
2023-10-29 19:20
文章标签 并发 概念 管理器 opp



Concurrent Processing now uses the Output Post Processor (OPP) to enforce post-processing(后加工) actions for concurrent requests.Post-processing actions are actions taken on concurrent request output(并发请求输出). An example of a post-processing action is that used in Concurrent Processing support of XML Publisher.

If a request is submitted with an XML Publisher template specified as a layout for the concurrent request output, then after the concurrent manager finishes running  the concurrent program, it will contact the OPP to apply the XML Publisher template and create the final output.

The Output Post Processor makes use of the Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing (AQ) database feature. Every OPP service instance monitors the FND_CP_GSM_OPP_AQ queue for new messages and this queue has been created with no value specified for primary_instance (link). This implies that the queue monitor scheduling and propagation is done in any available instance. In other words, ANY OPP service instance may pick up an incomming message independent of the node on which the concurrent request ran.
OPP使用了数据库的高级队列的新特性,每个opp服务监视FND_CP_GSM_OPP_AQ队列的新信息,似乎是想说,这个队列并没有指定他里面的信息要运行在哪个opp service里面,只要是这个队列里有信息,任何opp进程都可以取出来运行。

OPP runs as a service that can be managed through Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) from the System Activity page (Navigation: Applications Dashboard > Applications Service (from the dropdown list) > Go).

How to Increase the number of Output Post Processors(增加输出提交处理程序的数量)?
1.Log on to Applications with “System Administrator” responsibility.
2.Navigate to Concurrent -> Manager -> Define.
3.Query for the “Output Post Processor” service.
4.Click on “Work Shifts” and increase the number of processes


Maximum Memory Usage Per Process: 

The maximum amount of memory or maximum Java heap size a single OPP process can use is by default set to 512MB. This value is seeded by the Loader Data File: $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/US/afoppsrv.ldt which specifies that the DEVELOPER_PARAMETERS is "J:oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController:-mx512m". At the time of writing (Sep 2007), there's no user interface available which allows this value to be altered (Bug 4247067). The alternative is to alter the value using SQL*Plus

Determine the current maximum Java heap size:

SELECT service_id, service_handle, developer_parameters
FROM fnd_cp_services
WHERE service_id = (SELECT manager_type
FROM fnd_concurrent_queues
WHERE concurrent_queue_name = 'FNDCPOPP');

---------- -------------- --------------------------------------------------------
1091 FNDOPP J:oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController:-mx512m

Increase the maximum Java heap size for the OPP to 1024MB (1GB):

UPDATE fnd_cp_services
SET developer_parameters =
WHERE service_id = (SELECT manager_type
FROM fnd_concurrent_queues
WHERE concurrent_queue_name = 'FNDCPOPP');

The OPP queue can be Recreated the using $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/afopp002.sql file as 'APPLSYS' user. On running the script you will be prompted for username and password.

There are 2 new profiles options that can be used to control the timeouts

Profile Option : Concurrent:OPP Response Timeout
Description : Specifies the amount of time a manager waits for OPP to respond to its request for post processing.

Profile Option : Concurrent:OPP Process Timeout
Description : Specifies the amount of time the manager waits for the OPP to actually process the request.

How to get OPP manager log file location?

$APPLCSF/log/<SID>/FNDOPP####.txt       OR
1,System Administrator > Concurrent > Manager > Administer
2,Search for ‘Output Post Processor’
3,Click the ‘Processes’ button .
4,Click the Manager Log button. This will open the ‘OPP’
Upload the OPP log file.

In some cases, Output Post Processor is not start up and it shows Actual and Target are showing different values when we query for Output Post Processor.
The log files shows that no error message.In this case apply the following possible solution for starting the OPP.

1. Shutdown the internal manager by using adcmctl.sh stop apps/apps
2. Make sure there is no FNDLIBR processe running:
$ ps -ef| grep FNDLIBR OR ps -ef|grep applprod|grep FNDLIBR
3. If there is any FNDLIBR processe please kill it $ kill -9 pid
4. Run cmclean.sql script as document from Note 134007.1
5. Restart the internal manager by using adcmctl.sh start apps/apps

orHow to kill and start Output Post Processor (OPP) Background(如何重启opp):
This article explains how to kill OPP and restart the same

1,System Administator > Concurrent > Manager > Administer
2,Query "Output Post Processor" -> Processes(处理) button
Get the sytem id of "Output Post Processor"
3,ps -ef|grep [system id]
4,kill -9 [system id] in Unix
5,System Administator > Concurrent > Manager > Administer
6,Query "Output Post Processor" -> Restart button

Fixing Output Post-processor actions failed issues in EBS R12

Environment: Oracle EBS 12.1.3, Oracle Database 11gR2, RedHat Linux5

Users unable to open the out files.

Concurrent requests failed with “Post-processing of request failed error message”

One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.

No further attempts will be made to post-process this request.


The concurrent manager process was able to successfully invoke the Output Post-Processor (OPP) but encountered a timeout as the OPP takes longer than the value  assigned to complete the job.


1,Increase the value of profile Concurrent: OPP Response Timeout . Bounce Apache and retest.
2,If the issue still exists, perform the following steps.
3,Increase the number of Output Post Processors as follows:
4,Increase the number of processes for Output Post Processor.
5,Additionally, ensure there is a setting of  oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=5 under Parameters.

For more details Please  check metalink I.E oracle.support 

Concurrent Requests Fail Due to Output Post Processing (OPP) Timeout [ID 352518.1]
Ouput Post Processing Fails Due To java.lang.ThreadDeath [ID 427233.1]
Why Does OPP Intermittently Completes With Warnings and Error 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError'? [ID 978495.1]

To know more this post is very nice http://knoworacleappsdba.blogspot.in/2012/07/all-about-output-post-processor-opp-in.html

How to start the Output Post Processing (OPP) in 11i
At least one OPP process active in the system. The concurrent processing uses the Output Post Processor (OPP) to enforce post-processing actions for concurrent requests. For example, post-processing action is that used in publishing concurrent requests with XML Publisher.

Actually when you have submit a request with XML Publisher template specified as a layout for the concurrent request output. Once finishes the concurrent manager concurrent program, it will contact the OPP to apply the XML Publisher template and create the final output

To activate the OPP follow these setps:

The Profile Option "Concurrent: GSM Enabled" must be set to Y

1. Login to Apps with sysadmin responsibility
2. Navigate to: Concurrent -> Managers -> Define
3. Query for
Manager = 'Output Post Processor%'
or Short Name = FNDCPOPP
4. Check the checkbox "Enable" .
5. Click on 'Work Shifts button
6. see Work Shift of the OPP and
Set Processes = 1
and Parameters = oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=5
and Sleep Second = 30
7. Save

How to restart Oracle Apps 11i OPP via non unix command

It can be done using adcmctl.sh script only and there is no specific script for OPP. You can restart it from the application via (System Administrator responsibility > Concurrent > Manager > Administer), select "Output Post Processor" and click on the "Restart" button.

OPP Issue while generating the XML Output in apps 11i

Problem Description:
1, Few XML type concurrent programs taking long time and completed with warning OPP log file registered below error
      Caused by: java.lang.ThreadDeath
2, CPU utilization taking 100% constantly while running the concurrent programs.

The java.lang.ThreadDeath error indicates that the Output Post Processor has reached its processing timeout.

The following configuration changes are recommended to optimize the environment for these type of reports:
1. Increase the value of the Concurrent: OPP Timeout profile option to 10800 seconds.

2. Enable the scalability feature of XML Publisher:

1. Login as SYSADMIN
2. Responsibility: XML Publisher Administrator
3. Function: Administration
4. Set the following properties:
5. Temporary Directory
6. Use XML Publisher's XSLT processor: True
7. Enable scalable feature of XSLT processor: True   -- By default it’s false
8. Enable XSLT runtime optimization: True

> After changing the value also the problem still exist. As per the SR suggestion, we increased the java heap size from 1024M to 2048M.

a. Bring down the concurrent managers.

b. Use the Update statement below, for example:

c. Bring concurrent managers up again

Please check below note's from oracle support

427233.1  :Output Post Processing Fails Due To java.lang.ThreadDeath
1268217.1: Output Post Processor (OPP) Log Contains Error “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"
1266368.1: Output Post Processor (OPP) Log Contains Error   "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError"
978495.1: Why Does OPP Intermittently Completes With Warnings and Error 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError'?
352518.1 :Concurrent Requests Fail Due to Output Post Processing (OPP) Timeout
364547.1 :Troubleshooting Oracle XML Publisher For The Oracle E-Business Suite






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深入解析秒杀业务中的核心问题 —— 从并发控制到事务管理

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引言 PostgreSQL作为一款强大的开源关系数据库管理系统,以其高性能、高可靠性和丰富的功能特性而广受欢迎。在并发控制方面,PostgreSQL采用了多版本并发控制(MVCC)机制,该机制为数据库提供了高效的数据访问和更新能力,同时保证了数据的一致性和隔离性。本文将深入解析PostgreSQL中的MVCC功能,探讨其工作原理、使用场景,并通过具体SQL示例来展示其在实际应用中的表现。 一、