Video games propose a thousand ways to be. We live, we breathe, we dream the experiences they gift to us — either across an eight-hour campaign as the titular hero or through months as an alter ego in massively-multiplayer world.
视频 游戏提出了千种方式。 我们生活,呼吸,梦想着他们赋予我们的体验-既是名义上的英雄,历时8个小时,又有几个月的时间,在大型多人游戏世界中,是另一种自我。
Become what you want, when you want. Become a beefed-up supercop that chases green orbs across a darkened cityscape, or a bow-wielding hunter that slays giant mechanical dinosaurs. Become a near-infinite wardrobe of things to wear, with each choice saying just as much about us as the real decisions we make — simply because there’s so much to do and so much to be.
随时随地成为您想要的东西 。 成为在黑暗的城市景观中追逐绿色球体的强壮超级警察,或者成为杀死巨型机械恐龙的挥弓猎人。 成为东西接近无限衣柜磨损,每个选择只说出尽可能多的了解我们,因为我们做真正的决定-仅仅是因为有这么多的活动和那么多要 。
If reality’s palette spans a thousands colours, then video games span a million — a palette not shackled by the constraints of day-to-day life. We can blend those colours to create an identity that’s truly distinct from the person sitting next to us at relatively little cost.
如果现实的调色板跨越了数千种颜色,那么视频游戏就跨越了上百万种-调色板不受日常生活的束缚。 我们可以将这些颜色混合在一起,从而以相对较低的成本创建与坐在我们旁边的人真正不同的身份。
We spend countless hours in these virtual worlds, too — effectively forging multiverse versions of ourselves. You’re a fighter, a skater, a soldier: each its own alternate lived life, if only fleetingly. And when those identities inevitably die, those memories, those feelings, become part of the baggage we carry — they become part of the soundtrack to our lives.
我们也在这些虚拟世界中花费了无数的时间-有效地打造了自己的多宇宙版本。 您是一名战士,一名溜冰者,一名士兵:每个人都有自己的另一种生活,即使只是短暂而已。 当这些身份不可避免地消亡时,那些记忆,那些情感就成为了我们随身携带的行李的一部分,它们成为了我们生活中音乐的一部分 。
If reality’s palette spans a thousands colours, then video games span a million — a palette not shackled by the constraints of day-to-day life.
Talk of that song by that band in that summer might now be replaced by talk of that game on that console in that winter. These virtual experiences evoke feelings so powerful they score time like a composer scores a scene. More scenes come and go — each with their own video game backdrop.
那个夏天那个乐队在谈论那首歌,现在可能会被那个冬天那个控制台上的那个游戏在谈论。 这些虚拟的体验唤起了如此强大的感觉,以至于他们像作曲家为场景评分一样为时间评分。 更多的场景来去去去-每个场景都有自己的视频游戏背景。
It’s a perspective that frames remakes as more than just cynical cash grabs — transforming them into emotional time machines that return us to a point our soundtracks were at their best. That Spyro remake might take you to a time when a loved one was alive or a high-school romance was in full swing — the very presence of that game fossilising that association forever.
从这种角度来看,框架重制不只是玩世不恭的现金获取-可以将它们转变为情感时光机,使我们回到音轨达到最佳状态的程度。 Spyro重制版可能会带您到一个亲人还活着或一场高中恋情如火如荼的时代-该游戏的存在永远使这种联想僵化。
It also speaks to something many of us might be afraid to admit: some of the most memorable moments of our lives were sat in front of a screen. That’s really what they are, of course: memories. We don’t remember playing a game or holding a controller — we remember doing it. We remember how it felt to be there.
它也说明了我们许多人可能不敢承认的事情:我们一生中最难忘的时刻坐在屏幕前。 当然,它们实际上就是它们: 记忆 。 我们不记得玩游戏或拿着控制器, 而是记得自己做。 我们记得在那里的感觉。
But it’s not clear we can make that admission without judgement or prejudice about how we spend our lives — it’s not clear that we can make that admission without the assumption our real lives are somehow deficient. But that admission is simply the reveal of an alternative timeline in our lives that’s hidden from view. One that’s rich, varied, and feels real.
但尚不清楚我们能否在不对自己的生活方式有任何判断或偏见的情况下进行录取—尚不清楚我们是否能在不假设我们的实际生活存在某种不足的情况下进行录取。 但是,这种承认仅仅是我们生活中另类时间表的揭示,而这些时间表是我们看不到的。 一种丰富,多样且真实的感觉 。
That Spyro remake might take you to a time when a loved one was alive or a high-school romance was in full swing — the very presence of that game fossilising that association forever.
To consciously step away from that experience can also be a marker of growth. The departure from a game or games can say just as much about our lives. It can mark a tremendous milestone for some, as their worlds expand far beyond the pixels and polygons of a digital reality — into new relationships, new hobbies and new realms of well-being.
有意识地摆脱这种经历也可能是成长的标志。 一个游戏或多个游戏的偏离可以说明我们的生活。 对于某些人来说,这可能标志着一个巨大的里程碑,因为他们的世界已经远远超出了数字现实的像素和多边形—进入了新的关系,新的爱好和幸福的新境界。
For others it can score the contraction or collapse of their world, marking a time they felt forced into a make-believe one. Video games score the ebb and flow — the euphoric highs and desperate lows — of life.
对于另一些人来说,它可以评估他们世界的收缩或崩溃,标志着他们被迫陷入虚假的时代。 电子游戏为生活的潮起潮落-欣喜的高潮和绝望的低谷。
But they’re also a history, a tapestry in microcosm. Digital profiles document a small, personal slice of our timelines — with every achievement, every victory, forever recorded in the tome of some distant server. Your would-be child might one day see what you played in your teenage years, revealing a snippet of your tastes and personality back then. They can rewind your soundtrack long after it’s come to an end.
但它们也是历史,是微观的挂毯。 数字档案记录了我们时间表中的一小部分个人信息-每一项成就,每一次胜利,都永远记录在某些远程服务器的书册中。 您可能的孩子也许有一天会看到您十几岁的时候所玩的游戏, 那时候会透露出您的品味和个性片段。 他们可以在您的配乐结束很长时间后倒带。
These profiles record our soundtracks, preserving what we did — and who we became. As we grow, our so-called video game soundtracks change with us. A youth marked by the fierce competition later replaced by the slower, more thoughtful escape of a fantastical open world in our graying years. A year of perpetual play followed by near nothingness, as we grow from adolescence to adulthood to parenthood.
这些配置文件记录了我们的音轨,保留了我们所做的工作以及我们成为谁。 随着我们的成长,我们所谓的视频游戏配乐也会随之变化。 一个竞争激烈的年轻人后来在我们的灰色岁月中被一个虚幻的开放世界的缓慢,周到的逃脱所取代。 随着我们从青春期到成年再到父母身份的发展,一年的永久性比赛随后几乎是虚无。
Every achievement, every trophy is a new line on our palm or wrinkle on our face — a tree ring that reveals how we played and when. To rewind that soundtrack gives us the opportunity to revisit those times in a way far more immediate, far more real way than anything else. We can return to those sandboxes and apply the wisdom of our years, taking a different approach that reveals a contrast between who you were then and who you are now.
每一项成就,每项奖杯都是手掌上的新线或脸上的皱纹-一棵树的年轮,揭示了我们的比赛方式和时间。 回顾原声带,我们有机会以比其他任何方式都更为直接,真实的方式重新审视那些时代。 我们可以回到那些沙箱中,运用我们多年的智慧,采取不同的方法,揭示出您当时的身份与现在的身份之间的对比。
Services like Game Pass muddy the waters, providing an endless mixtape accessible on demand — making both that soundtrack diverse and rich, but muddled and vague. Here, no single game marks a period in our lives. It’s hard to say that Gears scored last winter because it sat alongside half-a-dozen other games. That feeling you had from that time-defining experience is diluted by many others more.
诸如Game Pass之类的服务会使水变得浑浊,提供按需访问的无休止的混音带,使音轨既丰富又丰富,但又模糊不清。 在这里,没有任何一场游戏标志着我们生活的一段时期。 很难说Gears去年冬天得分了,因为它和其他六场比赛并列了。 您从时间定义体验中获得的那种感觉被其他许多人淡化了。
But they do offer the ability to share our soundtracks with others in an immediate and affordable way. You can share that mixtape, jumping in and out of tracks together to forge those associations with and about each other. That connection isn’t stunted by your inability afford something the way it used to be.
但是,它们确实提供了以即时且负担得起的方式与他人共享我们的配乐的功能。 您可以共享该混音带,一起跳入和跳出曲目,以建立彼此之间的关联。 这种连接不会因您的无能而停滞不前。
And yet that cacophony in the soundtrack is just that — just another part. Like many more before it, it’ll eventually be replaced by an experience that’ll come to colour the next part of our lives. And whether that shift happens next week, next month or next year, it will come — and likely score a new chapter in our stories, blending cherished memories from our real and digital worlds together until our soundtracks fade to silence.
然而,配乐中的刺耳声音只是这一部分而已。 像之前的更多内容一样,它最终将被一种体验所取代,这种体验将为我们的下一个生活增添色彩。 不管这种变化是在下周,下个月还是明年发生, 并且都将在我们的故事中迈出新的篇章,将来自现实世界和数字世界的珍贵回忆融合在一起,直到我们的音轨消失为寂静。
翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/video-games-have-become-the-soundtracks-to-our-lives-7bfc3c03e966