we learn考试能切屏吗_吉林省吉林大学附属中学2017届高三第六次摸底考试试题

本文主要是介绍we learn考试能切屏吗_吉林省吉林大学附属中学2017届高三第六次摸底考试试题,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




A good night's sleep may help your brain file awaylessons learned during the day. But, according to a new study, the brain beginsprocessing and storing those memories long before it's time for bed — andcontinues to do so even while you're thinking about and doing other things.

Recent studies have shown that the parts of thebrain that we use to learn a task become active again during sleep. Thisactivity, scientists suggest, could be the brain transferring memories fromshort­term to long­term storage. But the brain doesn't necessarily wait untilthe lights are out to begin processing those memories. To find out how thebrain handles memories during waking hours, scientists gave 15 volunteers twotasks, each requiring different parts of the brain to learn. In one task, thesubjects learned how to drive in a virtual (虚拟的) town and thensearched the town for an object. In the second task, they learned to predictwhere a series of dots would appear on a screen.

Using a special machine, the researchers scanned thevolunteers' brains right before and right after the tasks. They compared thetwo images to see whether the regions of the brain involved in learning thetask were still active even after the task was completed.

After a break, the scientists took a third image ofeach participant's brain. They wanted to determine whether these regions in thebrain continued to be active after more time had passed and they discoveredthat, for at least an hour after learning a task, the brain stays active. Itappears to continue processing the new information.

Furthermore, the images showed that distractingthe subjects doesn't affect their ability to store memories. The processingcontinues even when they're thinking about or doing other things.Somescientists say this could mean that sleep isn't essential for storing memories.Others disagree. Until that's settled, it's probably still better to be on thesafe side, getting plenty of sleep.

5.The new study mentioned in the passage was carriedout by ________.


C.trial  D.visiting

答案与解析:C 根据文章第二至第五段内容可知,为了研究人的大脑是如何处理问题的,科学家们找来了15位志愿者,让他们执行不同的任务,然后检测他们大脑的活动情况,这是一种典型的“试验”研究法,因此答案选C项。

6.The fact thatthe parts of the brain that we use to learn a task become active again duringsleep may suggest ________.

A.we are dreaming a dream about the lessons we learnedin the daytime

B.we can't have a good sleep if we work too hardbefore going to bed

C.the brain stays active even when we are in deepsleep at night

D.the brain is transferring memories from short­termto long­term storage

答案与解析:D 根据第二段前两句内容the parts of the brain that we use to learna task become active again during sleep...could be the brain transferringmemories from short­term to long­term storage.可知。

7.The scientiststook a third image of each participant's brain to ________.

A.find whether the brain continues processing the newinformation after more time had passed

B.see whether the regions of the brain involved inlearning the task were working actively

C.prove different parts of the brain are involved inlearning

D.to discover whether the processing continues evenwhen people are doing other things

答案与解析:A 根据第四段前两句内容whether these regions in the brain continuedto be active after more time had passed...可知。

8.The underlinedword “distract” in the fifth paragraph probably has the closestmeaning to “________”.

A.attract  B.divert

C.solve  D.consider

答案与解析:B 从后面一句The processing continues even when they'rethinking about or doing other things.可知,distract意为“分散、转移”,因此答案选B。

9.It can beinferred from the passage that ________.

A.sleep isn't essential for storing memories

B.getting plenty of sleep is a waste of time

C.scientists haven't agreed on whether sleep helpsmemory

D.sleep on the safe side is good to us

答案与解析:C 从最后一段内容可知,有些科学家认为试验的结果可能意味着睡眠并不是记忆储存的必需条件,而其他科学家却不这样认为。由此可见科学家对于睡眠是否有助于记忆的问题没有达成一致意见。


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