NASA EOS分布式数据存档中心包括:
- 阿拉斯加卫星研究室分布式数据存档中心(ASF DAAC)
- GSFC地球科学数据信息服务中心分布式数据存档中心(GESDISCDACC)
- 全球水资源中心分布式数据存档中心(GHRC DAAC)
- 陆面过程资料分布式数据存档中心(LP DAAC)
- 兰利大气科学资料分布式数据存档中心(LaRC DAAC)
- 国家冰雪资料中心分布式数据存档中心(NSIDC DAAC)
- 橡树岭国家实验室分布式数据存档中心(ORNL DAAC)
- 海洋物理学分布式数据存档中心(PO DAAC)
- 社会经济学数据与应用中心(SEDAC)
3.1 ORNL DAAC Americanflux site modis LAI产品下载网址
(1) MCD14A3H-4day数据产品质量说明
(2) MOD09A1产品说明
(3) NASA MODIS (MCD15A3H v6)反演算法The radiative transfer model is based on photon transfer theory and takes into account clumping at plant and canopy level (but not shoot clumping for pines). This makes the retrieved values more comparable to ‘true LAI’ rather than ‘effective LAI’.
3.2 常用遥感LAI产品及其反演算法
[1] 《Xie, Xinyao, et al. “Assessment of five satellite-derived LAI datasets for GPP estimations through ecosystem models.” Science of The Total Environment 690 (2019): 1120-1130.》
[2] 《叶面积指数的遥感定量方法综述》link
光学模型建立的基础是植被的非朗伯体特性,即植被对太阳光短波辐射的散射具有各项异性,反映在遥感上就是从地表反射回天空的太阳辐射和卫星观测的结果很大程度上依赖于太阳角和卫星观测角的关系,这种双向反射特性可以用双向反射率分布函数(BI-DIRECTIOAL REFLECTANCE DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION,BRDF)来定量表示,这就给LAI定向模型的创造提供了理论契机。光学模型就是基于植被的BRDF,它是建立在辐射传输模型基础上的一种模型,具有物理基础,不依赖植被的具体类型或背景环境的变化,因此具有普适性。
- 王培娟 link
- 戴永久PPT link
- 梁顺林
[1] LAI的定义和测量方法《Use of General Regression Neural Networks for Generating the GLASS Leaf Area Index Product From Time-Series MODIS Surface Reflectance》
1.1 真实叶面积和有效叶面积
Leaf area index (LAI), defined as one half of the total green leaf area per unit of horizontal ground surface area [1], is often called true LAI. The true LAI multiplied by the clumping index is termed effective LAI [2].
1.2 测量方法
-There are currently two main types of methods for retrieving LAI from satellite data: empirical methods and physical methods.
1.3 方法1 经验法
The empirical methods are based on statistical relationships between LAI and spectral vegetation indexes, which are calibrated for distinct vegetation types using field measurements of LAI and reflectance data recorded by a remote sensor or simulations from canopy radiation models [3].
Sellers et al. [4] retrieved LAI from Fourier Adjusted, Solar zenith angle correction, Interpolation, and Reconstruction of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data using empirical relationships derived from available field surveys.
Based on radiative transfer simulations and field surveys, Myneni et al. [5] derived biome-specific LAI–NDVI relationships and generated the corresponding LAI data sets from Pathfinder AVHRR Land and Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies NDVI data.
Chen et al. [6] derived Canada-wide time series of LAI from AVHRR and SPOT-Vegetation data using the land-cover-specific SR–LAI and RSR–LAI relationships.
These empirical methods are computationally efficient in operating with a large amount of data, but they do not exploit the full spectral-directional information conveyed by the radiometric signal [7].
1.4 方法2 物理法
The physical methods are based on the inversion of canopy radiative transfer models through iterative minimization of a cost function [8], [9] or other methods.
Because the model-inversion methods can be adjusted for a wide range of situations [10], radiative transfer models are increasingly used in the inverse mode to estimate LAI from remotely sensed data. However, inversion techniques based on iterative minimization of a cost function require hundreds of runs of the canopy radiative transfer model for each pixel; therefore, they are computationally too demanding [10].
- (1)For operational applications, look-up tables (LUTs) and artificial neural networks (ANNs) are two popular inversion techniques that are based on a pre-computed reflectance database.
(2)The LUT methods consist of determining the distribution of pre-computed canopy realizations that minimize a given misfit function with respect to the observations. Based on the radiative-transfer-model-based LUT, Myneni et al. [11] developed an operational algorithm to retrieve LAI from Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, and global LAI products have been generated from Terra and Aqua MODIS data with this algorithm since 2000.
(3) ANNs are well known for their good performance in classification and function approximation. They are very efficient from a computational point of view, which is particularly important for operational applications with a long time series of global data. Currently, neural networks are increasingly being used for the estimation of LAI from remotely sensed data [3], [12]. Fang and Liang [13] demonstrated a neural network algorithm for retrieving LAI from the Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus surface reflectance and TOA radiance. Bacour et al. [8] developed an operational algorithm based on neural networks to estimate LAI, fAPAR, fCover, and LAI ×Cab from MERIS top-of-canopy observations. Baret et al. [14] developed an algorithm for generating LAI, fAPAR, and fCover estimates from VEGETATION observations based on training neural networks with SAIL +PROSPECT radiative transfer model simulations for each biophysical variable. Verger et al. [15] evaluated the performance of a neural network approach to estimating LAI from CYCLOPES and MODIS nadir-normalized reflectance and LAI products. The neural networks were trained with the LAI products from one sensor and the reflectance from another.
1.5 MODIS LAI反演算法
(1)主要算法和备用算法 The MODIS LAI retrieval algorithm includes a main algorithm and a backup algorithm. When the main algorithm fails, the backup algorithm is used to estimate LAI from biome-specific LAI–NDVI relationship.
(2)MODISLAI是真实叶面积 The MODIS LAI retrieval algorithm accounts for vegetation clumping at the canopy and plant (shoot) scales through 3-D radiative transfer formulations. Since the clumping values at landscape scale is not gathered as a function of biomes, it is partly addressed via mechanisms based on the radiative transfer theory of canopy spectral invariants in the MODIS LAI retrieval algorithm [22], [25]. Therefore, the MODIS LAI retrieval algorithm provides a true LAI.
- 陈镜明
[1] 《Leaf area index of boreal forests: Theory, techniques, and measurements》