

Amazon just launched Alexa Blueprints, meaning you can create custom responses for your Echo and also set up a bunch of personalized games.
亚马逊刚刚推出了Alexa Blueprints ,这意味着您可以为Echo创建自定义响应,还可以设置一系列个性化游戏。
The new interface, which reminds me of IFTTT, offers a bunch of templates to quickly create custom Alexa skills. The most straight-forward, “Custom Q&A,” lets you set a specific answer to any question you want, so get started writing those joke answers.
新界面让我想起了IFTTT,它提供了一堆模板来快速创建自定义Alexa技能。 最简单明了的“自定义问题与答案”可让您为所需的任何问题设置特定的答案,因此开始编写这些笑话答案。
You can also design trivia games, adventure stories, and provide information for your house guests. The interface is pretty straight forward, so if you’re an Echo user I’d say just jump right in.
您还可以设计琐事游戏,冒险故事,并为住店客人提供信息。 该界面非常简单,因此,如果您是Echo用户,我会说直接进入。
What this can’t do is combine multiple commands into a single launch phrase. If that’s what you’re interested in look into creating Alexa Routines instead, because that’s a lot more powerful. But if you just want to mess around and quickly create something fun, Blueprints is worth a look.
这不能做的是将多个命令组合成一个启动短语。 如果您对此感兴趣,那么可以考虑创建Alexa Routines ,因为它的功能要强大得多。 但是,如果您只是想四处逛逛并快速创建一些有趣的东西,那么蓝图值得一看。
Alexa Blueprints via TechCrunch
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/skill-blueprints-lets-you-design-your-own-alexa-responses-and-routines/