MMFA:MemManage Fault Address Register
BFAR: bus fault address register
HFSR; hardfault status register
CFSR:configurable fault status register
ICSR:interrupt control and state register
bool is_key_down = false;//该变量在按键中断里面触发,当按键按下,该位被置位为trueint main(void)
{for(;;){if(is_key_down){uint8_t *hardfault_data = NULL;*hardfault_data = 7;//对空指针进行赋值会导致死机}}
SECTION_SUBSEC_FUNC(TEXT,__fault,z_arm_exc_spurious)mrs r0, MSPmrs r1, PSPpush {r0, lr}
#if defined(CONFIG_EXTRA_EXCEPTION_INFO)/* Build _callee_saved_t. To match the struct* definition we push the psp & then r11-r4*/push { r1, r2 }
#if defined(CONFIG_ARMV6_M_ARMV8_M_BASELINE)mov r3, r11mov r2, r10push {r2, r3}mov r3, r9mov r2, r8push {r2, r3}push {r4-r7}
#elif defined(CONFIG_ARMV7_M_ARMV8_M_MAINLINE)push {r4-r11}
#endifmov r3, sp /* pointer to _callee_saved_t */
#endif /* CONFIG_EXTRA_EXCEPTION_INFO */mov r2, lr /* EXC_RETURN */bl z_arm_fault //这个函数是c语言写的,主要功能是打印16个内核寄存器信息,以及复位
#if defined(CONFIG_EXTRA_EXCEPTION_INFO)/* We do not need to restore any register state here* because we did not use any callee-saved registers* in this routine. Therefore, we can just reset* the MSP to its value prior to entering the function*/add sp, #40
#endifpop {r0, pc}.end
void z_arm_fault(uint32_t msp, uint32_t psp, uint32_t exc_return,_callee_saved_t *callee_regs)
{uint32_t reason = K_ERR_CPU_EXCEPTION;int fault = SCB->ICSR & SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_Msk;bool recoverable, nested_exc;z_arch_esf_t *esf;/* Create a stack-ed copy of the ESF to be used during* the fault handling process.*/z_arch_esf_t esf_copy;/* Force unlock interrupts */arch_irq_unlock(0);/* Retrieve the Exception Stack Frame (ESF) to be supplied* as argument to the remainder of the fault handling process.*/esf = get_esf(msp, psp, exc_return, &nested_exc);__ASSERT(esf != NULL,"ESF could not be retrieved successfully. Shall never occur.");esf_cp_for_info(esf, fault);#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_COREDUMPz_arm_coredump_fault_sp = POINTER_TO_UINT(esf);
#endifreason = fault_handle(esf, fault, &recoverable);if (recoverable) {return;}/* Copy ESF */
#if !defined(CONFIG_EXTRA_EXCEPTION_INFO)memcpy(&esf_copy, esf, sizeof(z_arch_esf_t));ARG_UNUSED(callee_regs);
#else/* the extra exception info is not present in the original esf* so we only copy the fields before those.*/memcpy(&esf_copy, esf, offsetof(z_arch_esf_t, extra_info));esf_copy.extra_info = (struct __extra_esf_info) {.callee = callee_regs,.exc_return = exc_return,.msp = msp};
#endif /* CONFIG_EXTRA_EXCEPTION_INFO *//* Overwrite stacked IPSR to mark a nested exception,* or a return to Thread mode. Note that this may be* required, if the retrieved ESF contents are invalid* due to, for instance, a stacking error.*///LOG_INF("-->nested_exc:0x%x\r\n\r\n",nested_exc);if (nested_exc) {if ((esf_copy.basic.xpsr & IPSR_ISR_Msk) == 0) {esf_copy.basic.xpsr |= IPSR_ISR_Msk;}} else {esf_copy.basic.xpsr &= ~(IPSR_ISR_Msk);}//while(1);当你想在debug模式下看层级调用关系,而不是要代码自动复位,把while(1)加上就行了z_arm_fatal_error(reason, &esf_copy);
z_arm_fatal_error(reason, &esf_copy);这个函数就是就是读取内核的16个寄存器信息
void z_arm_fatal_error(unsigned int reason, const z_arch_esf_t *esf)
{if (esf != NULL) {esf_dump(esf);}z_fatal_error(reason, esf);
}static void esf_dump(const z_arch_esf_t *esf)
{LOG_ERR("r0/a1: 0x%08x r1/a2: 0x%08x r2/a3: 0x%08x",esf->basic.a1, esf->basic.a2, esf->basic.a3);LOG_ERR("r3/a4: 0x%08x r12/ip: 0x%08x r14/lr: 0x%08x",esf->basic.a4, esf->basic.ip, esf->basic.lr);LOG_ERR(" xpsr: 0x%08x", esf->basic.xpsr);
#if defined(CONFIG_FPU) && defined(CONFIG_FPU_SHARING)for (int i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) {LOG_ERR("s[%2d]: 0x%08x s[%2d]: 0x%08x"" s[%2d]: 0x%08x s[%2d]: 0x%08x",i, (uint32_t)esf->s[i],i + 1, (uint32_t)esf->s[i + 1],i + 2, (uint32_t)esf->s[i + 2],i + 3, (uint32_t)esf->s[i + 3]);}LOG_ERR("fpscr: 0x%08x", esf->fpscr);
#if defined(CONFIG_EXTRA_EXCEPTION_INFO)const struct _callee_saved *callee = esf->extra_info.callee;if (callee != NULL) {LOG_ERR("r4/v1: 0x%08x r5/v2: 0x%08x r6/v3: 0x%08x",callee->v1, callee->v2, callee->v3);LOG_ERR("r7/v4: 0x%08x r8/v5: 0x%08x r9/v6: 0x%08x",callee->v4, callee->v5, callee->v6);LOG_ERR("r10/v7: 0x%08x r11/v8: 0x%08x psp: 0x%08x",callee->v7, callee->v8, callee->psp);}
#endif /* CONFIG_EXTRA_EXCEPTION_INFO */LOG_ERR("Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x%08x",esf->basic.pc);
参考手册:STM32 Cortex®-M33 MCUs programming manual