How to delete BP (with vendor/customer role) completely in S/4HANA SARA归档

2023-10-16 20:10

本文主要是介绍How to delete BP (with vendor/customer role) completely in S/4HANA SARA归档,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

2640553 - How to archive BP (without customer/vendor role) by SARA

2491026 - Guided Answer - How to delete BP (with vendor/customer role) completely in S/4HANA

Guided Answersicon-default.png?t=N176


1.To archive the customer/vendor data, please execute SARA transaction and use the archiving object FI_ACCRECV (for customer) and FI_ACCPAYB (for vendor). 

Please refer to the following document about the process to archive customer/vendor data. 

  • Archiving Customer Master Data
  • Archiving Vendor Master Data 

If you encounter issues/errors when using archiving object FI_ACCRECV (for customer) and FI_ACCPAYB (for vendor), please report incident to component 

  • FI-AR-AR-E (for object FI_ACCRECV)
  • FI-AP-AP-E (for object FI_ACCPAYB)

After customer/vendor deletion, the entries in link table CVI_CUST_LINK or CVI_VEND_LINK will be deleted automatically.


To archive BP data, please execute SARA transaction and use archiving object CA_BUPA. 

Please refer to the following KBA for the step-by-step guidance. 

  • 2640553 - How to archive BP (without customer/vendor role) by SARA

Also, please refer to the following document for more information. 

  • Archiving and Deleting Business Partner Data

Please note BUPA_DEL is obsolete which is mentioned in note 2599676 , so DO NOT use BUPA_DEL to delete BP data.

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