micropython驱动ST7789v 2.4寸液晶显示中文

2023-10-17 17:50

本文主要是介绍micropython驱动ST7789v 2.4寸液晶显示中文,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!






我曾经有一篇文章,介绍如何使用unicode字模库在屏幕上显示汉字,如果你对这个方法还不是很了解,可以看一下我之前这篇文章。使用micropython(ESP8266、ESP32)驱动SES 2.66寸墨水屏显示中文_esp8266驱动墨水屏_f4t0x的博客-CSDN博客



Copyright (c) 2020, 2021 Russ HughesThis file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and
permission notice and is licensed under the same terms:The MIT License (MIT)Copyright (c) 2019 Ivan BelokobylskiyPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR
THE SOFTWARE.The driver is based on devbis' st7789py_mpy module from
https://github.com/devbis/st7789py_mpy.This driver adds support for:- 320x240, 240x240 and 135x240 pixel displays
- Display rotation
- Hardware based scrolling
- Drawing text using 8 and 16 bit wide bitmap fonts with heights that aremultiples of 8.  Included are 12 bitmap fonts derived from classic pcBIOS text mode fonts.
- Drawing text using converted TrueType fonts.
- Drawing converted bitmaps"""import time
from micropython import const
import ustruct as struct# commands
ST7789_NOP = const(0x00)
ST7789_SWRESET = const(0x01)
ST7789_RDDID = const(0x04)
ST7789_RDDST = const(0x09)ST7789_SLPIN = const(0x10)
ST7789_SLPOUT = const(0x11)
ST7789_PTLON = const(0x12)
ST7789_NORON = const(0x13)ST7789_INVOFF = const(0x20)
ST7789_INVON = const(0x21)
ST7789_DISPOFF = const(0x28)
ST7789_DISPON = const(0x29)
ST7789_CASET = const(0x2A)
ST7789_RASET = const(0x2B)
ST7789_RAMWR = const(0x2C)
ST7789_RAMRD = const(0x2E)ST7789_PTLAR = const(0x30)
ST7789_VSCRDEF = const(0x33)
ST7789_COLMOD = const(0x3A)
ST7789_MADCTL = const(0x36)
ST7789_VSCSAD = const(0x37)ST7789_MADCTL_MY = const(0x80)
ST7789_MADCTL_MX = const(0x40)
ST7789_MADCTL_MV = const(0x20)
ST7789_MADCTL_ML = const(0x10)
ST7789_MADCTL_BGR = const(0x08)
ST7789_MADCTL_MH = const(0x04)
ST7789_MADCTL_RGB = const(0x00)ST7789_RDID1 = const(0xDA)
ST7789_RDID2 = const(0xDB)
ST7789_RDID3 = const(0xDC)
ST7789_RDID4 = const(0xDD)COLOR_MODE_65K = const(0x50)
COLOR_MODE_262K = const(0x60)
COLOR_MODE_12BIT = const(0x03)
COLOR_MODE_16BIT = const(0x05)
COLOR_MODE_18BIT = const(0x06)
COLOR_MODE_16M = const(0x07)# Color definitions
BLACK = const(0x0000)
BLUE = const(0x001F)
RED = const(0xF800)
GREEN = const(0x07E0)
CYAN = const(0x07FF)
MAGENTA = const(0xF81F)
YELLOW = const(0xFFE0)
_DECODE_PIXEL = ">BBB"_BUFFER_SIZE = const(256)_BIT7 = const(0x80)
_BIT6 = const(0x40)
_BIT5 = const(0x20)
_BIT4 = const(0x10)
_BIT3 = const(0x08)
_BIT2 = const(0x04)
_BIT1 = const(0x02)
_BIT0 = const(0x01)# Rotation tables (width, height, xstart, ystart)[rotation % 4]WIDTH_320 = [(240, 320,  0,  0),(320, 240,  0,  0),(240, 320,  0,  0),(320, 240,  0,  0)]WIDTH_240 = [(240, 240,  0,  0),(240, 240,  0,  0),(240, 240,  0, 80),(240, 240, 80,  0)]WIDTH_135 = [(135, 240, 52, 40),(240, 135, 40, 53),(135, 240, 53, 40),(240, 135, 40, 52)]# MADCTL ROTATIONS[rotation % 4]
ROTATIONS = [0x00, 0x60, 0xc0, 0xa0]def color565(red, green=0, blue=0):"""Convert red, green and blue values (0-255) into a 16-bit 565 encoding."""try:red, green, blue = red  # see if the first var is a tuple/listexcept TypeError:passreturn (red & 0xf8) << 8 | (green & 0xfc) << 3 | blue >> 3def _encode_pos(x, y):"""Encode a postion into bytes."""return struct.pack(_ENCODE_POS, x, y)def _encode_pixel(color):"""Encode a pixel color into bytes."""return struct.pack(_ENCODE_PIXEL, color)class ST7789():"""ST7789 driver classArgs:spi (spi): spi object **Required**width (int): display width **Required**height (int): display height **Required**reset (pin): reset pindc (pin): dc pin **Required**cs (pin): cs pinbacklight(pin): backlight pinrotation (int): display rotation- 0-Portrait- 1-Landscape- 2-Inverted Portrait- 3-Inverted Landscape"""def __init__(self, spi, width, height, reset=None, dc=None,cs=None, backlight=None, rotation=0):"""Initialize display."""if height != 240 or width not in [320, 240, 135]:raise ValueError("Unsupported display. 320x240, 240x240 and 135x240 are supported.")if dc is None:raise ValueError("dc pin is required.")self._display_width = self.width = widthself._display_height = self.height = heightself.xstart = 0self.ystart = 0self.spi = spiself.reset = resetself.dc = dcself.cs = csself.backlight = backlightself._rotation = rotation % 4#self.hard_reset()#self.soft_reset()self.sleep_mode(False)self._set_color_mode(COLOR_MODE_65K | COLOR_MODE_16BIT)time.sleep_ms(50)self.rotation(self._rotation)self.inversion_mode(True)time.sleep_ms(10)self._write(ST7789_NORON)time.sleep_ms(10)if backlight is not None:backlight.value(1)self.fill(0)self._write(ST7789_DISPON)time.sleep_ms(500)def _write(self, command=None, data=None):"""SPI write to the device: commands and data."""if self.cs:self.cs.off()if command is not None:self.dc.off()self.spi.write(bytes([command]))if data is not None:self.dc.on()self.spi.write(data)if self.cs:self.cs.on()def hard_reset(self):"""Hard reset display."""if self.cs:self.cs.off()if self.reset:self.reset.on()time.sleep_ms(50)if self.reset:self.reset.off()time.sleep_ms(50)if self.reset:self.reset.on()time.sleep_ms(150)if self.cs:self.cs.on()def soft_reset(self):"""Soft reset display."""self._write(ST7789_SWRESET)time.sleep_ms(150)def sleep_mode(self, value):"""Enable or disable display sleep mode.Args:value (bool): if True enable sleep mode. if False disable sleepmode"""if value:self._write(ST7789_SLPIN)else:self._write(ST7789_SLPOUT)def inversion_mode(self, value):"""Enable or disable display inversion mode.Args:value (bool): if True enable inversion mode. if False disableinversion mode"""if value:self._write(ST7789_INVON)else:self._write(ST7789_INVOFF)def _set_color_mode(self, mode):"""Set display color mode.Args:mode (int): color modeCOLOR_MODE_65K, COLOR_MODE_262K, COLOR_MODE_12BIT,COLOR_MODE_16BIT, COLOR_MODE_18BIT, COLOR_MODE_16M"""self._write(ST7789_COLMOD, bytes([mode & 0x77]))def rotation(self, rotation):"""Set display rotation.Args:rotation (int):- 0-Portrait- 1-Landscape- 2-Inverted Portrait- 3-Inverted Landscape"""rotation %= 4self._rotation = rotationmadctl = ROTATIONS[rotation]if self._display_width == 320:table = WIDTH_320elif self._display_width == 240:table = WIDTH_240elif self._display_width == 135:table = WIDTH_135else:raise ValueError("Unsupported display. 320x240, 240x240 and 135x240 are supported.")self.width, self.height, self.xstart, self.ystart = table[rotation]self._write(ST7789_MADCTL, bytes([madctl]))def _set_columns(self, start, end):"""Send CASET (column address set) command to display.Args:start (int): column start addressend (int): column end address"""if start <= end <= self.width:self._write(ST7789_CASET, _encode_pos(start+self.xstart, end + self.xstart))def _set_rows(self, start, end):"""Send RASET (row address set) command to display.Args:start (int): row start addressend (int): row end address"""if start <= end <= self.height:self._write(ST7789_RASET, _encode_pos(start+self.ystart, end+self.ystart))def _set_window(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):"""Set window to column and row address.Args:x0 (int): column start addressy0 (int): row start addressx1 (int): column end addressy1 (int): row end address"""self._set_columns(x0, x1)self._set_rows(y0, y1)self._write(ST7789_RAMWR)def vline(self, x, y, length, color):"""Draw vertical line at the given location and color.Args:x (int): x coordinateY (int): y coordinatelength (int): length of linecolor (int): 565 encoded color"""self.fill_rect(x, y, 1, length, color)def hline(self, x, y, length, color):"""Draw horizontal line at the given location and color.Args:x (int): x coordinateY (int): y coordinatelength (int): length of linecolor (int): 565 encoded color"""self.fill_rect(x, y, length, 1, color)def pixel(self, x, y, color):"""Draw a pixel at the given location and color.Args:x (int): x coordinateY (int): y coordinatecolor (int): 565 encoded color"""self._set_window(x, y, x, y)self._write(None, _encode_pixel(color))def blit_buffer(self, buffer, x, y, width, height):"""Copy buffer to display at the given location.Args:buffer (bytes): Data to copy to displayx (int): Top left corner x coordinateY (int): Top left corner y coordinatewidth (int): Widthheight (int): Height"""self._set_window(x, y, x + width - 1, y + height - 1)self._write(None, buffer)def rect(self, x, y, w, h, color):"""Draw a rectangle at the given location, size and color.Args:x (int): Top left corner x coordinatey (int): Top left corner y coordinatewidth (int): Width in pixelsheight (int): Height in pixelscolor (int): 565 encoded color"""self.hline(x, y, w, color)self.vline(x, y, h, color)self.vline(x + w - 1, y, h, color)self.hline(x, y + h - 1, w, color)def fill_rect(self, x, y, width, height, color):"""Draw a rectangle at the given location, size and filled with color.Args:x (int): Top left corner x coordinatey (int): Top left corner y coordinatewidth (int): Width in pixelsheight (int): Height in pixelscolor (int): 565 encoded color"""self._set_window(x, y, x + width - 1, y + height - 1)chunks, rest = divmod(width * height, _BUFFER_SIZE)pixel = _encode_pixel(color)self.dc.on()if chunks:data = pixel * _BUFFER_SIZEfor _ in range(chunks):self._write(None, data)if rest:self._write(None, pixel * rest)def fill(self, color):"""Fill the entire FrameBuffer with the specified color.Args:color (int): 565 encoded color"""self.fill_rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height, color)def line(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, color):"""Draw a single pixel wide line starting at x0, y0 and ending at x1, y1.Args:x0 (int): Start point x coordinatey0 (int): Start point y coordinatex1 (int): End point x coordinatey1 (int): End point y coordinatecolor (int): 565 encoded color"""steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0)if steep:x0, y0 = y0, x0x1, y1 = y1, x1if x0 > x1:x0, x1 = x1, x0y0, y1 = y1, y0dx = x1 - x0dy = abs(y1 - y0)err = dx // 2ystep = 1 if y0 < y1 else -1while x0 <= x1:if steep:self.pixel(y0, x0, color)else:self.pixel(x0, y0, color)err -= dyif err < 0:y0 += ysteperr += dxx0 += 1def vscrdef(self, tfa, vsa, bfa):"""Set Vertical Scrolling Definition.To scroll a 135x240 display these values should be 40, 240, 40.There are 40 lines above the display that are not shown followed by240 lines that are shown followed by 40 more lines that are not shown.You could write to these areas off display and scroll them into view bychanging the TFA, VSA and BFA values.Args:tfa (int): Top Fixed Areavsa (int): Vertical Scrolling Areabfa (int): Bottom Fixed Area"""struct.pack(">HHH", tfa, vsa, bfa)self._write(ST7789_VSCRDEF, struct.pack(">HHH", tfa, vsa, bfa))def vscsad(self, vssa):"""Set Vertical Scroll Start Address of RAM.Defines which line in the Frame Memory will be written as the firstline after the last line of the Top Fixed Area on the displayExample:for line in range(40, 280, 1):tft.vscsad(line)utime.sleep(0.01)Args:vssa (int): Vertical Scrolling Start Address"""self._write(ST7789_VSCSAD, struct.pack(">H", vssa))def _text8(self, font, text, x0, y0, color=WHITE, background=BLACK):"""Internal method to write characters with width of 8 andheights of 8 or 16.Args:font (module): font module to usetext (str): text to writex0 (int): column to start drawing aty0 (int): row to start drawing atcolor (int): 565 encoded color to use for charactersbackground (int): 565 encoded color to use for background"""for char in text:ch = ord(char)if (font.FIRST <= ch < font.LASTand x0+font.WIDTH <= self.widthand y0+font.HEIGHT <= self.height):if font.HEIGHT == 8:passes = 1size = 8each = 0else:passes = 2size = 16each = 8for line in range(passes):idx = (ch-font.FIRST)*size+(each*line)buffer = struct.pack('>64H',color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT0 else background)self.blit_buffer(buffer, x0, y0+8*line, 8, 8)x0 += 8def _text16(self, font, text, x0, y0, color=WHITE, background=BLACK):"""Internal method to draw characters with width of 16 and heights of 16or 32.Args:font (module): font module to usetext (str): text to writex0 (int): column to start drawing aty0 (int): row to start drawing atcolor (int): 565 encoded color to use for charactersbackground (int): 565 encoded color to use for background"""for char in text:ch = ord(char)if (font.FIRST <= ch < font.LASTand x0+font.WIDTH <= self.widthand y0+font.HEIGHT <= self.height):each = 16if font.HEIGHT == 16:passes = 2size = 32else:passes = 4size = 64for line in range(passes):idx = (ch-font.FIRST)*size+(each*line)buffer = struct.pack('>128H',color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+1] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+2] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+3] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+4] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+5] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+6] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+7] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+8] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+8] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+8] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+8] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+8] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+8] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+8] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+8] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+9] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+9] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+9] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+9] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+9] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+9] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+9] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+9] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+10] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+10] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+10] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+10] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+10] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+10] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+10] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+10] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+11] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+11] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+11] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+11] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+11] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+11] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+11] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+11] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+12] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+12] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+12] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+12] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+12] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+12] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+12] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+12] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+13] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+13] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+13] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+13] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+13] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+13] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+13] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+13] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+14] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+14] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+14] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+14] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+14] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+14] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+14] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+14] & _BIT0 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+15] & _BIT7 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+15] & _BIT6 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+15] & _BIT5 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+15] & _BIT4 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+15] & _BIT3 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+15] & _BIT2 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+15] & _BIT1 else background,color if font.FONT[idx+15] & _BIT0 else background)self.blit_buffer(buffer, x0, y0+8*line, 16, 8)x0 += font.WIDTHdef text(self, font, text, x0, y0, color=WHITE, background=BLACK):"""Draw text on display in specified font and colors. 8 and 16 bit widefonts are supported.Args:font (module): font module to use.text (str): text to writex0 (int): column to start drawing aty0 (int): row to start drawing atcolor (int): 565 encoded color to use for charactersbackground (int): 565 encoded color to use for background"""if font.WIDTH == 8:self._text8(font, text, x0, y0, color, background)else:self._text16(font, text, x0, y0, color, background)def bitmap(self, bitmap, x, y, index=0):"""Draw a bitmap on display at the specified column and rowArgs:bitmap (bitmap_module): The module containing the bitmap to drawx (int): column to start drawing aty (int): row to start drawing atindex (int): Optional index of bitmap to draw from multiple bitmapmodule"""bitmap_size = bitmap.HEIGHT * bitmap.WIDTHbuffer_len = bitmap_size * 2buffer = bytearray(buffer_len)bs_bit = bitmap.BPP * bitmap_size * index if index > 0 else 0for i in range(0, buffer_len, 2):color_index = 0for _ in range(bitmap.BPP):color_index <<= 1color_index |= (bitmap.BITMAP[bs_bit // 8]& 1 << (7 - (bs_bit % 8))) > 0bs_bit += 1color = bitmap.PALETTE[color_index]buffer[i] = color & 0xff00 >> 8buffer[i + 1] = color_index & 0xffto_col = x + bitmap.WIDTH - 1to_row = y + bitmap.HEIGHT - 1if self.width > to_col and self.height > to_row:self._set_window(x, y, to_col, to_row)self._write(None, buffer)# @micropython.nativedef write(self, font, string, x, y, fg=WHITE, bg=BLACK):"""Write a string using a converted true-type font on the display startingat the specified column and rowArgs:font (font): The module containing the converted true-type fonts (string): The string to writex (int): column to start writingy (int): row to start writingfg (int): foreground color, optional, defaults to WHITEbg (int): background color, optional, defaults to BLACK"""buffer_len = font.HEIGHT * font.MAX_WIDTH * 2buffer = bytearray(buffer_len)fg_hi = (fg & 0xff00) >> 8fg_lo = fg & 0xffbg_hi = (bg & 0xff00) >> 8bg_lo = bg & 0xfffor character in string:try:char_index = font.MAP.index(character)offset = char_index * font.OFFSET_WIDTHbs_bit = font.OFFSETS[offset]if font.OFFSET_WIDTH > 1:bs_bit = (bs_bit << 8) + font.OFFSETS[offset + 1]if font.OFFSET_WIDTH > 2:bs_bit = (bs_bit << 8) + font.OFFSETS[offset + 2]char_width = font.WIDTHS[char_index]buffer_needed = char_width * font.HEIGHT * 2for i in range(0, buffer_needed, 2):if font.BITMAPS[bs_bit // 8] & 1 << (7 - (bs_bit % 8)) > 0:buffer[i] = fg_hibuffer[i + 1] = fg_loelse:buffer[i] = bg_hibuffer[i + 1] = bg_lobs_bit += 1to_col = x + char_width - 1to_row = y + font.HEIGHT - 1if self.width > to_col and self.height > to_row:self._set_window(x, y, to_col, to_row)self._write(None, buffer[:buffer_needed])x += char_widthexcept ValueError:passdef write_width(self, font, string):"""Returns the width in pixels of the string if it was written with thespecified fontArgs:font (font): The module containing the converted true-type fontstring (string): The string to measure"""width = 0for character in string:try:char_index = font.MAP.index(character)width += font.WIDTHS[char_index]except ValueError:passreturn width


















writeBuff=bytearray(1)while buff is not None:b=0x00#print("a=",a)for i in range(8):  b=(b&0xfe) | (0x01 & a)if i<7:b=b<<1a=a>>1#print("b=",b)writeBuff[0]=bf1.write(writeBuff)cnt+=1#print("cnt=",cnt)try:buff=f.read(1)a=buff[0]except:break










    def stringCN(self,string, x0, y0, high=32,color=WHITE, background=BLACK):import gcgc.collect()high=highif high==16:fontFileCN=open('/sd/fonts-unicode(0000-FFFF)-w16-h16-b12-inv8.dzk','rb')fontFileEN=open('/sd/fonts-unicode(0000-00FF)-w8-h16-b12-inv8.dzk','rb')widthCN=16widthEN=8elif high==32:fontFileCN=open('/sd/fonts-unicode(0000-FFFF)-w32-h32-b24.dzk','rb')fontFileEN=open('/sd/fonts-unicode(0000-00FF)-w16-h32-b24-inv8.dzk','rb')widthCN=32widthEN=16else:print("unsupported font!")return#输入字符串长度,即字符数,一个中文/英文字符均算作1个i=0#i是string通过string=bytes(string,'utf-8')转换成字节串之后在每个循环中处理的位置scrPos=0#要显示的某个字符在屏幕X轴方向的位置string=bytes(string,'utf-8')#此时string的len已经和输入参数中的len不一样了,因为中文在输入时len为1,转换后len为3while i<len(string):utfbytes=self.encode_get_utf8_size(string[i])#单个字符的所占字节数,一般英文为1,中文为3#print(i,string[i],utfbytes,string[i:i+utfbytes])tmp=self.encode_utf8_to_unicode(string[i:i+utfbytes])#字符转码为unicode编码,0x0000~0xffff,常用中文在0x4e00~0x9fff,英文在0x0000~0x00ff#print(type(tmp),tmp)i+=utfbytesif utfbytes==1:width=widthENfontFile=fontFileENelif utfbytes==3:width=widthCNfontFile=fontFileCNelse:print("utfbytes error,utfbytes=",utfbytes)returnfontFile.seek(tmp*int(high*width/8))zimo=fontFile.read(int(high*width/8))buffer=bytearray(0)for pixByteIndex in range(int(high*width/8)):#print(pixByteIndex)for bitCounter in range(8):#print(bitCounter)#RGB565,一个像素点2字节,如果字模中像素点为0,就填充背景色,为1就填充color色if (zimo[pixByteIndex] & 0x01<<bitCounter):buffer.append(~((color&0xff00)>>8))buffer.append(~(color&0x00ff))else:buffer.append(~((background & 0xff00)>>8))buffer.append(~(background & 0x00ff))self.blit_buffer(buffer, x0+scrPos, y0, width=width, height=high)scrPos+=widthdef encode_get_utf8_size(self,utf):if utf < 0x80:return 1if utf >= 0x80 and utf < 0xC0:return -1if utf >= 0xC0 and utf < 0xE0:return 2if utf >= 0xE0 and utf < 0xF0:return 3if utf >= 0xF0 and utf < 0xF8:return 4if utf >= 0xF8 and utf < 0xFC:return 5if utf >= 0xFC:return 6def encode_utf8_to_unicode(self,utf8):utfbytes = self.encode_get_utf8_size(utf8[0])if utfbytes == 1:unic = utf8[0]if utfbytes == 2:b1 = utf8[0]b2 = utf8[1]if ((b2 & 0xE0) != 0x80):return -1unic = ((((b1 << 6) + (b2 & 0x3F)) & 0xFF) << 8) | (((b1 >> 2) & 0x07) & 0xFF)if utfbytes == 3:b1 = utf8[0]b2 = utf8[1]b3 = utf8[2]if (((b2 & 0xC0) != 0x80) or ((b3 & 0xC0) != 0x80)):return -1unic = ((((b1 << 4) + ((b2 >> 2) & 0x0F)) & 0xFF) << 8) | (((b2 << 6) + (b3 & 0x3F)) & 0xFF)if utfbytes == 4:b1 = utf8[0]b2 = utf8[1]b3 = utf8[2]b4 = utf8[3]if (((b2 & 0xC0) != 0x80) or ((b3 & 0xC0) != 0x80) or ((b4 & 0xC0) != 0x80)):return -1unic = ((((b3 << 6) + (b4 & 0x3F)) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((((b2 << 4) + ((b3 >> 2)& 0x0F)) & 0xFF) << 8) | ((((b1 << 2) & 0x1C) + ((b2 >> 4) & 0x03)) & 0xFF)if utfbytes == 5:b1 = utf8[0]b2 = utf8[1]b3 = utf8[2]b4 = utf8[3]b5 = utf8[4]if (((b2 & 0xC0) != 0x80) or ((b3 & 0xC0) != 0x80) or ((b4 & 0xC0) != 0x80) or ((b5 & 0xC0) != 0x80)):return -1unic = ((((b4 << 6) + (b5 & 0x3F)) & 0xFF) << 24) | (((b3 << 4) + ((b4 >> 2) & 0x0F) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((((b2 << 2) + ((b3 >> 4) & 0x03)) & 0xFF) << 8) | (((b1 << 6)) & 0xFF)if utfbytes == 6:b1 = utf8[0]b2 = utf8[1]b3 = utf8[2]b4 = utf8[3]b5 = utf8[4]b6 = utf8[5]if (((b2 & 0xC0) != 0x80) or ((b3 & 0xC0) != 0x80) or ((b4 & 0xC0) != 0x80) or ((b5 & 0xC0) != 0x80) or ((b6 & 0xC0) != 0x80)):return -1unic = ((((b5 << 6) + (b6 & 0x3F)) << 24) & 0xFF) | (((b5 << 4) + ((b6 >> 2) & 0x0F) << 16) & 0xFF) | ((((b3 << 2) + ((b4 >> 4) & 0x03)) << 8) & 0xFF) | ((((b1 << 6) & 0x40) + (b2 & 0x3F)) & 0xFF)return unic


最后说一句,原驱动程序中使用了大量color if font.FONT[idx] & _BITx else background这种语句,个人感觉太笨重了,可以优化成循环语句,不过我也懒得去修改了。

这篇关于micropython驱动ST7789v 2.4寸液晶显示中文的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




《一文教你解决Python不支持中文路径的问题》Python是一种广泛使用的高级编程语言,然而在处理包含中文字符的文件路径时,Python有时会表现出一些不友好的行为,下面小编就来为大家介绍一下具体的... 目录问题背景解决方案1. 设置正确的文件编码2. 使用pathlib模块3. 转换路径为Unicod


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《Go语言实现将中文转化为拼音功能》这篇文章主要为大家详细介绍了Go语言中如何实现将中文转化为拼音功能,文中的示例代码讲解详细,感兴趣的小伙伴可以跟随小编一起学习一下... 有这么一个需求:新用户入职 创建一系列账号比较麻烦,打算通过接口传入姓名进行初始化。想把姓名转化成拼音。因为有些账号即需要中文也需要英


知识星球:https://articles.zsxq.com/id_fxvgc803qmr2.html 目录 一.定义: 精确模式(默认模式): 全模式: 搜索引擎模式: paddle 模式(基于深度学习的分词模式): 二 自定义词典 三.文本解析   调整词出现的频率 四. 关键词提取 A. 基于TF-IDF算法的关键词提取 B. 基于TextRank算法的关键词提取


一、改回nfs方式挂载根文件系统         在产品将要上线之前,需要制作不同类型格式的根文件系统         在产品研发阶段,我们还是需要使用nfs的方式挂载根文件系统         优点:可以直接在上位机中修改文件系统内容,延长EMMC的寿命         【1】重启上位机nfs服务         sudo service nfs-kernel-server resta


忘记咋回事突然出现了乱码问题,很多方法都试了,注释乱码解决了,终端又乱码,调试窗口也乱码,最后经过本人不懈努力,终于全部解决了,现在分享给大家我的方法。 乱码的原因是各个地方用的编码格式不统一,所以把他们设成统一的utf8. 1.电脑的编码格式 开始-设置-时间和语言-语言和区域 管理语言设置-更改系统区域设置-勾选Bata版:使用utf8-确定-然后按指示重启 2.vscode

解决Office Word不能切换中文输入



方式一 不支持含有重复字段进行排序 /*** sqlite不支持中文排序,改用java排序* 根据指定的对象属性字段,排序对象集合,顺序* @param list* @param field* @return*/public static List sortListByField(List<?> list,String field){List temp = new ArrayList(


目录 需求一、设备树的概念1、设备树的后缀名:2、设备树的语法格式3、设备树的属性(重要)4、设备树格式举例 二、设备树所用函数1、如何在内核层种获取设备树节点:2、从设备树上获取 gpio 口的属性3、获取节点上的属性只针对于字符串属性的4、函数读取 np 结点中的 propname 属性的值,并将读取到的 u32 类型的值保存在 out_value 指向的内存中,函数的返回值表示读取到的