加密解密 CTR IGE DH等

2023-10-28 06:50
文章标签 解密 加密 dh ctr ige

本文主要是介绍加密解密 CTR IGE DH等,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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IGE 模式

ige github例子


CTR 模式

CTR 全称为计数器模式(Counter mode),该模式由 Diffe 和 Hellman 设计。一种分组密码的模式

DH 秘钥交换算法

一种密钥交换协议,注意该算法只能用于密钥的交换,而不能进行消息的加密和解密。双方确定要用的密钥后,要使用其他对称密钥操作加密算法实际加密和解密消息。它可以让双方在不泄漏密钥的情况下协商出一个密钥来, 常用于保证对称加密的秘钥的安全, TLS就是这样做的。

  • DH:ECDH是DH的加强版
  • ECDH: DH算法的加强版, 常用的是NIST系列,但是后面curve25519
  • curve25519: 实质上也是一种ECDH,但是其实现更为优秀,表现的更为安全,可能是下一代秘钥交换算法的标准。
DH go 的实现

引用git: dh go实现

// Use of this source code is governed by a license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.// Package dh implements the Diffie-Hellman key exchange over
// multiplicative groups of integers modulo a prime.
// This also defines some commen groups described in RFC 3526.
package dhimport (cryptorand "crypto/rand""errors""io""math/big"
)var zero *big.Int = big.NewInt(0)
var one *big.Int = big.NewInt(1)
var two *big.Int = big.NewInt(2)// IsSafePrime returns true, if the prime of the group is
// a so called safe-prime. For a group with a safe-prime prime
// number the Decisional-Diffie-Hellman-Problem (DDH) is a
// 'hard' problem. The n argument is the number of iterations
// for the probabilistic prime test.
// It's recommend to use DDH-safe groups for DH-exchanges.
func IsSafePrimeGroup(g *Group, n int) bool {q := new(big.Int).Sub(g.P, one)q = q.Div(q, two)return q.ProbablyPrime(n)
}// PublicKey is the type of DH public keys.
type PublicKey *big.Int// PrivateKey is the type of DH private keys.
type PrivateKey *big.Int// Group represents a mathematical group defined
// by a large prime and a generator.
type Group struct {P *big.Int // The primeG *big.Int // The generator
}// GenerateKey generates a public/private key pair using entropy from rand.
// If rand is nil, crypto/rand.Reader will be used.
func (g *Group) GenerateKey(rand io.Reader) (private PrivateKey, public PublicKey, err error) {if g.P == nil {panic("crypto/dh: group prime is nil")}if g.G == nil {panic("crypto/dh: group generator is nil")}if rand == nil {rand = cryptorand.Reader}// Ensure, that p.G ^ privateKey > than g.P// (only modulo calculations are safe)// The minimal (and common) value for p.G is 2// So 2 ^ (1 + 'bitsize of p.G') > than g.Pmin := big.NewInt(int64(g.P.BitLen() + 1)) //生成一个不小于p的大数bytes := make([]byte, (g.P.BitLen()+7)/8)  //bit/8 = byte, +7 是为了补空,放置少除了,然后长度不够for private == nil {_, err = io.ReadFull(rand, bytes)if err != nil {private = nilreturn}// Clear bits in the first byte to increase// the probability that the candidate is < g.P.bytes[0] = 0if private == nil {private = new(big.Int)}(*private).SetBytes(bytes)   //将读到的数据设置进private中if (*private).Cmp(min) < 0 { //private 小于 一个不小于p的数。 如x < y返回-1;如x > y返回+1;否则返回0。private = nil}}public = new(big.Int).Exp(g.G, private, g.P) //x**y mod |m| =  A = g**a mod preturn
}// PublicKey returns the public key corresponding to the given private one.
func (g *Group) PublicKey(private PrivateKey) (public PublicKey) {public = new(big.Int).Exp(g.G, private, g.P)return
}//private returns a non-nil error if the given public key is
// not a possible element of the group. This means, that the
// public key is < 0 or > g.P.
func (g *Group) Check(peersPublic PublicKey) (err error) {if !((*peersPublic).Cmp(zero) >= 0 && (*peersPublic).Cmp(g.P) == -1) {err = errors.New("peer's public is not a possible group element")}return
}// ComputeSecret returns the secret computed from
// the own private and the peer's public key.
func (g *Group) ComputeSecret(private PrivateKey, peersPublic PublicKey) (secret *big.Int) {secret = new(big.Int).Exp(peersPublic, private, g.P)return


全称是Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman, 是DH算法的加强版, 基于椭圆曲线难题加密, 现在是主流的密钥交换算法。

ECC是建立在基于椭圆曲线的离散对数的难度, 大概过程如下:

ECDH 和 curve25519 go的实现

引用: 密码学简介与Golang的加密库Crypto的使用

package main
import ("crypto""crypto/elliptic""crypto/rand""fmt""io""math/big""golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519"
// ECDH 秘钥交换算法的主接口
type ECDH interface {GenerateKey(io.Reader) (crypto.PrivateKey, crypto.PublicKey, error)Marshal(crypto.PublicKey) []byteUnmarshal([]byte) (crypto.PublicKey, bool)GenerateSharedSecret(crypto.PrivateKey, crypto.PublicKey) ([]byte, error)
type ellipticECDH struct {ECDHcurve elliptic.Curve
type ellipticPublicKey struct {elliptic.CurveX, Y *big.Int
type ellipticPrivateKey struct {D []byte
// NewEllipticECDH 指定一种椭圆曲线算法用于创建一个ECDH的实例
// 关于椭圆曲线算法标准库里面实现了4种: 见crypto/elliptic
func NewEllipticECDH(curve elliptic.Curve) ECDH {return &ellipticECDH{curve: curve,}
// GenerateKey 基于标准库的NIST椭圆曲线算法生成秘钥对
func (e *ellipticECDH) GenerateKey(rand io.Reader) (crypto.PrivateKey, crypto.PublicKey, error) {var d []bytevar x, y *big.Intvar priv *ellipticPrivateKeyvar pub *ellipticPublicKeyvar err errord, x, y, err = elliptic.GenerateKey(e.curve, rand)if err != nil {return nil, nil, err}priv = &ellipticPrivateKey{D: d,}pub = &ellipticPublicKey{Curve: e.curve,X:     x,Y:     y,}return priv, pub, nil
// Marshal用于公钥的序列化
func (e *ellipticECDH) Marshal(p crypto.PublicKey) []byte {pub := p.(*ellipticPublicKey)return elliptic.Marshal(e.curve, pub.X, pub.Y)
// Unmarshal用于公钥的反序列化
func (e *ellipticECDH) Unmarshal(data []byte) (crypto.PublicKey, bool) {var key *ellipticPublicKeyvar x, y *big.Intx, y = elliptic.Unmarshal(e.curve, data)if x == nil || y == nil {return key, false}key = &ellipticPublicKey{Curve: e.curve,X:     x,Y:     y,}return key, true
// GenerateSharedSecret 通过自己的私钥和对方的公钥协商一个共享密码
func (e *ellipticECDH) GenerateSharedSecret(privKey crypto.PrivateKey, pubKey crypto.PublicKey) ([]byte, error) {priv := privKey.(*ellipticPrivateKey)pub := pubKey.(*ellipticPublicKey)x, _ := e.curve.ScalarMult(pub.X, pub.Y, priv.D)return x.Bytes(), nil
// NewCurve25519ECDH 使用密码学家Daniel J. Bernstein的椭圆曲线算法:Curve25519来创建ECDH实例
// 因为Curve25519独立于NIST之外, 没在标准库实现, 需要单独为期实现一套接口来支持ECDH
func NewCurve25519ECDH() ECDH {return &curve25519ECDH{}
type curve25519ECDH struct {ECDH
// GenerateKey 基于curve25519椭圆曲线算法生成秘钥对
func (e *curve25519ECDH) GenerateKey(rand io.Reader) (crypto.PrivateKey, crypto.PublicKey, error) {var pub, priv [32]bytevar err error_, err = io.ReadFull(rand, priv[:])if err != nil {return nil, nil, err}priv[0] &= 248priv[31] &= 127priv[31] |= 64curve25519.ScalarBaseMult(&pub, &priv)return &priv, &pub, nil
// 实现公钥的序列化
func (e *curve25519ECDH) Marshal(p crypto.PublicKey) []byte {pub := p.(*[32]byte)return pub[:]
// 实现公钥的反序列化
func (e *curve25519ECDH) Unmarshal(data []byte) (crypto.PublicKey, bool) {var pub [32]byteif len(data) != 32 {return nil, false}copy(pub[:], data)return &pub, true
// 实现秘钥协商接口
func (e *curve25519ECDH) GenerateSharedSecret(privKey crypto.PrivateKey, pubKey crypto.PublicKey) ([]byte, error) {var priv, pub, secret *[32]bytepriv = privKey.(*[32]byte)pub = pubKey.(*[32]byte)secret = new([32]byte)curve25519.ScalarMult(secret, priv, pub)return secret[:], nil
func test(e ECDH) {var privKey1, privKey2 crypto.PrivateKeyvar pubKey1, pubKey2 crypto.PublicKeyvar pubKey1Buf, pubKey2Buf []bytevar err errorvar ok boolvar secret1, secret2 []byte// 准备2对秘钥对,A: privKey1,pubKey1 B:privKey2,pubKey2privKey1, pubKey1, err = e.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)if err != nil {fmt.Println(err)}privKey2, pubKey2, err = e.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)if err != nil {fmt.Println(err)}pubKey1Buf = e.Marshal(pubKey1)pubKey2Buf = e.Marshal(pubKey2)pubKey1, ok = e.Unmarshal(pubKey1Buf)if !ok {fmt.Println("Unmarshal does not work")}pubKey2, ok = e.Unmarshal(pubKey2Buf)if !ok {fmt.Println("Unmarshal does not work")}// A 通过B给的公钥协商共享密码secret1, err = e.GenerateSharedSecret(privKey1, pubKey2)if err != nil {fmt.Println(err)}// B 通过A给的公钥协商共享密码secret2, err = e.GenerateSharedSecret(privKey2, pubKey1)if err != nil {fmt.Println(err)}// A B在没暴露直接的私钥的情况下, 协商出了一个共享密码fmt.Printf("The secret1 shared keys: %x\n", secret1)fmt.Printf("The secret2 shared keys: %x\n", secret2)
func main() {e1 := NewEllipticECDH(elliptic.P521())e2 := NewCurve25519ECDH()test(e1)test(e2)


CTF Wiki




dh go实现

dh 维基百科 迪菲-赫尔曼密钥交换




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3.比 HTTP 更安全的 HTTPS(工作原理理解、非对称加密理解、证书理解)

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本文转自网络文章,内容均为非盈利,版权归原作者所有。 转载此文章仅为个人收藏,分享知识,如有侵权,马上删除。 原文作者:原文作者是独孤九贱大佬 原文地址:http://bbs.chinaunix.net/thread-3627341-1-1.html


1:导入代码 public class MD5Util {private static final String TAG = "MD5Util";/**** MD5加码 生成32位md5码*/public static String string2MD5(String inStr) {Log.e(TAG, "string2MD5: -------------------------");Mess

【C#生态园】解密C# Web框架:选对框架,事半功倍

探秘C# Web开发利器:六款高性能框架与库详细解读 前言 在当今的软件开发领域,C#作为一种多用途编程语言,被广泛应用于各种类型的应用程序开发。特别是在Web开发领域,有许多优秀的C# Web框架和库,本文将对其中一些备受关注的框架进行介绍和比较,帮助读者更好地选择适合其项目需求的工具。 欢迎订阅专栏:C#生态园 文章目录 探秘C# Web开发利器:六款高性能框架与库详细解

超级 密码加密 解密 源码,支持表情,符号,数字,字母,加密

超级 密码加密 解密 源码,支持表情,符号,数字,字母,加密 可以将表情,动物,水果,表情,手势,猫语,兽语,狗语,爱语,符号,数字,字母,加密和解密 可以将文字、字母、数字、代码、标点符号等内容转换成新的文字形式,通过简单的文字以不同的排列顺序来表达不同的内容 源码截图: https://www.httple.net/152649.html


文章目录 1. 概念介绍2. 方法与功能2.1 基本用法2.2 加密算法 3. 示例代码4. 内容总结 我们在上一章回中介绍了"FlutterCacheManager组件"相关的内容,本章回中将介绍一个加密工具包.闲话休提,让我们一起Talk Flutter吧。 1. 概念介绍 加密主要是为了保护一些重要数据,我们在实际项目中会用到加密工具,因此在本章回中介绍一个加密工具


BitLocker主要有两种工作模式:TPM模式和U盘模式,同时为了实现更高程度的安全,我们还可以同时启用这两种模式。 BitLocker 自动设备加密在全新安装体验 (OOBE) 期间启动。 但是,只有在用户使用 Microsoft 帐户或 Azure Active Directory 帐户登录后,才会启用(提供)保护。 在此之前,保护已暂停,数据不受保护。 使用本地帐户不会启用 BitLoc