ag-Grid Enterpris 27.3.0

2023-11-05 12:40
文章标签 grid ag enterpris 27.3

本文主要是介绍ag-Grid Enterpris 27.3.0,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Release 27.3.0

KeyIssue TypeSummary
AG‑6772Bug[Charts] When restoring integrated charts, an exception is thrown because of a version parsing issue
AG‑6762Task[Row Selection] Allow copying selected rows when using range selection and only a single cell is selected
AG‑6760BugWhen using row grouping and groupSelectsChildren=true or tree data and selecting a child row, its parent rows are also unnecessarily selected
AG‑6755BugWhen handling the cellValueChanged event on the column definition and pasting values inside grid cells, the pasteEnd event gets fired before the cellValueChanged event defined in the column definition
AG‑6752BugWhen using row grouping and getRowId callback producing unbalanced groups, setting grid data via rowData property or via setRowData API method produces different row order
AG‑6749BugWhen using row selection and setting enableRangeSelection=true, selecting a single cell copies the row instead
AG‑6746BugWhen using integrated cross-filtering charts, using a valueGetter for a column prevents multiple selection in the chart
AG‑6743Bug[Regression] When using React, ag-full-width-container DOM element is set incorrect aria role="rowgroup"
AG‑6739BugWhen using SSRM and providing an undefined/null/not an array data source to setServerSideDatasource API method, focusing a column header cell and pressing DOWN ARROW key throws an exception
AG‑6738BugWhen using autoHeight and wrapText in print layout, scrolling causes cell content to shift and resize as they are rendered
AG‑6737Bug[Regression] When using React, expanding a group row briefly displays chevrons on the left side of child rows
AG‑6736Bug[Regression] When using tree data, leaf rows display child count number
AG‑6735Bug[Regression] When using tree data, group row children count represents leaf rows instead of all rows
AG‑6733Bug[Regression] When pivoting with multiple value columns, the value column totals are incorrect
AG‑6730BugWhen using multiple row selection and setting suppressRowDeselection=true, pressing SHIFT it's still possible to de-select rows
AG‑6723Task[Updating Data] Add a new property, so that rowData updates never uses immutable data
AG‑6709Bug[Regression] When using React with custom filters in columns which are out of view, custom filter value is reset to initial value
AG‑6704BugWhen using master-detail grid with groupHideOpenParents=true, expanding a master row hides it
AG‑6700BugWhen using React and setting rowClass via state, this doesn't cause a re-rendering of the rows with the new rowClass value
AG‑6698Bug[Regression] When using React with autoHeight and wrapText=true scrolling up from the bottom causes rows to jump up and down
AG‑6693BugWhen using area/pie/doughnut charts and hiding some/all series, hovering the chart area still displays tooltips for the hidden series
AG‑6688BugWhen onRowGroupOpened event is fired, its event property is always undefined (it should contain the browser event)
AG‑6668Bug[Regression] When using range selection, focusing a cell that's initially scrolled out of view horizontally, holding SHIFT key pressed and pressing LEFT ARROW key a few times, only some of the cells are selected
AG‑6647Bug[Charts] Pie charts render initially with the wrong dimensions and then re-render with the correct dimensions
AG‑6641Bug[Regression] When using Windows with a non-Latin keyboard layout, keyboard shortcuts CTRL+C and CTRL+V to copy and paste grid cell values no longer work
AG‑6609Task[Column State] Allow keeping currently selected cell range (range selection) when new Column Definitions are loaded
AG‑6524BugWhen showing a grid with data and a loading overlay, calling setColumnDefs to add columns hides the loading overlay
AG‑6492Task[Events] Add source to sortChanged event
AG‑6367Bug[Regression] When using custom theme colors in the integrated chart and saving state, the custom theme colors aren't restored when state is reloaded
AG‑6239Bug[Regression] When using deltaSort=true and updating cells via a transaction, the rows are not reordered according to the sort, and an exception is thrown
AG‑6207Task[Chart] Allow adjusting the number of axis labels displayed for all continuous axis types (default category, number, time) to prevent axis labels collisions
AG‑6119BugWhen hovering integrated chart legend items, the mouse pointer type remains an arrow instead of a hand pointer
AG‑5629Bug[Regression] When using deltaSort=true and adding rows via a transaction, an exception is thrown
AG‑5263Task[Aggregation] Allow defining a defaultAggFunc for a column to be used when the column is used as a value column
AG‑5243Task[Charts] Allow setting axis label auto rotate to avoid axis label collisions automatically for category/number/time axes
AG‑4392Task[Accessibility] Add aria-label on a column header to announce the keyboard shortcuts for column menu/sorting if column has column menu or is sortable
AG‑4273Task[Accessibility] Allow announcing the expanded/collapsed state of group and master rows (add the ARIA-expanded attribute)
AG‑4223Task[Master/Detail] Allow keyboard navigation in and out of the detail grid (place the detail grid in the DOM order after the master node)
AG‑3559Task[Chart] Allow group category axis labels to be dropped to avoid axis label collisions in integrated and standalone charting
AG‑3241Task[Tree Data] Allow tri-state checkbox group selection in tree data
AG‑2923Task[SSRM] Add the grid context to the IServerSideGetRowsParams in the server-side row model getRows callback
AG‑2883Task[Pivoting] Add option to remove the value header column row if only adding one value to pivoting
AG‑2377Task[Clipboard] Allow copying the focused cell instead of the selected rows
AG‑2174Task[Range Selection] Allow pressing CTRL + SHIFT+ ARROW key to select all cells in the direction of the ARROW key press (just like Excel)

这篇关于ag-Grid Enterpris 27.3.0的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



《CSS3中使用flex和grid实现等高元素布局的示例代码》:本文主要介绍了使用CSS3中的Flexbox和Grid布局实现等高元素布局的方法,通过简单的两列实现、每行放置3列以及全部代码的展示,展示了这两种布局方式的实现细节和效果,详细内容请阅读本文,希望能对你有所帮助... 过往的实现方法是使用浮动加


我们在“LibSVM学习(一)”中,讲到libSVM有一个tools文件夹,里面包含有四个python文件,是用来对参数优选的。其中,常用到的是easy.py和grid.py两个文件。其实,网上也有相应的说明,但很不系统,下面结合本人的经验,对使用方法做个说明。        这两个文件都要用python(可以在http://www.python.org上下载到,需要安装)和绘图工具gnup


讲解代表之前先简单介绍下HF和AG HF(Hands-Free unit)测:是指作为音频网关的远程音频输入和输出机制的设备。它还提供了一些远程控制手段。在蓝牙通信中,HF通常是支持HFP(Hands-Free Profile)协议的设备,例如蓝牙耳机、汽车蓝牙系统等。 AG(Audio Gateway)测:是指作为音频的输入和输出网关的设备。典型的充当音频网关的设备包括手机。 我们这边主要


讲解代表之前先简单介绍下HF和AG HF(Hands-Free unit)测:是指作为音频网关的远程音频输入和输出机制的设备。它还提供了一些远程控制手段。在蓝牙通信中,HF通常是支持HFP(Hands-Free Profile)协议的设备,例如蓝牙耳机、汽车蓝牙系统等。 AG(Audio Gateway)测:是指作为音频的输入和输出网关的设备。典型的充当音频网关的设备包括手机。 我们这边主要

extjs 获取grid的选中行的某列的值

我的情景是这样的:一个grid(就叫gridA吧),最后一列的每行都是超链接,点击超链接时会弹出一个窗体,这个窗体也需要一个grid(gridB)展示,并且呢,gridB所需的数据需要gridA里的某列的值(把这个列叫做Param)作为参数。于是就产生了点击gridA的某行的超链接,获取该行的Param列的值这样的需求。 不知道为什么,我用var param=this.grid..getSe

Extjs Grid 根据列的值(0或者1)显示“是或否”

grid中:{header:'是否解析',dataIndex:'isExplain',align:'center',sortable: true,renderer:isResend}, 写一个函数: function isResend(data, metadata, record){ var resend; if({resend="否";


Grid(命名为BasicGrid)中定义了 = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel();。表示一列checkBox。 情景:上面Grid所在的窗口弹出之后,选择一项(我这里是只选一项)点击确定之后关闭该窗口。当需要再次弹出该窗口时,把刚刚已经选择的那一项打上勾。下面是方法:我是写在弹出该窗口的方法中的。


讲解代表之前先简单介绍下HF和AG HF(Hands-Free unit)测:是指作为音频网关的远程音频输入和输出机制的设备。它还提供了一些远程控制手段。在蓝牙通信中,HF通常是支持HFP(Hands-Free Profile)协议的设备,例如蓝牙耳机、汽车蓝牙系统等。 AG(Audio Gateway)测:是指作为音频的输入和输出网关的设备。典型的充当音频网关的设备包括手机。 我们这边主要


讲解代表之前先简单介绍下HF和AG HF(Hands-Free unit)测:是指作为音频网关的远程音频输入和输出机制的设备。它还提供了一些远程控制手段。在蓝牙通信中,HF通常是支持HFP(Hands-Free Profile)协议的设备,例如蓝牙耳机、汽车蓝牙系统等。 AG(Audio Gateway)测:是指作为音频的输入和输出网关的设备。典型的充当音频网关的设备包括手机。 我们这边主要


在公共css中添加如下: .ui-grid-cell-contents-break { padding: 5px; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; height: 100%; word-break: break