




Just as its name implies, Slack is a great tool to pick up any of the “slack” that might be leftover whenever you try to coordinate multiple people on a single project, website, or coding effort.


For anyone who’s out of the loop, Slack is a messaging platform that thousands of companies, websites, and independent agencies can use to create a common space where their employees, engineers, and creatives can come together to collaborate on any project of their choosing.


Slack is is great for anyone might who find themselves struggling to maintain a central meeting portal that their growing list of freelancers, telecommuters, and onsite workers can talk with one another in one place. This is our guide on how you can get the most out of the online tool, along with a few tips and tricks you may not have known the tool is capable of.

Slack非常适合可能会发现自己努力维护一个中央会议门户的人,他们日益增多的自由职业者,远程通勤者和现场工作人员可以在一个地方互相交谈。 这是关于如何充分利用在线工具的指南,以及一些您可能不知道的工具提示。

初始设置和聊天窗口 (Initial Setup and The Chat Window)

To start, you’ll need to know how to add members to your chat channel, and email them so they can create their unique logins for the meeting room. To do this, we’ll begin at the home page.

首先,您需要知道如何将成员添加到您的聊天频道,并向他们发送电子邮件,以便他们可以为会议室创建唯一的登录名。 为此,我们将从首页开始。


Once you sign up using the above prompt, you’ll have the ability to create a new Slack channel automatically, or join one that already belongs to your employer.



The setup is as easy just naming the chat room and confirming your email, and if all went according to plan you should see a window that looks something like this:



And any employees or project assistants will get an email like this as soon as their names are added to the membership roster.



To start settings things up to best suit your team’s needs, you can manage the names of your channels, or create new ones along with direct messages and private groups via the sidebar. If no one has joined the channel yet, you can use the big “Invite People” button located at the bottom of the sidebar to start populating your meeting space.

要开始设置最适合您团队需要的内容,您可以管理频道的名称,也可以通过边栏创建新名称以及直接消息和私人群组。 如果还没有人加入频道,则可以使用侧边栏底部的“邀请人”大按钮开始填充会议空间。

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Once new people are invited and registered, you create a new conversation with them simply by clicking on the plus sign highlighted next to the type of chat or private messaging session you wish to initiate:



Any users or profiles who have been added to your chats throughout the course of your Slack membership can be managed as a part of the Team Directory, selected from the upper-right menu, shown below:



Once here, you’ll be given a general overview of the people who are a part of the Slack team, as well as a rundown of which users have access to which chats. You can change these according to who you want in each conversation, and anyone who’s been blocked from a specific channel won’t be able to see the room they’re ousted from listed in the sidebar of their primary communication hub.

在这里,您将获得Slack团队成员的总体概况,以及哪些用户有权访问哪些聊天记录。 您可以根据每次对话中想要的人来更改这些设置,而被某个特定频道阻止的任何人将无法看到其主要通信中心的侧边栏中列出的被驱逐的房间。


边栏和首选项 (The Sidebar and Preferences)

Like any chat application, Slack comes stocked with plenty of options, settings, and customizations you can sort through to create a program that does exactly what you want it to, and doesn’t get bogged down by any noise on the side.



Whether you’re managing an entire channel yourself or have just been invited to one by your managers, the Preferences menu is where you’ll be able to take care of vital tasks like directing where and how you receive notifications or designating how your search tool handles specific requests.


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In the “Profile & Account” tab (located just under Preferences) you can toggle settings such as how much security is attached to your profile via two-factor authentication, as well as more mundane things like the time zone you’re in. Notifications is where you’ll be able to customize exactly how and where you hear about what’s happening in the channels you’re subscribed to, ranging from general chatter in the main chat window to direct messages containing important files.



This is also where you can get an overview of the statistics that your Slack channel is posting on any given week, day, or month, and compare or contrast how active one member is against another based on metrics like posting frequency, storage space used, and overall participation in team collaborations.



If you manage multiple accounts at the same time, any teams you’re already logged into will appear automatically below your name each time you sign in. If you want to create a private chat beyond the reaches of the crowd however, you can do so by creating a “private” group, where only the team members you invite will be able to view any content posted in the excluded room.



Be aware that unless you specify otherwise, Slack will automatically backup and save the entirety of all conversations held within its platform (up to 10,000 messages for Free users, unlimited for those subscribed to the Standard or Plus plans).



On the one hand this can be helpful for team members who need to put in a search for a specific string of code or an idea that’s queued to be taken care of, but on the other it’s also a valid privacy concern that some site owners might want to look into before leaving the option on by default.



In the top-right hand corner is where you’ll find other helpful tools like the Search bar, the information button (displays info and stats about the current channel), and the “Mentions” bar (notated by the “@” sign), which will display a list of all the times your username was flagged in chat in case you missed any important information which was sent your way.

在右上角,您可以找到其他有用的工具,例如搜索栏,信息按钮(显示有关当前频道的信息和统计信息)和“提及”栏(由“ @”符号表示) ,该列表将显示您的用户名在聊天中被标记的所有时间的列表,以防您错过以发送方式发送的任何重要信息。


整合方式 (Integrations)

With the help of Integrations, Slack becomes something more than just another chat channel where you and your co-workers meet online.



Integrations are essentially Slack’s fancy way of referring to plugins, but given how extensive and plentiful the options are in this department, the company could be forgiven for trying to set themselves apart from the rest of what’s out there right now.


Slack doesn’t just become the place where you talk, it’s the place where you collaborate, where your coordinate creative energies, bounce ideas off each other, and code in tandem on the same project at the same time. Integrations are what elevate the platform, and give it a level of flexibility and customization that no other service like it has before.

Slack不仅成为您交流的地方,而且还是您合作的地方,在这里您可以协调创造力,相互激发想法,并同时在同一项目上进行编码。 集成是提升平台的能力,并为它提供了前所未有的灵活性和自定义级别。


You can do everything from testing your new web app in every major browser to planning your next brainstorming session in Trello all via the notification system in Slack. This means fewer notifications clogging up the splash screen on your phone, and more time organizing your team and getting them up to speed on where everything is at.

您可以做所有事情,从在每个主要浏览器中测试新的Web应用程序到计划在Trello中的下一次集思广益会议,所有这些都可以通过Slack中的通知系统完成。 这意味着更少的通知会阻塞手机的初始屏幕,而有更多的时间来组织您的团队并让他们快速了解一切。

技巧和窍门 (Tips and Tricks)

Regular users of Slack might notice that they’re greeted with a different “welcome” message every time they’re logged into a preferred channel, but did you know you can customize these to fit the style of you and your entire team?



By utilizing the “Customization” panel, anyone in the chat with proper permissions can do everything from creating their own personalized emojis to writing out the prompt that room members are greeted with each time they sign in.



You can customize the loading messages that users see when they log into each room. If you don’t feel like coming up with anything on your own though, the platform already comes equipped with a line of quick, simple, and inspirational messages that can keep your team’s spirits lifted and productivity at an all-time high.

您可以自定义用户登录每个房间时看到的加载消息。 如果您不希望自己想出任何东西,那么该平台已经配备了一系列快速,简单和鼓舞人心的信息,这些信息可以使您的团队精神焕发,生产力始终保持最高水平。


From a distance, Slack can look like any other of the hundreds of online chat platforms out there. But once you really start digging into the guts of what it has to offer you can discover a tool which gives workers a platform to create, inspires them to collaborate, and pulls the absolute best out of the teams it brings together for each product they produce.

从远处看,Slack看起来可以像数百种在线聊天平台中的任何其他平台一样。 但是,一旦您真正开始深入了解它所提供的功能,您就可以发现一种工具,该工具为工人提供了一个创建平台,激励他们进行协作的能力,并从其为每个生产的产品而组建的团队中脱颖而出。

Image Credits: Slack

图片来源: 松弛

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/228372/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-slack-to-boost-your-group-productivity/





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