我们先看下源码:def parametrize(self,argnames, argvalues, indirect=False, ids=None, scope=None):,按住ctrl然后点击对应的函数名就可查看源码。
def parametrize(self,argnames, argvalues, indirect=False, ids=None, scope=None):""" Add new invocations to the underlying test function using the listof argvalues for the given argnames. Parametrization is performedduring the collection phase. If you need to setup expensive resourcessee about setting indirect to do it rather at test setup time.:arg argnames: a comma-separated string denoting one or more argumentnames, or a list/tuple of argument strings.:arg argvalues: The list of argvalues determines how often atest is invoked with different argument values. If only oneargname was specified argvalues is a list of values. If Nargnames were specified, argvalues must be a list of N-tuples,where each tuple-element specifies a value for its respectiveargname.:arg indirect: The list of argnames or boolean. A list of arguments'names (self,subset of argnames). If True the list contains all names fromthe argnames. Each argvalue corresponding to an argname in this list willbe passed as request.param to its respective argname fixturefunction so that it can perform more expensive setups during thesetup phase of a test rather than at collection time.:arg ids: list of string ids, or a callable.If strings, each is corresponding to the argvalues so that they arepart of the test id. If None is given as id of specific test, theautomatically generated id for that argument will be used.If callable, it should take one argument (self,a single argvalue) and returna string or return None. If None, the automatically generated id for thatargument will be used.If no ids are provided they will be generated automatically fromthe argvalues.:arg scope: if specified it denotes the scope of the parameters.The scope is used for grouping tests by parameter instances.It will also override any fixture-function defined scope, allowingto set a dynamic scope using test context or configuration."""
# 只有一个参数username时,列表里都是这个参数的值:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("username", ["user1", "user2", "user3"])
# 有多个参数username、pwd,用元组存放参数值,一个元组对应一组参数:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("username, pwd", [("user1", "pwd1"), ("user2", "pwd2"), ("use