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Based on a tweeted image, the bot was able to help one reseller score 42 units of the RTX 3080 from Nvidia’s website before it went out of stock.
根据推特上的图像,该机器人能够帮助一位经销商从Nvidia的网站上为RTX 3080的42台设备评分,然后再售罄。
By Michael Kan
PC gamers everywhere tried and failed to buy Nvidia’s RTX 3080 graphics card today as units quickly sold out. But not everyone came up empty.
如今,各地的PC游戏玩家都试图购买Nvidia的RTX 3080图形卡,但由于单位很快被抢购一空,所以尝试失败。 但是,并非所有人都空虚。
A group of resellers scored the RTX 3080 ahead of average consumers, thanks to an automated bot, which was capable of ordering dozens of units from Nvidia’s website instantly.
得益于自动机器人,一群经销商在RTX 3080上的得分领先于普通消费者,该机器人能够立即从Nvidia网站上订购数十个单元。
The resellers have been taking to social media to praise the bot’s creator, Bounce Alerts, a group devoted to helping its members score early access to retail products, such as sneakers, so they can be resold at higher prices.
转销商一直在社交媒体上赞扬该机器人的创造者Bounce Alerts ,该组织致力于帮助其成员获得对运动鞋等零售产品的早期使用权,从而可以更高的价格进行转售。

Based on the social media posts, the bot was able to help one reseller score 42 units of the RTX 3080 from Nvidia’s website before stock ran out. Other resellers tweeted images, showing they managed to successfully place orders for over a dozen units.
根据社交媒体发布的信息,该机器人能够在Nvidia网站上帮助一位经销商从Rvid 30的网站上为RTX 3080的42个单元评分。 其他经销商在推特上发布了图片,显示他们成功地成功订购了十几个单位。
PCMag spoke to an admin of Bounce Alerts, who confirmed the group offered an automated bot to help members purchase the RTX 3080 units on launch day. For $75 a month, members get access to bots and other information to help them quickly buy retail items from companies and resell them.
PCMag与Bounce Alerts的管理员进行了交谈,后者确认该组织提供了一个自动漫游器来帮助会员在发布当天购买RTX 3080。 会员每月只需支付75美元,就可以访问机器人和其他信息,以帮助他们快速从公司购买零售商品并进行转售。
“Our job at Bounce Alerts was to ensure our consumers were able to purchase the product for their needs,” the admin said.
这位管理员说:“我们在Bounce Alerts的工作是确保我们的消费者能够根据自己的需求购买产品。”
A separate member of Bounce Alerts told PCMag the bot works as “an automated script to run basically from the product page to payment information and then to checkout.”
Bounce Alerts的另一名成员告诉PCMag,该机器人的工作原理是“一种自动脚本,基本上从产品页面运行到付款信息,然后到结帐。”

The script would “monitor when the product would go back into stock, and once it got alerted it was back into stock it would check out,” the member said. However, the bot did encounter a challenge: When the RTX 3080 went on sale Thursday morning, Nvidia’s website briefly went down.
该成员说,脚本将“监视产品何时重新投入库存,一旦收到警报,就会重新签入库存。” 但是,该机器人确实遇到了一个挑战:当RTX 3080在周四早上上市销售时,Nvidia的网站短暂瘫痪。
“So whenever the site died, I would have to restart the script and hope for it just to get through on the next one,” the member said, later adding, “We had several members who managed to get one card, all the way to 30 cards or more.”
The member went on to estimate more than 100 people downloaded and used the bot to make orders on Nvidia’s website, nearly all of which will be resold on the secondary market. On eBay, you can already find hundreds of listings for the $699 RTX 3080 card for $1,200 to $2,000 and more.
该成员继续估计有100多人下载并使用该机器人在Nvidia网站上进行了订购,几乎所有这些产品都将在二手市场上转售。 在eBay上,您已经可以找到价格在1200美元至2,000美元甚至更多的699美元RTX 3080卡列表。

In response, Nvidia says it’s going to manually review RTX 3080 orders made from the company’s website to try and filter out the scalpers and bots. Nvidia also told PCMag it does limit each RTX 3080 order per one customer. But BounceAlerts says it’s come up with ways to circumvent the protections.
作为回应,Nvidia表示将手动审查从该公司网站获得的RTX 3080订单,以尝试过滤掉黄牛和机器人。 Nvidia还告诉PCMag,它确实限制了每个客户的每个RTX 3080订单。 但是BounceAlerts说,它想出了一些规避保护措施的方法。
The news may anger PC gamers who failed to buy the card at normal prices. But the admin for Bounce Alerts said consumers should blame the limited supplies on COVID-19 disrupting manufacturing in Asia.
该消息可能激怒未能以正常价格购买该卡的PC游戏玩家。 但是Bounce Alerts的管理员表示,消费者应该将有限的供应量归咎于COVID-19破坏了亚洲的制造业。
“When given [the] chance, I’m sure most people would purchase more than 10+ units if they have the capital and look to make upwards of $25,000+ in one single day from [the] secondary market,” the admin said, later adding: “We hope they’re able to get on the next release!”
So don’t be surprised if a bot ends up buying the RTX 3080 before you when the stock replenishes. There’s a whole underground reseller scene devoted to snatching up the products at a moment’s notice. And according to Bounce Alerts, many people are itching to join their group.
因此,当库存补充时,如果机器人最终在您之前购买了RTX 3080,请不要感到惊讶。 整个地下经销商现场都致力于在瞬间通知下抢购产品。 根据Bounce Alerts的说法,许多人都渴望加入他们的团队。
“Like Nvidia, we’re also a high demand product and we sell out,” the admin for Bounce Alert added. “We have hundreds to thousands of users waiting for us to open the doors to invite more individuals to our group.”
“就像Nvidia一样,我们也是需求量很大的产品,我们卖光了。” Bounce Alert的管理员补充道。 “我们有成百上千的用户在等待我们打开大门,邀请更多个人加入我们的团队。”
Nvidia declined to comment on the activities of Bounce Alerts. But without a fix, many consumers might not be able to purchase the RTX 3080 this holiday season. In the meantime, Newegg says it’s preparing to release more units after running out of stock.
Nvidia拒绝评论Bounce Alerts的活动。 但是,如果没有解决方法,许多消费者可能无法在这个假期购买RTX 3080。 同时,Newegg表示,在缺货之后正准备发布更多的产品。
“Limited inventory sold out in 5 mins,” the retailer tweeted. “Bot protection was in place, orders were human.”
零售商在推特上写道: “有限的库存在5分钟内售罄。” “实施了机器人保护,命令是人为的。”
Editor’s note: This story has been updated to note the user complaints on Nvidia’s forums.
Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.
翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/how-a-bot-bought-dozens-of-rtx-3080-units-before-consumers-could-grab-them-d75c30e34024
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