<template lang='html'><div class='demo'><div class='left'><div class='left-top'><el-tableheight='250'highlight-current-row@current-change="handleCurrentChange":data='nodes'><el-table-columnprop='id'label='id'width='50'></el-table-column><el-table-columnprop='name'label='姓名'></el-table-column></el-table></div><div class='left-bottom'><el-tableheight='250':data='links'><el-table-columnprop='srcId'label='源id'width='50'></el-table-column><el-table-columnprop='toId'label='目标id'></el-table-column><el-table-columnlabel='关系'><template slot-scope='scope'>{{ scope.row.type | toCn }} </template></el-table-column></el-table></div></div><div class='testd3' ref="testd3"></div></div>
import * as d3 from 'd3';
let width_ = 60;
export default {data () {return {srcNode: null,svg: null,nodes: [{id: '0', name: '张三'},{id: '1', name: '张父'},{id: '2', name: '张母'},{id: '3', name: '张三妻'},{id: '4', name: '张大'},{id: '5', name: '张小'},{id: '6', name: '张小妻'},{id: '7', name: '张小小'},{id: '8', name: '张三妻父'},{id: '9', name: '张三妻母'},{id: '10', name: '张三妻弟'}],links: [{srcId: '0', toId: '1', type: 0}, // 0 父子// {srcId: '0', toId: '2', type: 1}, // 1 母子{srcId: '1', toId: '2', type: 2}, // 2 配偶{srcId: '0', toId: '3', type: 2}, // 2 配偶{srcId: '0', toId: '4', type: 3}, // 子女{srcId: '0', toId: '5', type: 3}, // 子女{srcId: '5', toId: '6', type: 2}, // 配偶{srcId: '5', toId: '7', type: 3}, // 子女{srcId: '3', toId: '8', type: 0}, // 父{srcId: '8', toId: '9', type: 2}, // 配偶{srcId: '8', toId: '10', type: 3} // 子女],drag: false};},filters: {toCn (src) {let res = ['父子', '母子', '配偶', '子女'];return res[src];}},methods: {handleCurrentChange (row) {this.srcNode = row;// 查找中心点连线关系 srcId = 0let srcId = row.id;let srcNode = this.nodes.filter(n => n.id === srcId)[0];// 获取与此节点关系点let links = this.links.filter(l => l.srcId === srcId);let otherlinks = this.links.filter(l => l.toId === srcId).map(l => {let link = {};if (l.type === 3) { // 子女 -> 父子link.type = 0;} else if (l.type === 0) { // 父女 -> 子女link.type = 3;} else {link.type = l.type;}link.srcId = l.toId;link.toId = l.srcId;return link;});links.push(...otherlinks);// 计算节点坐标let nodes_ = this.convert(srcNode, links);let that = this;// 设置画布let width = 1000;let height = 720;// console.log(d3.select('.testd3')[0].innerHTML);d3.select('.testd3').selectAll('*').remove();// 画中心点let svg = d3.select('.testd3').append('svg').attr('width', width).attr('height', height).append('g').attr('transform', 'translate(40,0)');var drag = d3.behavior.drag().on('drag', function(d) {d3.select(this).attr('transform', 'translate(' + (d3.event.x - 30) + ',' + (d3.event.y - 30) + ')').append('rect').attr('x', d.x = d3.event.x - 30).attr('y', d.y = d3.event.y - 30);// 线条svg.selectAll(`.link-${d.id}`).attr('d', function(dd) {return that.getPath(d, dd);});});that.drag = drag;// 画线this.drawLinks(svg, links);// 画点console.log('nodes_', nodes_);this.drawNodes(svg, nodes_);},// 转换convert (srcNode, links) {let nodes = [];let map = new Map();// 子女个数let childsize = links.filter(l => l.type === 3).length;// 子女开始位置let start = -(childsize - 1) * width_;if (srcNode.x === undefined) { // 默认坐标srcNode.x = 150;srcNode.y = 150;}map.set(srcNode.id, srcNode);let {x, y} = srcNode;links.forEach(l => {if (l.type === 0) { // 父子map.set(l.toId, {x: x, y: y - width_ * 2, type: l.type});}if (l.type === 1) { // 母子map.set(l.toId, {x: x + width_ * 2, y: y - width_ * 2, type: l.type});}if (l.type === 2) { // 配偶map.set(l.toId, {x: x + width_ * 2, y: y, type: l.type});}if (l.type === 3) { // 子女map.set(l.toId, {x: x + start, y: y + width_ * 2, type: l.type});start = start + width_ * 2;}});this.nodes.forEach(n => {let m = map.get(n.id);if (m) {n['x'] = n.x || m.x;n['y'] = n.y || m.y;n['type'] = m.type;nodes.push(n);}});return nodes;},getPath (move, stas) {// 获取对方坐标let srcId = stas.srcId;let flag = false;if (move.id === stas.srcId) {srcId = stas.toId;flag = true;}let path;// 源let {x, y} = this.nodes.filter(n => n.id === srcId)[0];if (stas.type === 0) { // 父子if (flag) {path = `M${x + width_ / 2} ${y}L${x + width_ / 2} ${y + width_ * 1.5}L${move.x + width_ / 2} ${move.y - width_ / 2}L${move.x + width_ / 2} ${move.y}`;} else {path = `M${x + width_ / 2} ${y}L${x + width_ / 2} ${y - width_ / 2}L${move.x + width_ / 2} ${move.y + width_ * 1.5}L${move.x + width_ / 2} ${move.y}`;}}if (stas.type === 2 || stas.type === 1) { // 配偶let w_ = move.x > x ? width_ : -width_;let padding = move.x > x ? -width_ / 2 : width_ * 1.5;if (flag) {path = `M${x + width_ / 2 + w_ / 2} ${y + width_ / 2}L${move.x + padding} ${y + width_ / 2}L${move.x + width_ / 2 - w_ / 2} ${move.y + width_ / 2}`;} else {path = `M${x + width_ / 2 + w_ / 2} ${y + width_ / 2}L${move.x + padding} ${y + width_ / 2}L${move.x + width_ / 2} ${move.y + width_ / 2}`;}}if (stas.type === 3) { // 子女if (flag) {path = `M${x + width_ / 2} ${y + width_}L${x + width_ / 2} ${y - width_ / 2}L${move.x + width_ / 2} ${move.y + width_ * 1.5}L${move.x + width_ / 2} ${move.y + width_}`;} else {path = `M${x + width_ / 2} ${y + width_}L${x + width_ / 2} ${y + width_ * 1.5}L${move.x + width_ / 2} ${move.y - width_ / 2}L${move.x + width_ / 2} ${move.y + width_}`;}}return path;},drawNode (svg, node) {let node_ = svg.selectAll(`.node-${node.id}`).data([node]).enter().append('g').attr('class', `node-${node.id}`).attr('transform', function(d) {return 'translate(' + (d.x) + ',' + (d.y) + ')';}).on('dblclick', (d) => {let links = this.links.filter(l => l.srcId === d.id);if (links.length === 0) {this.$message('没有关联数据');return;}let nodes2 = this.convert(d, links);this.drawLinks(svg, links);this.drawNodes(svg, nodes2);}).on('mouseover', function(d) {d3.select(this).select('rect').attr('stroke', '#FFCC33').attr('stroke-width', 3); // 设置边框}).on('mouseout', function(d) {d3.select(this).select('rect').attr('stroke-width', 0); // 取消边框}).call(this.drag);node_.append('rect').attr('width', 60).attr('height', 60).attr('x', 0).attr('y', 0).attr('style', (d) => {return (d.type === 1 || d.type === 2) ? 'fill:#FFAD5B;' : 'fill:#35AD5B;';});node_.append('text').attr('dx', function(d) {return 30;}).attr('dy', 30).style('text-anchor', function(d) {return 'middle';}).style('fill', '#fff').text(function(d) {return d.name;});},drawNodes (svg, nodes) {nodes.forEach(n => {this.drawNode(svg, n);});},// 添加链接drawLinks (svg, linksData) {let that = this;linksData.forEach(l => {let classFlag = l.srcId > l.toId ? `${l.srcId}-${l.toId}` : `${l.toId}-${l.srcId}`;svg.selectAll(`.link-${classFlag}`).data([l]).enter().append('path').attr('class', d => {return `link-${d.srcId} link-${d.toId} link-${classFlag}`;}).attr('d', function(d) {let node = that.nodes.filter(n => n.id === d.toId)[0];return that.getPath(node, d);}).attr('style', function() {return 'stroke:#F7881F';});});}},mounted() {}
</script><style lang='css'>
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.demo {width: 100%;height: 100%;
.left {float: left;width: 30%;
.testd3 {float: left;width: 70%;