){if (a[i]>4) ans+=f[i-1][1];}else ans+=f[i-1][0]*a[i];if (i<len&&a[i]==9&&a[i+1]==4) flag=1;}cout<<ans<<endl;}

这篇关于hdu3555 Bomb的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



bomb 实验

GDB常用命令: GDB调试常用命令-CSDN博客 原理: 编译与反汇编过程-CSDN博客 Bomb实验实现 阶段一:  分析 分配空间:sub $0x8,%rsp 为局部变量分配栈空间。设置参数:mov $0x402400,%esi 将字符串地址加载到 %esi。比较字符串:call 401338 <strings_not_equal> 调用函数比较字符串。判断结果:test %e

hdu2873 Bomb Game

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通常的数位dp可以写成如下形式: int dfs(int i, int s, bool e) {if (i==-1) return s==target_s;if (!e && ~f[i][s]) return f[i][s];int res = 0;int u = e?num[i]:9;for (int d = first?1:0; d <= u; ++d)res += dfs(i-1,

讲解pwngdb的用法,以csapp的bomb lab phase_1为例

参考资料 Guide to Faster, Less Frustrating Debugging 什么情况下会使用gbd 需要逆向ELF文件时(掌握gdb的使用,是二进制安全的基本功)开发程序时,程序执行结果不符合预期 动态调试ELF文件可以使用另外一种方法:IDA的远程linux动态调试。个人觉得使用ida调试更为方便,因为ida是图形化界面,那么可以使用鼠标交互,比如通过鼠标

Bomb HDU - 3555

http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=3555 dp[i][0]代表[i+1,n-1]位上没出现过49且第i+1位上的数不是4 dp[i][1]代表[i+1,n-1]位上没出现过49但第i+1位上的数是4 dp[i][2]代表[i+1,n-1]位上已出现过49 #include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace s

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