Trapezoidal numerical integration(梯形数值积分)

2023-10-18 15:59

本文主要是介绍Trapezoidal numerical integration(梯形数值积分),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

**1. Trapezoidal numerical integration(梯形数值积分)

1. Principle*

【trapz】performs numerical integration via the trapezoidal method. This method approximates the integration over an interval by breaking the area down into trapezoids with more easily computable areas. For example, here is a trapezoidal integration of the sine function using eight evenly-spaced trapezoids:


2. Formula

a) the constant spacing model

b) General model

Q = trapz(Y) computes the approximate integral of Y via the trapezoidal method with unit spacing. The size of Y determines the dimension to integrate along:

  • If Y is a vector, then trapz(Y) is the approximate integral of Y.
  • If Y is a matrix, then trapz(Y) integrates over each column and
    returns a row vector of integration values.
  • If Y is a multidimensional array, then trapz(Y) integrates over the
    first dimension whose size does not equal 1. The size of this
    dimension becomes 1, and the sizes of other dimensions remain

Q = trapz(X,Y) integrates Y with respect to the coordinates or scalar spacing specified by X.

  • If X is a vector of coordinates, then length(X) must be equal to the
    size of the first dimension of Y whose size does not equal 1.
  • If X is a scalar spacing, then trapz(X,Y) is equivalent to


Integrate Vector of Data with Unit Spacing
Calculate the integral of a vector where the spacing between data points is 1.

Create a numeric vector of data.
Y = [1 4 9 16 25];
Y contains function values for in the domain [1, 5].

Use trapz to integrate the data with unit spacing.
Q = trapz(Y)
This approximate integration yields a value of 42. In this case, the exact answer is a little less, . The trapz function overestimates the value of the integral because f(x) is concave up.
Copyright 2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

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梯形积分PID控制算法 梯形积分PID控制算法: 注:本文内容摘自《先进PID控制MATLAB仿真(第4版)》刘金琨 编著,研读此书受益匪浅,感谢作者! 梯形积分PID控制算法: 在PID控制律中积分项的作用是消除余差,为了减小余差,应提高积分项的运算精度,为此,可将矩形积分改为梯形积分。梯形积分的计算公式: ∫ 0 t e ( t ) d t = ∑ i = 0 k e

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