本文主要是介绍【COMP305 LEC 1 2】,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
Part 1 Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)
Topic 1 Historical/Biological Introduction
1. Biological Excitability
(a. Virtually all living cells maintain an electrical potential difference between their
interiors and the environment (exteriors) . 内部和外部环境存在电压差
(b. The membrane potential(膜电位) is one of the factors determining the energy barriers
encountered by charged substances (ions) entering or leaving the cell
(c. Within the cell membrane there are ion channels(离子通道) – proteins with the central(带有中心孔的蛋白质) pore through which ions can cross the membrane
(d. A schematic diagram of a section of the lipid bilayer(脂质双分子层) that forms the cell membrane with two ion channels embedded in it. The membrane is 3 to 4 nm thick, and the ion channels are about 10 nm long.

1. Under resting conditions ( normal, inactive, not sending a signal ), the potential inside neuron membrane is from -30 mV to -90 mV relative to that of the surrounding bath, conventionally defined to be 0 mV, and the cell is said to be polarized .
在静息条件下(正常、不活跃、不发送信号),神经元膜内的电位相对于周围浴液的电位从-30 mV到-90 mV,通常定义为0 mV,细胞被极化。
2. The electrical signal of a living cell is change of the membrane potential .
3. The membrane potential may change in response to electrical perturbation from other neurons.
4. If the perturbation is sufficiently large, above a threshold in intensity and duration , the response is a large amplitude electrical wave, propagating from the stimulated points to the rest of the tissue.
Wave Propagation
1. The wave travels with a nearly uniform velocity .匀速
2. The excitation and transmission are all-or-none and do not allow varying
degree of strength.
3. Excitation is followed by an unexcitable period of definite duration , called the
absolute refractory period; which is followed in turn by a relative refractory
period when the cell has subnormal excitability.
1. Important morphological specializations of neurons are the dendrites that receive inputs from other neurons, soma (the cell body), and the axon that carries the neuronal output to other cells.
2. The elaborate branching structure of the dendritic tree allows a neuron to receive inputs from many other neurons through synaptic connections.
The dendrites and soma act as input surface for signals from other neurons and/or receptors.
The axon carries signals from the neuron to other neurons and/or effectors (e.g., muscle fibers or glands)
• (A): cortical pyramidal cell. These are the primary excitatory neurons of the cerebral cortex. Pyramidal cell axons branch locally, sending signals to synapse with nearby neurons, and also more distally to other parts of the brain and nervous system.
• (B): Purkinje cell. Purkinje cell axons transmit the output of the cerebral cortex.
• (C): stellate cell. Stellate cells are one of a large class of interneurons that provide inhibitory input to the neurons of the cerebral cortex.
The cortical pyramidal neuron A and the cortical interneuron C each receive thousands of synaptic inputs, and for the Purkinje cell B, the number is over 100,000.
• Axons from single neurons can traverse large fractions of the brain or, in some cases, of the entire body.
• Axons can also connect with multiple targets.
皮层锥体神经元A和皮层间神经元C分别接收数千个突触输入,而对于浦肯野细胞B,其数量超过10万个。来自单个神经元的 •轴突可以穿过大脑的大部分,在某些情况下,还可以穿过整个身体。轴突也可以与多个目标相连接
The tips of the axon branches are called nerve terminals or boutons .
• The location of interaction between a terminal and the cell upon is called a synapse .
• A synapse shown in the left figure illustrates the presynaptic bouton at the end of the axon and a spine on the dendrite.
The terminology of presynaptic and postsynaptic defines the direction of signal flow.
• Santiago Ramon y Cajal, ~1901, supposed that the specific networking of the nervous cells determines direction of transmission of information . This discovery made clear that the coupling of the neurons constitutes a hierarchical system .
突触前和突触后的术语定义了信号流的方向。•圣地亚哥Ramon y Cajal,~1901,认为神经细胞的特定网络决定了信息传递的方向。这一发现清楚地表明,神经元的耦合构成了一个层次系统。
The chemical transmission of information at the synapses was mostly studied from 1920 to 1940.
• The two neurons are not directly connected but communicate via the cleft .
The axon terminal or bouton is filled with synaptic vesicles containing neurotransmitter .
• The neurotransmitter is released when a spike arrives from the presynaptic neuron
Transmitter crosses the synaptic cleft and binds to receptors on the dendritic spine.
• Excitatory synapses on cortical pyramidal cells form on dendritic spines as shown here. Synapses can form on the dendrites, or axon.
Although impulses spread uniformly along axons, there is no physiological continuity from neuron to neuron .
• When an impulse (perturbation) reaches a synapse, it does not necessarily stimulate the following neuron .
Trans-synaptic stimulation of a neuron requires usually
• either a repetition of impulses in time at the same synapse ( temporal summation ).
• or the simultaneous arrival of impulses at a sufficient number of adjacent synapses ( spatial
summation )
to make the “density” of excitation high enough at some region of the neuron.
The arrival of impulses at synapses may have opposite to excitation effect, i.e., it may render the element less excitable to other stimuli. This decrease of excitability is called inhibition .
1. The excitatory or inhibitory effect of the transmitter generally causes a potential change in the postsynaptic membrane.
2. The cooperative effect of many potential changes may yield a synthesized potential change in the soma that exceeds the threshold – and if this occurs at a time
3. when the neuron has passed the refractory period of its previous firing, then a new impulse is fired down the axon.
The top trace represents a recording from an intracellular electrode connected to the soma of
the neuron. The height of the action potentials has been clipped to show the subthreshold membrane potential more clearly.
• The middle trace is a simulated extracellular recording . Action potentials appear as roughly
equal positive and negative potential fluctuations with an amplitude of ~0.1mV, which is ~1000 times smaller than the approximately 0.1V amplitude of an intracellularly recorded action potential.
• The bottom trace represents a recording from an intracellular electrode connected to the axon some distance away from the soma. The full height of the action potentials is indicated in this trace.
The top recording from soma shows rapid spikes riding on top of a more slowly varying subthreshold potential.
• The bottom trace shows intracellular recording from axon some distance out of soma. The
subthreshold membrane potential waveform, apparent in the soma recording, is completely absent on the axon due to attenuation, while the action potential sequence in the two recordings is the same.
• The difference in records from soma and from the axon illustrates the important point that
spikes, but not subthreshold potentials, propagate regeneratively down the axons.

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