

If you use Amazon wish lists, then you might have noticed they can become a little long and unwieldy as you add more and more stuff you want. Here is how to better manage them.
如果您使用亚马逊的愿望清单,那么您可能会注意到,随着您添加越来越多的商品,它们可能会变得有点长且笨拙。 这是如何更好地管理它们。
It’s almost impossible to just shop around Amazon without wanting to buy something but we’re certainly not made of money so gratification must often be delayed. You can easily add coveted items to you wish list so that when you can afford them, you won’t have search for them again.
在亚马逊上四处逛逛而不想要买东西几乎是不可能的,但是我们当然不是赚钱的,所以满足感通常必须延迟。 您可以轻松地将梦vet以求的物品添加到您的愿望清单中,这样当您负担得起时,就不再需要搜索它们。
The biggest problem, however, is that your Amazon wish list can and often does grow so long that it can be just as hard to find stuff on it, or you might forget you wish-listed something in the first place.
愿望清单 (Wish Lists)
Wish Lists can be accessed from the Wish List menu. If you simply hover with your mouse pointer, you’ll be able to see your wish lists (if you’ve created any) and other options.
愿望清单可以从“愿望清单”菜单中访问。 如果您仅将鼠标悬停在鼠标上,就可以看到您的愿望清单(如果已创建)和其他选项。

If you click on the “Wish List” link, it will take you to the your page. You see we can sort items by date and price, filter items, and apply list actions such as printing or editing it. If you want to share your wish list, then there are options for that as well.
如果单击“愿望清单”链接,它将带您到页面。 您会看到我们可以按日期和价格对项目进行排序,过滤项目,并应用列表操作(例如打印或编辑)。 如果您想分享您的愿望清单,那么还有一些选项。
Next to each wish list item, there’s a button to add it to your cart, move it to another wish list, or delete it.

If you simply want to add items to look up later, you can type in your ideas and save them.

In the left-hand column, there’s an option to “manage your lists”, which will let you set a wish list as the default, configure its privacy options, or delete it.

As we pointed out earlier, there are options to perform actions on lists, so if you want to rename your list, you would choose “edit list name” from the actions list.

Here are those sorting options, which allow you to see your wish list items by title, price, date added, and priority.

The aforementioned filter options let you show unpurchased, purchased, both purchased and unpurchased, and finally any items with price drops.

Note also, the ability to create another Wish List. This is a valuable tool for sorting through the clutter and adding some organization to your list making. Instead of having everything in one long, generic, master list, you can instead create a new list for types of items, and give it an appropriate name.
还要注意,创建另一个愿望清单的能力。 这是一个有用的工具,可用于整理混乱情况并为您的列表制作添加一些组织。 您不必将所有内容都放在一个较长的通用主列表中,而是可以为项目类型创建一个新列表,并为其指定一个适当的名称。

Once you create other wish lists, you can move items to them by clicking the “Move” button and choosing the new list.

If you want to rearrange a list, you’ll see a gray icon to the left of your item; you can click and drag an item to any place you want. If you just want to elevate something to the very top of your wish list, then click the “Top” link and it will be instantly transported to head of the line.
如果您想重新排列列表,则项目左侧会显示一个灰色图标。 您可以单击并将项目拖到所需的任何位置。 如果您只是想将某物提升到您的愿望清单的最顶部,请单击“顶部”链接,该链接将立即传送到生产线的顶部。

Mastering your Amazon shopping experience can take time, such as with shopping recommendations as well as better managing your Kindles and their content via the website.
掌握您的亚马逊购物体验可能需要一些时间,例如获得购物建议以及更好地通过网站管理Kindle及其内容 。
Wish lists can actually be a pretty good tool for saving you time and effort, but as we’ve shown, they do take some understanding to really make them work for you.
We hope you found this article useful and would love to hear from you. If you have a question or comment you’d like to share with us, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.
我们希望您觉得这篇文章有用,希望能收到您的来信。 如果您有任何疑问或评论要与我们分享,请在我们的论坛中发表您的反馈意见。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/229419/how-to-create-and-better-manage-amazon-wish-lists/