
2023-11-05 14:10




Important Note: According to the Ubuntu Help:

重要说明 :根据Ubuntu帮助:

Please note – this method is much less reliable. If you use this method, you MUST be prepared to fix problems manually, such as packages being unexpectedly removed. Using Update Manager is likely to be much less problematic.

请注意–此方法可靠性较差。 如果使用此方法,则必须准备好手动解决问题,例如意外删除软件包。 使用Update Manager可能会少很多问题。

Before you read this HowTo, you may want to consider installing using the GUI with Update Manager, which is probably a simpler method for regular users.

在阅读本HowTo之前,您可能需要考虑使用带有Update Manager的GUI进行安装,这对于普通用户而言可能是一种更简单的方法。

If you are a power user, then let’s move on. First, we’ll need to install ubuntu-desktop if it’s not already installed because otherwise there will be a dependencies problem.

如果您是高级用户,那就继续吧。 首先,如果尚未安装ubuntu-desktop,我们将需要安装它,否则会出现依赖关系问题。

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

Now we’ll need to run a command that will change all the occurrences of dapper to edgy in our sources.list file. If you aren’t familiar, sources.list is the file that points to your list of possible upgrades and packages. For windows users, you can think of it as the file that points to Windows Update. Of course, if you are a windows user, you should really install with the Update Manager utility linked above.

现在,我们需要运行一个命令,将我们的sources.list文件中所有出现的dapper更改为edgy。 如果您不熟悉,sources.list是指向您可能的升级和软件包列表的文件。 对于Windows用户,您可以将其视为指向Windows Update的文件。 当然,如果您是Windows用户,则应该使用上面链接的Update Manager实用程序进行安装。

sudo sed -e ‘s/\sdapper/ edgy/g’ -i /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo sed -e's / \ sdapper / edgy / g'-i /etc/apt/sources.list

Now we’ll perform the actual upgrades:


sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

sudo apt-get更新&& sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

The && part of the command means that the second command will run after the first as long as the first command completes successfully.


Now we’ll finish up the upgrade with a few more commands:


sudo apt-get -f install

sudo apt-get -f安装

sudo dpkg –configure -a

sudo dpkg –配置-a

Note that the –configure is actually two dashes. For some reason WordPress makes it look like a single dash. Reboot, and you are all done!

请注意,–configure实际上是两个破折号。 由于某些原因,WordPress使它看起来像一个破折号。 重新启动,一切就完成了!

Note: I’ve seen some notes that this upgrade doesn’t work very well for people running Ubuntu as a Guest in VMWare with VMWare tools installed. I tested it out and came to the same conclusion, no fix as of yet.

注意:我已经注意到一些注意事项,对于在安装了VMWare工具的VMWare中以Guest虚拟机身份运行Ubuntu的用户,此升级效果不佳。 我对其进行了测试,并得出了相同的结论,但目前尚未解决。



If upgrading gives you the error message “failed to load module GLcore”, you will want to run these commands. Thanks for this tip to Biogeek in the comments below.

如果升级后出现错误消息“无法加载模块GLcore”,则您将要运行这些命令。 感谢您在下面的评论中给Biogeek的技巧。

apt-get install xfs apt-get install –reinstall xfonts-base

apt-get install xfs apt-get install –重新安装xfonts-base

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/upgrading-ubuntu-from-dapper-to-edgy-with-apt-get/





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