Linux File System brief intro

2023-11-04 01:58
文章标签 linux system file intro brief

本文主要是介绍Linux File System brief intro,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

What is a File?

File are collection of data items stored on disk. Or, it’s device which can store the information, data, music (mp3 files), picture, movie, sound, book etc. In fact what ever you store in computer it must be inform of file. Files are always associated with devices like hard disk ,floppy disk etc. File is the last object in your file system tree. See Linux/UNIX – rules for naming file and directory names.

What is a directory?

Directory is group of files. Directory is divided into two types:

  • Root directory – Strictly speaking, there is only one root directory in your system, which is denoted by / (forward slash). It is root of your entire file system and can not be renamed or deleted.
  • Sub directory – Directory under root (/) directory is subdirectory which can be created, renamed by the user.

Directories are used to organize your data files, programs more efficiently.

Linux supports numerous file system types

  • Ext2: This is like UNIX file system. It has the concepts of blocks, inodes and directories.
  • Ext3: It is ext2 filesystem enhanced with journalling capabilities. Journalling allows fast file system recovery. Supports POSIX ACL (Access Control Lists).
  • Isofs (iso9660): Used by CDROM file system.
  • Sysfs: It is a ram-based filesystem initially based on ramfs. It is use to exporting kernel objects so that end user can use it easily.
  • Procfs: The proc file system acts as an interface to internal data structures in the kernel. It can be used to obtain information about the system and to change certain kernel parameters at runtime using sysctl command. For example you can find out cpuinfo with following command:

# cat /proc/cpuinfo

  • Or you can enable or disable routing/forwarding of IP packets between interfaces with following command:

# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

  • NFS: Network file system allows many users or systems to share the same files by using a client/server methodology. NFS allows sharing all of the above file system.
  • Linux also supports Microsoft NTFS, vfat, and many other file systems. See Linux kernel source tree Documentation/filesystem directory for list of all supported filesystem.

You can find out what type of file systems currently mounted with mount command:
$ mount
$ cat /proc/mounts

What is a UNIX/Linux File system?

A UNIX file system is a collection of files and directories stored. Each file system is stored in a separate whole disk partition. The following are a few of the file system:

  • / – Special file system that incorporates the files under several directories including /dev, /sbin, /tmp etc
  • /usr – Stores application programs
  • /var – Stores log files, mails and other data
  • /tmp – Stores temporary files

See The importance of Linux partitions for more information.

But what is in a File system?

Again file system divided into two categories:

  • User data – stores actual data contained in files
  • Metadata – stores file system structural information such as superblock, inodes, directories

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