


Unity is closing the gap by making AR easy to integrate with web and app experiences, and by eliminating technical and cost barriers.
Each year, the brightest minds in the creative world come together for a week of networking, knowledge-sharing, and learning at Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

This week, Unity will be attending Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity for the second time.


Each year, the brightest minds in the creative world come together for a week of networking, knowledge-sharing, and learning. The festival is all about the future of creative storytelling and understanding how brands can reach and engage consumers with the newest technology.

每年,创意世界中最聪明的人都会聚在一起,进行一周的联网,知识共享和学习。 该节日的主题是创意叙事的未来,以及了解品牌如何通过最新技术吸引并吸引消费者。

At the festival, we are showcasing how Unity, the world’s most widely used creation platform, can give brands and marketing agencies, the tools they need to create, reach and captivate their audiences.


One of the hottest technologies that consumers and brands are actively excited about is augmented reality (AR), and more specifically, AR for advertising and marketing. Many creatives see this as one of the most powerful ways to get a brand’s message directly to key audiences.

消费者和品牌积极兴奋的最热门技术之一是增强现实(AR),更具体地说,是用于广告和营销的AR。 许多创意者将其视为将品牌信息直接传达给主要受众的最有效方法之一。

In anticipation for Cannes this year, we surveyed 1000 creatives within advertising and marketing to gauge a better understanding on their comfort level, technical competency, and enthusiasm towards AR, including what it means for the future of storytelling. And what we found was very telling…

为了迎接今年的戛纳电影节,我们对广告和营销领域的1000名创意者进行了调查,以更好地了解他们的舒适度,技术能力和对AR的热情,包括对讲故事的未来意味着什么。 我们发现非常有说服力...

我们学到了什么 (What we learned)

The key takeaway is that consumer demand for AR marketing is growing faster than brands are able to keep up. Additionally, according to the survey results, creatives see technical challenges as their number one barrier to success.

关键要点是,消费者对AR营销的需求增长速度快于品牌的增长速度。 此外,根据调查结果,创意者将技术挑战视为成功的第一大障碍。

When we asked respondents:


“What obstacles do you come across when marketing AR campaigns to consumers?”, lack of knowledge on how to use AR and technical challenges were the top two answers.

“向消费者推销增强现实活动时遇到什么障碍?” ,缺乏关于如何使用AR的知识和技术挑战是头两个答案。

Similarly, when we asked respondents “If you implemented AR in advertising, what challenges did you face?”, cost and technical challenges were the top two answers.

同样,当我们问受访者时:“ 如果您在广告中实施了增强现实,您将面临哪些挑战? ”,成本和技术挑战是头两个答案。

But it was clear that AR is not going anywhere. When we asked respondents “What is the likelihood that you’ll be considering an AR campaign in the next 12 months?”, only 19% of people said that were not likely to. That means almost half of all respondents know AR will be part of their plans in the next year.

但是很明显,AR不会走到任何地方。 当我们问受访者时: “在接下来的12个月中,您将考虑进行一次AR活动的可能性是多少?” ,只有19%的人表示不太可能。 这意味着几乎一半的受访者都知道AR将在明年成为其计划的一部分。

We also found more than half of the respondents see increased client demand for incorporating AR ads into their campaigns. Additionally, the majority of respondents (78.4%) felt positive about AR’s use in advertising.

我们还发现,超过一半的受访者认为,将AR广告纳入其广告系列的客户需求在增加。 此外,大多数受访者(78.4%)对AR在广告中的使用持积极态度。

So, overall, what does this tell us? Well, it was very encouraging.

那么,总的来说,这告诉我们什么? 好吧,这非常令人鼓舞。

We believe there’s an opportunity to educate marketers and creatives on the simple, powerful, and robust tools and services that Unity has to help create rich, interactive experiences.


您今天可以使用的AR技术 (AR technology you can use today)

As a way to help close this gap, we’re announcing two exciting new products to make building AR experiences even easier.


  • Responsive AR Ads


Responsive AR Ads, announced today, are an approach to ad units that give more control to the user, giving them the option to interact with rich content.


It starts as a 3D-rendered ad unit and gives users the option to enhance their experience if they choose to. Not only does this give more control to the user, but this avoids brands having to use an unengaging fallback experience for their ads because the 3D ad unit is rich and interactive.

它以3D渲染的广告单元开始,如果用户愿意,可以为用户提供增强体验的选项。 这不仅可以为用户提供更多控制权,而且可以避免品牌因其3D广告单元丰富且具有交互性而不得不为其广告使用无懈可击的后备体验。

It’s the perfect segway into making users more comfortable with AR ads. This provides brands a friendlier, less intimidating way of inserting AR technology within ad campaigns.  

这是使用户更熟悉AR广告的完美之路。 这为品牌提供了一种更友好,更轻松的将AR技术插入广告系列的方式。

  • Use Unity as a library


The ability to use Unity as a library, announced just yesterday, allows brands that are developing native apps for iOS, Android or Windows to add AR functionality from Unity into their apps without having to rebuild their apps from scratch or to hack together their own unsupported solution, saving tons of time and energy.


In addition to these two tools, we announced AR Foundation earlier this year, a purpose-built development framework that enables developers to build AR apps and deploy across both iOS and Android.

除了这两种工具,我们还在 今年早些时候 宣布了 AR Foundation ,这是一个专用的开发框架,使开发人员能够构建AR应用程序并在iOS和Android上进行部署。

Here’s a tutorial video from GDC 2019 that shows you how to use Lightweight Render Pipeline and our AR Foundation package to achieve amazing AR results:

这是GDC 2019的教程视频,向您展示如何使用轻量级渲染管道和我们的AR Foundation软件包来实现惊人的AR结果:


Excited to get started on building incredible AR experiences? Check out these resources to get started:

兴奋地开始构建令人难以置信的AR体验? 查看这些资源以开始使用:

  • How to create AR games in Unity more efficiently


  • Unity’s solutions for brands and agencies


  • AR Foundation docs

    AR Foundation文档

  • AR & VR marketing webinar


  • Add features powered by Unity to native mobile apps







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题意:求一个序列经过一定的操作得到的序列的最小逆序数 这题会用到逆序数的一个性质,在0到n-1这些数字组成的乱序排列,将第一个数字A移到最后一位,得到的逆序数为res-a+(n-a-1) 知道上面的知识点后,可以用暴力来解 代码如下: #include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<cstring>#include<stack>#in


两种操作:1、set区间[a,b]上数字为v;2、查询[ 1 , n ]上的sum 代码如下: #include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<cstring>#include<stack>#include<queue>#include<set>#include<map>#include<stdio.h>#include<stdl

hdu 1754 I Hate It(线段树,单点更新,区间最值)

题意是求一个线段中的最大数。 线段树的模板题,试用了一下交大的模板。效率有点略低。 代码: #include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#define TREE_SIZE (1 << (20))//const int TREE_SIZE = 200000 + 10;int max(int a, int b){return a > b ? a :


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