
2023-11-01 22:30



One of our Scrum teams had been asking us for support: Could one of us ‘Agile coaches’ come and help the team? Perhaps by joining their Scrum events? I was unfamiliar with most of the team members, the team’s history, and their product. My challenge was to help a team in need of which I knew almost nothing. Together we decided that I would facilitate their next Retrospective, in two weeks.

我们的一个Scrum团队一直在向我们寻求支持:我们其中的“敏捷教练”可以来帮助团队吗? 也许参加他们的Scrum活动? 我不熟悉大多数团队成员,团队的历史及其产品。 我的挑战是帮助一支我几乎一无所知的团队。 我们共同决定,我将在两周内为他们的下一次回顾展提供便利。

Since I was new to the team, all insight and knowledge could only come from the team itself. My contribution would be to facilitate that process for the team. This made me decide to use Liberating Structures. With Liberating Structures there is no need to know the specific context or to provide specific input as a facilitator. This I had learned while using Liberating Structures in training sessions with larger groups. After this decision, all the necessary preparations were done. Everything would have to start from scratch at the beginning of our retrospective. Let’s see how that worked out.

自从我刚加入团队以来,所有洞察力和知识只能来自团队本身。 我的贡献是为团队促进这一过程。 这使我决定使用Liberation Structures 。 使用Liberation Structures不需要知道特定的上下文或提供特定的输入作为促进者。 我在与大型团体的培训课程中使用“解放结构”时学到了这一点。 做出此决定后,所有必要的准备工作都已完成。 在回顾的开始,一切都必须从头开始。 让我们看看如何解决。

We started our Sprint Retrospective by watching this video fragment from the TV series ‘Silicon Valley’. It shows a group of software developers trying Scrum for the first time in a very cringe-worthy but humorous way:

我们通过观看此视频开始了Sprint回顾展 电视连续剧“ 硅谷 ”的视频片段。 它显示了一群软件开发人员以一种非常有价值但幽默的方式首次尝试Scrum:



After watching this, I asked the team to become the writers of the show. Could they find ways to make the Scrum implementation, the team member’s behaviors, the situation, and the environment look even more ridiculous, ineffective, hostile, counter-productive, dramatic, bad, self-sabotaging, evil or insidious? What would be fun to put in the script for the next episode? With this, I had lured the team into the first phase of a TRIZ, one of many Liberating Structures. As I expected, this turned out to be a very creative and fun exercise.

看完之后,我要求团队成为节目的作者。 他们是否可以找到使Scrum实施,团队成员的行为,状况和环境看起来更加荒谬,无效,敌对,适得其反,戏剧性,不良,自我破坏,邪恶或阴险的方法? 在下一集中将脚本放入脚本中会有什么乐趣? 以此,我吸引了团队进入TRIZ的第一阶段,这是许多解放组织中的一个。 如我所料,这是非常有创意和有趣的练习。

Going into this first phase, our team was now a creative writing team for a TV show. From this position, the team members were able to suggest many (often hilarious) anti-patterns, anti-behaviors, and adverse situations of a fictitious Scrum team. There was much laughter during these 10 minutes (the typical duration of a 1–2–4-All, another Liberating Structure).

进入第一阶段,我们的团队现已成为电视节目的创作团队。 通过这个职位,团队成员能够提出虚拟 Scrum团队的许多(通常是热闹的)反模式,反行为和不利情况。 在这10分钟内,有很多笑声( 1–2–4–All ,另一个解放结构的典型持续时间)。

Continuing our Retrospective, we discussed and collected the best two or three TV script ideas and posted them on the wall. By now I observed that the team members had awakened their creativity, and had generated many destructive behaviors and unwanted results, because of the safe (fictional) setting. Next up would be the tougher phase of our TRIZ exercise.

继续进行回顾,我们讨论并收集了最好的两三个电视剧本创意,并将它们张贴在墙上。 到现在为止,我发现由于安全(虚构)环境,团队成员已经唤醒了他们的创造力,并产生了许多破坏性行为和不良结果。 下一步将是我们TRIZ练习的艰难阶段。

In this phase, we were going to look inward and take a more personal perspective. I explained that this might be ‘a bit less fun’, and more confrontational. The goal for the team members was again to find anti-patterns, ‘bad’ behaviors, and adverse situations, but this time specifically those in which they were currently and personally involved.

在此阶段,我们将向内看,并采取更个人化的观点。 我解释说,这可能会“少一点乐趣”,而更具对抗性。 团队成员的目标再次是寻找反模式,“不良”行为和不利情况,但这一次特别是他们当前和个人参与的模式。

Again, we used the 1–2–4-All structure. Its strongly guided and small-steps nature enabled the team members to ‘just start’ with this difficult, introspective part. As expected, about 10 minutes later we had gathered 2 actual problems, situations, or behaviors in which the team was currently engaged. Both of which the team would love to eliminate.

同样,我们使用1–2–4-All结构。 它严格的指导和小步骤的性质使团队成员可以“开始”这个困难的,自省的部分。 正如预期的那样,大约10分钟后,我们收集了团队当前参与的2个实际问题,情况或行为。 团队都希望消除这两种情况。

I told them that they had done a tremendous job so far. They had used their collective insights to find the 2 most important areas where improvement was desired. They found unwanted behaviors or situations to stop or eliminate. We could now focus on how to do just that, and find ways to reach better results.

我告诉他们,到目前为止,他们做得很出色。 他们利用集体的见解找到了需要改进的两个最重要领域。 他们发现需要停止或消除的不良行为或情况。 现在,我们可以专注于如何做到这一点,并找到达到更好结果的方法。

As we continued, we quickly chose the first topic to address. Here I instructed the team to think about personal, actionable, small steps each could take, to stop our unwanted situation or behavior. By now, the group had become accustomed to the 1–2–4-All process and things became easier. I could just say “You know the drill, one minute individually, Go.”

随着我们的继续,我们很快选择了第一个要解决的主题。 在这里,我指示团队考虑每个人可以采取的个人,可操作的小步骤,以制止我们不想要的情况或行为。 到现在为止,该小组已经习惯了1–2–4-All过程,事情变得更容易了。 我可以说:“您知道演习,每次一分钟,开始。”

Ten minutes later, as the timer alarm chimed, the team had found the 2 most important simple actions with which to tackle their number one problem. We were almost an hour into the session at this point. I had anticipated a 10-minute break around this time, which was welcomed by the team and used to get coffee or fresh air and to clear the mind.

十分钟后,当计时器警报响起时,团队发现了两个最重要的简单动作来解决他们的头号难题。 此时我们已经接近一个小时了。 我原本预计这段时间会有10分钟的休息时间,这受到团队的欢迎,并用来喝咖啡或新鲜空气并打消头脑。

After the break was over, we decided to tackle the next problem on our list. The team was still full of energy and we had plenty of time left. We found more actions and small steps for the second problem. By now we were done with the 1–2–4-All processes, to some relief of the team.

休息结束后,我们决定解决清单上的下一个问题。 团队仍然充满活力,我们还有很多时间。 对于第二个问题,我们发现了更多的措施和较小的步骤。 到现在为止,我们已经完成了1-2–4所有流程,这为团队减轻了一些负担。

What followed was a lively group discussion. We were looking at all our stickies and writings on the whiteboard, discussing different approaches and new ideas. After a while, I suggested to take one actionable step and make it an item in the next Sprint. We discussed what the desired outcome would look like. We then agreed that we would evaluate their experiment in the next Retrospective. We had reached our 2-hour time box and decided to end the session.

随后进行了热烈的小组讨论。 我们在白板上查看了所有粘滞便笺和著作,讨论了不同的方法和新想法。 一段时间后,我建议采取一个可行的步骤,并将其作为下一个Sprint的项目。 我们讨论了预期的结果。 然后,我们同意在下一次回顾展中评估他们的实验。 我们已经达到了2小时的时间,决定结束会议。

事后思考 (Afterthoughts)

I never had to tell the team about the existence of Liberating Structures and what they are, to make this work. I merely guided them into the timeboxes of 1–2–4-All for a few times. Saying things like: “Think of this individually for 1 minute. Form pairs and discuss such for 2 minutes”. An upfront explanation was not required.

为了使这项工作有效,我无需向团队介绍Liberation Structures的存在及其含义。 我只是几次将它们引导到1–2-4–All的时间框中。 这样说:“单独思考1分钟。 结对并讨论2分钟”。 不需要预先说明。

The 1–2–4-All structure became familiar to people once they had experienced it a few times. I also noticed when one person recognized it immediately from another training session I had used it in.

人们经历了几次之后,就会熟悉1–2–4 –全部结构。 我还注意到当有人从我使用过的另一培训课程中立即认出它时。

What I also saw is that when the ‘process’ part of a problem-solving exercise becomes very obvious or simple or lightweight, it becomes automatic and disappears from consciousness. Thus leaving more attention for the problem solving itself. Many other benefits of Liberating Structures were observed as well.

我还看到的是,当解决问题的练习的“过程”部分变得非常明显,简单或轻巧时,它就会自动出现并从意识中消失。 因此,更多的注意力放在了解决问题上。 还观察到了解放结构的许多其他好处。

During the discussion at the end, the approach of our main improvement action was completely changed, due to the newly gained insights, heightened creativity, and the fact that we took some time to reflect after the exercise. I see this discussion part, which lasted 20 to 30 minutes, as an important part of the Retrospective. A free discussion was feasible since our group size was that of a Scrum Team. This is where the really creative ideation took place towards the end of our session.

在最后的讨论中,由于新获得的见识,增强的创造力以及我们在练习后花了一些时间来反思这一事实,我们主要改进措施的方法已完全改变。 我认为讨论持续了20至30分钟,是回顾会议的重要组成部分。 自由讨论是可行的,因为我们的团队规模是Scrum团队的大小。 这是我们会议结束时真正富有创意的想法所在。

By assuming nothing specific about a team’s context when going in, this form of Retrospective could easily be re-used with other teams. I’m already thinking of different TV series or topics to use for the next time I might try this. For instance, I could show a scene of let’s say, Star Trek, where the crew is interacting on the ship’s bridge. Then, again with a TRIZ, we could create more Star Trek crew dysfunctions or behaviors and later translate to the team’s actual situation again. Given the simple, practical approach of facilitating with Liberating Structures, you could easily try these with your own teams.

通过在进入团队时没有假设任何特定的背景,这种形式的追溯可以很容易地与其他团队一起使用。 我已经在考虑下一次要尝试的其他电视连续剧或主题。 例如,我可以展示一个场景,比如说《星际迷航》,在该场景中,船员正在船桥上进行互动。 然后,再次使用TRIZ,我们可以制造更多的《星际迷航》剧组人员的机能障碍或行为,然后再转换为团队的实际情况。 使用简化结构的简单实用方法,您可以轻松地与自己的团队一起尝试这些方法。

资源资源 (Resources)

Liberating Structures, TRIZ, 1–2–4-All

自由结构 , TRIZ , 1–2-4–全部

This video with Erica Henson helped me in my preparations and convinced me that using a TRIZ exercise with a Scrum team could work.

埃里卡·亨森 ( Erica Henson)的 这段视频为我的准备工作提供了帮助,并说服我相信与Scrum团队一起使用TRIZ练习可以奏效。

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Do you want to write for Serious Scrum or seriously discuss Scrum? 您要为《严重的Scrum》撰写文章还是认真讨论Scrum?

翻译自: https://medium.com/serious-scrum/a-first-contact-retrospective-silicon-valley-style-998ef7ac6952




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