
As we draw ever closer to the Thanksgiving holiday, multiple things come to mind: turkey, Black Friday, and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
The annual parade kicks off the holiday season in the U.S. in a big way, with bigger and better floats descending upon Manhattan every year. This is the 92nd year the Parade has marched down the streets of New York with familiar pop culture characters, singers, band members, and other colorful personalities in tow. This year, over 8,000 performers are expected to participate in the Parade, with 16 giant character balloons, 26 floats, and 43 novelty balloons and more in tow. There are even 12 different marching bands and over 1,000 clowns—it will certainly be a spectacle.
一年一度的游行在很大程度上开始了美国的假日季节,每年都有更大更好的花车降落在曼哈顿。 今年是游行队伍迎来第92年,与熟悉的流行文化人物,歌手,乐队成员和其他五光十色的名人一起在纽约街头游行。 今年,预计将有8,000多名表演者参加游行,其中有16个巨型人物气球,26个花车,43个新奇气球以及更多的拖曳。 甚至有12个不同的游行乐队和1000多个小丑,这肯定是一个奇观。
If you’re not going to be there in person (and let’s face it, most of us aren’t going to be), you have plenty of options for watching.
This year, NBC will air the parade beginning at 9:00 a.m ET, with a re-run of parade coverage at 2:00 p.m. ET. CBS will also be providing coverage at the same start time if you’d like to watch live on television. But for the rest of us, streaming is likely the best option, even if you want to have it running for supplemental coverage.
今年,NBC将从美国东部时间上午9:00开始进行阅兵,并于美国东部时间下午2:00重新进行阅兵。 如果您想观看电视直播,CBS还将在同一开始时间提供报道。 但是对于我们其他人来说,流媒体可能是最好的选择,即使您想让它运行以补充覆盖。
Here’s how you can live stream the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade 2018.
在YouTube上观看 (Watch on YouTube)

Tune into Verizon’s official YouTube channel at 9:00 a.m. ET to watch a live stream of the Parade, courtesy of NBCUniversal and Verizon. It will offer an interactive experience with a 360-degree stream straight from the page and will run through 12:00 p.m. ET. If you’d like, you can set a reminder via YouTube to return to the page to watch the stream.
美国东部时间上午9:00收看Verizon的官方YouTube频道,以观看NBCUniversal和Verizon的现场直播。 该页面将直接在页面上提供360度全方位的互动体验,并将持续到美国东部时间下午12:00。 如果需要,您可以通过YouTube设置提醒,以返回到该页面观看直播。
通过NBC应用或官方网站观看 (Watch via the NBC App or Official Website)
NBC will be airing the parade through its special cable app and streaming website. Both will require you to log in with your TV provider’s credentials. Head here if you prefer to watch in your browser. The directions to log in will be the same whether you’re on mobile or your desktop.
NBC将通过其特殊的有线电视应用程序和流媒体网站播报游行。 两者都将要求您使用电视提供商的凭据登录。 如果您想在浏览器中观看,请前往此处。 无论在移动设备还是台式机上,登录的方向都相同。

Once you’ve chosen your cable provider, log in with your username and password.

When you’re logged in, you should get a “success” screen, and your live TV session will begin. That’s all you need to do on the day of the parade, whether you’re using the app or the browser.
登录后,您将获得一个“成功”屏幕,并且直播电视会话将开始。 无论您使用的是应用程序还是浏览器,都需要在游行当天做这些。

Happy viewing and happy turkey day!
Photo: Macy’s How To Stream The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade 2018
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/how-to-stream-the-macys-thanksgiving-day-parade-2018/