埃森哲New IT @ Your New Future

2023-10-15 00:30
文章标签 new 埃森哲 future

本文主要是介绍埃森哲New IT @ Your New Future,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!





CDC IT 技术包括

  • NEW IT: 人工智能、大数据、移动服务、互动数字营销、机器人、DevOps、敏捷开发、微服务等

  • 传统 IT: SAP/HANA、Oracle、JAVA、NET、云计算、MainFrame、Testing、Apache、MySQL等











1.Java 架构师






  • The software architect role is responsible for the software architecture, which includes the key technical decisions that constrain the overall design and implementation for the project

  • The software architect has overall responsibility for driving the major technical decisions, expressed as the software architecture. This typically includes identifying and documenting the architecturally significant aspects of the system, including requirements, design, implementation, and deployment "views" of the system

  • The architect is also responsible for providing rationale for these decisions, balancing the concerns of the various stakeholders, driving down technical risks, and ensuring that decisions are effectively communicated, validated, and adhered to


  • Intensive knowledge on several Java platform technologies, such as JNDI, DOM/SAX, Reflection, JSP, Taglib, EJB, Annotation, AOP, DI, REST, workflow, etc

  • Familiar with one/several common frameworks/tools, such as Structs, Spring, Hibernate, iBatis, JSF jQuery, jBPM, JIRA, JUnit, JMeter, Grinder, Selenium, etc

  • Familiar with one/several common application servers, such as Tomcat, JBoss, GlassFish, WebSphere, WebLogic, etc

  • Well understanding on several design patterns, such as Singleton, Builder, Adapter, Facade, etc

  • Experiences and solutions on all/specific part of web system application, such as user interface/components, input validation(single/cross), data transfer, business processes, transition control, exception handling, log management, interactive message, security handling, sync/async processes, performance, cloud computing, etc

  • Experienced in both the problem domain, through a thorough understanding of the requirements, and the software engineering domain. If there is a team, these qualities can be spread across the team members, but at least one software architect must provide the global vision for the project

  • Leadership in order to drive the technical effort across the various teams, and to make critical decisions under pressure and make those decisions stick. To be effective, the software architect and the project manager must work closely together, with the software architect leading the technical issues and the project manager leading the administrative issues. The software architect must have the authority to make technical decisions

  • Self-motivated and quick learner, be passionate on technology, able to work under pressure and stressful environment



2.Java 架构师






  • The software architect has overall responsibility for driving the major technical decisions, expressed as the software architecture. This typically includes identifying and documenting the architecturally significant aspects of the system, including requirements, design, implementation, and deployment "views" of the system

  • The architect is also responsible for providing rationale for these decisions, balancing the concerns of the various stakeholders, driving down technical risks, and ensuring that decisions are effectively communicated, validated, and adhered to



3.Java 架构师






  • The software architect role is responsible for the software architecture, which includes the key technical decisions that constrain the overall design and implementation for the project

  • The software architect has overall responsibility for driving the major technical decisions, expressed as the software architecture. This typically includes identifying and documenting the architecturally significant aspects of the system, including requirements, design, implementation, and deployment "views" of the system

  • The architect is also responsible for providing rationale for these decisions, balancing the concerns of the various stakeholders, driving down technical risks, and ensuring that decisions are effectively communicated, validated, and adhered to


  • Intensive knowledge on several Java platform technologies, such as JNDI, DOM/SAX, Reflection, JSP, Taglib, EJB, Annotation, AOP, DI, REST, workflow, etc

  • Familiar with one/several common frameworks/tools, such as Structs, Spring, Hibernate, iBatis, JSF jQuery, jBPM, JIRA, JUnit, JMeter, Grinder, Selenium, etc

  • Familiar with one/several common application servers, such as Tomcat, JBoss, GlassFish, WebSphere, WebLogic, etc

  • Well understanding on several design patterns, such as Singleton, Builder, Adapter, Facade, etc

  • Experiences and solutions on all/specific part of web system application, such as user interface/components, input validation (single/cross), data transfer, business processes, transition control, exception handling, log management, interactive message, security handling, sync/async processes, performance, cloud computing, etc

  • Experienced in both the problem domain, through a thorough understanding of the requirements, and the software engineering domain. If there is a team, these qualities can be spread across the team members, but at least one software architect must provide the global vision for the project

  • Leadership in order to drive the technical effort across the various teams, and to make critical decisions under pressure and make those decisions stick. To be effective, the software architect and the project manager must work closely together, with the software architect leading the technical issues and the project manager leading the administrative issues. The software architect must have the authority to make technical decisions

  • Self-motivated and quick learner, be passionate on technology, able to work under pressure and stressful environment




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