本文主要是介绍删除Adobe Reader 8中的消息“正在准备阅读文档时请稍候”,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
This has been frustrating me for a while, ever since I got a new laptop with Adobe Reader 8 pre-installed on it. Every single time I open a PDF, no matter what size, I have to wait for the “Content Preparation Progress” dialog that tells me the document is being prepared for reading. I’m prepared to read the document, why isn’t my computer?
自从我有一台预装了Adobe Reader 8的新笔记本电脑以来,这一直让我感到沮丧。 每次打开PDF时,无论大小如何,我都必须等待“内容准备进度”对话框,该对话框告诉我正在准备阅读文档。 我已经准备好阅读文档,为什么我的计算机没有?

To remove this message, just open up the following folder, making sure you adjust the path if you installed to a different location:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins
C:\ Program Files \ Adobe \ Reader 8.0 \ Reader \ plug_ins
You should see a file called Accessibility.api in that folder. Remove the file… you can delete it or just move it somewhere else.
您应该在该文件夹中看到一个名为Accessibility.api的文件。 删除文件...您可以删除它,也可以将其移动到其他地方。

Now the next time you use Adobe Reader, you might get this one-time message. Just make sure you check the box, and it will go away forever.
现在,下次使用Adobe Reader时,您可能会收到此一次性消息。 只要确保选中该框,它就会永远消失。

And that’s all you have to do. No more annoying dialogs. Of course, you should be using Foxit Reader instead of Adobe anyway.
这就是您要做的。 不再有烦人的对话框。 当然,无论如何,您应该使用Foxit Reader而不是Adobe。
Thanks for this tip goes to ArsGeek, which is a great site for some really geeky content. He’s had some great Ubuntu articles over the last year.
感谢您提供的技巧,这是ArsGeek的一个很好的网站,它包含一些令人讨厌的内容。 去年,他有一些很棒的Ubuntu文章。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/remove-please-wait-while-the-document-is-being-prepared-for-reading-message-in-adobe-reader-8/
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