下文以实例来叙述Jboss集群配置。 该实例包含3个Jboss节点。各节点被动接收负载均衡器转发的请求。各节点间没有横向的联系。
4.Jboss集群负载均衡器配置 步骤 先安装apache,然后配置mod_jk模块。 安装apache 下载apache代码包,上传到服务器。 解开代码包 tar xfvz httpd-2.2.4.tar.gz 编译 ./configure –prefix=/usr/local/apache2 –enable-module=so –enable-module=setenvif –enable-module=rewrite –enable-rewrite=shared –enable-proxy=shared –with-mpm=prefork –enable-so –enable-auth-anon –enable-file-cache=shared –enable-cache=shared –enable-disk-cache=shared –enable-mem-cache=shared make clean make make install 修改配置。本例中,提供服务的监听端口是8080,请根据实际情况修改。 vi /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf 将Listen 80改成Listen 8080 将User daemon和Group daemon改为User apache和Group apache 删除ServerName前的#,将该行改为ServerName 添加用户和用户组 groupadd apache useradd apache –g apache apache mod_jk配置 下载mod_jk,将其改名为mod_jk.so,拷贝到/usr/local/apache2/modules下。 顺便说一句,找mod_jk模块费了我很大精力,最后才在http://www.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/jk/binaries/linux/目录下找到。我用的是mod_jk 1.2.23,看到本文的时候,mod_jk应该有新版了。但mod_jk的向下兼容做得不太好,最好先用mod_jk 1.2.23调试,成功后再尝试换用新版mod_jk。 chmod +x /usr/local/apache2/modules/mod_jk.so 在/usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf的末尾增加: Include conf/mod_jk.conf 建立空文件/usr/local/apache2/conf/uriworkermap.properties vi /usr/local/apache2/conf/mod_jk.conf,输入以下内容: # Load mod_jk module # Specify the filename of the mod_jk lib LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so # Where to find workers.properties JkWorkersFile conf/workers.properties # Where to put jk logs JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log # Set the jk log level [debug/error/info] JkLogLevel info # Select the log format JkLogStampFormat “[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y]” # JkOptions indicates to send SSK KEY SIZE JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories # JkRequestLogFormat JkRequestLogFormat “%w %V %T” # Mount your applications JkMount /application/* loadbalancer # You can use external file for mount points. # It will be checked for updates each 60 seconds. # The format of the file is: /url=worker # /examples/*=loadbalancer JkMountFile conf/uriworkermap.properties # Add shared memory. # This directive is present with 1.2.10 and # later versions of mod_jk, and is needed for # for load balancing to work properly JkShmFile logs/jk.shm # Add jkstatus for managing runtime data
JkMount status Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from vi /usr/local/apache2/conf/workers.properties,增加以下内容: # Define list of workers that will be used # for mapping requests worker.list=loadbalancer,status # Define Node1 # modify the host as your host IP or DNS name. worker.node1.port=8009 worker.node1.host= worker.node1.type=ajp13 worker.node1.lbfactor=1 # Define Node2 # modify the host as your host IP or DNS name. worker.node2.port=8009 worker.node2.host= worker.node2.type=ajp13 worker.node2.lbfactor=0 # Define Node3 # modify the host as your host IP or DNS name. worker.node3.port=8009 worker.node3.host= worker.node3.type=ajp13 worker.node3.lbfactor=1 # Load-balancing behaviour worker.loadbalancer.type=lb worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=node1,node2,node3 worker.loadbalancer.sticky_session=1 #worker.list=loadbalancer # Status worker for managing load balancer worker.status.type=status 说明: worker.node1.host、worker.node2.host和worker.node3.host要改成jboss集群各机器的实际IP. 如果有更多的节点,顺序定义更多的node段,并在worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers后全部列出. lbfactor是负载分配权重,值越大分配的负载越多. 更多配置参数详见tomcat配置说明 配置apache自动启动 ln –s /usr/local/apache2/apachectl /etc/init.d/apache chmod 777 /etc/init.d/apache ln –s /etc/init.d/apache /etc/rc3.d/S80apache ln –s /etc/init.d/apache /etc/rc3.d/K20apache ln –s /etc/init.d/apache /etc/rc4.d/S80apache ln –s /etc/init.d/apache /etc/rc4.d/K20apache ln –s /etc/init.d/apache /etc/rc5.d/S80apache ln –s /etc/init.d/apache /etc/rc5.d/K20apache |