[从头学数学] 第72节 平均数与条形统计图

2023-10-13 02:20

本文主要是介绍[从头学数学] 第72节 平均数与条形统计图,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



星历2016年02月04日 11:25:29, 银河系厄尔斯星球中华帝国江南行省。


<span style="font-size:18px;">function myDraw() { var config = new PlotConfiguration();  config.init();  config.setPreference(); //config.setSector(1,1,1,1);//config.axis2D(0, 0, 180);var stat = new Statistic();var data = [8,12,11,9,10];var text = ['18日', '19日', '20日', '21日', '22日'];stat.init(data, '日期', '销量/日');var x = 0, y = 20;stat.histogram(text, x, y);





<span style="font-size:18px;">function myDraw() { var config = new PlotConfiguration();  config.init();  config.setPreference(); //config.setSector(1,1,1,1);//config.axis2D(0, 0, 180);var stat = new Statistic();var data = [[21,58],[27,54],[35,49],[46,43]];var text = ['1980', '1990', '2000', '2010'];var text2 = ['城镇', '农村'];stat.init(data, '年份', '人数/万人', 2);var x = 0, y = 20;stat.multiHistogram(text,text2, x, y);/*document.write(stat.max()+',');document.write(stat.min()+',');document.write(stat.mean()+',');*/
}//复式直方图this.multiHistogram = function(lableArray, lableArray2, xOffset, yOffset) {//lableArray是统计数据中横轴的描述//lableArray2是所统计的项目的描述lableArray = lableArray ? lableArray : [];var lables = lableArray.length;xOffset = xOffset ? xOffset : 0;yOffset = yOffset ? yOffset : 0;var colorArray = ['red', 'orange', '#0088FF', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', '#FF00FF','#888888', 'black'];var colors = colorArray.length;var height = 380, width = 580;plot.save().translate(xOffset+60, yOffset+50);plot.setLineWidth(2).setTextAlign('right');var max = Math.ceil(this.max());  var min = Math.floor(this.min()); var mod = 1;while (max > mod * 10) {mod *= 10;}if (mod > 10) mod /= 10;//最大值的末位为0的近似数,比如最大值25,最合适的近似数为30var adjmax = Math.ceil(max/mod)*mod;if (adjmax == max) {adjmax+=mod;}adjmax /= mod;var size = this.size();  var perH = Math.round((height-100) / adjmax); var part = size*(this.multi+1)+1;var perW = Math.round((width-100) / part);//宽和高度边界var wBound = part*perW, hBound = adjmax*perH;plot.setLineWidth(5).strokeRect(0, 0, wBound, hBound);this.axis2D(0, hBound, wBound+20, hBound+20, this.xLabel, this.yLabel);plot.setLineWidth(2);var count = 0;for (var i = hBound; i >-1; i -= hBound / 10) {plot.fillText((adjmax*mod/10*count).toFixed(0), -10, i+10, 30);count++;if (i > 0) {plot.beginPath().moveTo(0, i).lineTo(wBound, i).closePath().stroke();}}for (var i = 0; i < part; i++) {plot.beginPath().moveTo(i*perW, 0).lineTo(i*perW, hBound).closePath().stroke();}var xpos, xpos2;for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this.multi; j++) {xpos = perW*((this.multi+1)*i+j+1);plot.setFillStyle(colorArray[j%colors]);  plot.fillRect(xpos, hBound, perW, -this.statisticalSample[i][j]/mod*perH); }xpos2 = perW*((this.multi+1)*i+1) + 0.5*this.multi*perW;plot.setTextAlign('center');if (i < lables) {plot.fillText(lableArray[i], xpos2, hBound+30, 100);  }//plot.fillText(this.statisticalSample[i].toFixed(0), xpos2, hBound+40, 100);  }  for (var j = 0; j < this.multi; j++) {plot.setFillStyle(colorArray[j%colors]);  plot.fillRect(wBound - 50, -20-25*(this.multi-j-1), 20, 12);plot.fillText(lableArray2[j], wBound-10, -20-25*(this.multi-j-1)+12, 50);}plot.restore();}</span>

<span style="font-size:18px;">function myDraw() { var config = new PlotConfiguration();  config.init();  config.setPreference(); //config.setSector(1,1,1,1);//config.axis2D(0, 0, 180);var stat = new Statistic();var data = [[17,13],[18,4],[8,8],[14,13],[7,16]];var text = ['乒乓球', '足球', '跑步', '游泳', '跳绳'];var text2 = ['男生', '女生'];stat.init(data, '项目', '人数', 2);var x = 0, y = 20;stat.multiHistogram(text,text2, x, y);/*document.write(stat.max()+',');document.write(stat.min()+',');document.write(stat.mean()+',');*/

<span style="font-size:18px;">function myDraw() { var config = new PlotConfiguration();  config.init();  config.setPreference(); //config.setSector(1,1,1,1);//config.axis2D(0, 0, 180);var stat = new Statistic();var data = [[71,76],[74,78],[75,80],[77,82]];var text = ['1980','1990','2000', '2010'];var text2 = ['男', '女'];stat.init(data, '年份', '平均年龄/岁', 2);var x = 0, y = 20;stat.multiHistogram(text,text2, x, y);/*document.write(stat.max()+',');document.write(stat.min()+',');document.write(stat.mean()+',');*/

<span style="font-size:18px;">function myDraw() { var config = new PlotConfiguration();  config.init();  config.setPreference(); //config.setSector(1,1,1,1);//config.axis2D(0, 0, 180);var stat = new Statistic();var data = [[36779,46106],[36564,54731],[34036,64125],[31373,74721],[29434,85900],[28512,98625]];var text = ['2006','2007','2008', '2009', '2010', '2011'];var text2 = ['固定电话', '移动电话'];stat.init(data, '年份', '用户/万户', 2);var x = 0, y = 20;stat.multiHistogram(text,text2, x, y);/*document.write(stat.max()+',');document.write(stat.min()+',');document.write(stat.mean()+',');*/

<span style="font-size:18px;">/**
* @usage   统计类
* @author  mw
* @date    2016年01月05日  星期二  10:14:34 
* @param
* @return
function Statistic() {this.statisticalSample = new Array();this.sampleSize = 0;this.multi = 1;this.xLabel = '';this.yLabel = '';//初始化this.init = function(array, textX, textY, multi) {//multi为复式统计中每个数据的项数this.statisticalSample = array;this.sampleSize = this.statisticalSample.length;this.multi = multi ? Math.round(multi) : 1;this.xLabel = textX;this.yLabel = textY;}this.axis2D = function(x, y, rx, ry, textX, textY) {//原点是(x, y), rx, ry分别是x轴的长度,y轴的长度//textX, textY分别为x轴和y轴的标注plot.save();plot.setFillStyle('black').setStrokeStyle('black');plot.beginPath().moveTo(x,y).lineTo(x+rx,y).closePath().stroke();plot.beginPath().moveTo(x,y-ry).lineTo(x,y).closePath().stroke();		var r0 = 10;//x轴箭头plot.beginPath().moveTo(x+rx- r0*Math.cos(Math.PI/3), y-r0*Math.sin(Math.PI/3)).lineTo(x+rx+r0*Math.sin(Math.PI/3), y).lineTo(x+rx -r0*Math.cos(Math.PI/3), y+r0*Math.sin(Math.PI/3)).closePath().fill()plot.setTextAlign('left').fillText(textX, x+rx, y+25, 40);plot.setTextAlign('right').fillText(textY, x-10, y-ry+10, 40);//y轴箭头plot.beginPath().moveTo(x+ r0*Math.sin(Math.PI/3), y-ry+r0*Math.cos(Math.PI/3)).lineTo(x, y-ry-r0*Math.sin(Math.PI/3)).lineTo(x-r0*Math.sin(Math.PI/3), y-ry+r0*Math.cos(Math.PI/3)).closePath().fill()plot.restore();}	//最大值this.max = function() {var max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;if (this.multi == 1) {for (var i = 0; i < this.sampleSize; i++) {if (max < this.statisticalSample[i]) {max = this.statisticalSample[i];}}}else {for (var i = 0; i < this.sampleSize; i++) {for (var j = 0; j < this.multi; j++) {if (max < this.statisticalSample[i][j]) {max = this.statisticalSample[i][j];}}}}return max;}//最小值this.min = function() {var min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;if (this.multi == 1) {for (var i = 0; i < this.sampleSize; i++) {if (min > this.statisticalSample[i]) {min = this.statisticalSample[i];}}}else {for (var i = 0; i < this.sampleSize; i++) {for (var j = 0; j < this.multi; j++) {if (min > this.statisticalSample[i][j]) {min = this.statisticalSample[i][j];}}}			}return min;}//总计this.total = function() {if (this.multi == 1) {var value  = 0;for (var i = 0; i < this.sampleSize; i++) {value += this.statisticalSample[i];}return value;}else {var value = [];var tmp = 0;for (var j = 0; j < this.multi; j++) {tmp = 0;for (var i = 0; i < this.sampleSize; i++) {tmp += this.statisticalSample[i][j];}value.push(tmp);}return value;}}//平均数this.mean = function() {var value = this.total();if (this.sampleSize != 0) {for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {value[i] /= this.sampleSize;}}return value;}//样本数量this.size = function() {return this.sampleSize;}//直方图this.histogram = function(lableArray, xOffset, yOffset) {lableArray = lableArray ? lableArray : [];var lables = lableArray.length;xOffset = xOffset ? xOffset : 0;yOffset = yOffset ? yOffset : 0;var colorArray = ['red', 'orange', '#0088FF', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', '#FF00FF','#888888', 'black'];var colors = colorArray.length;var height = 380, width = 580;plot.save().translate(xOffset+60, yOffset+50);plot.setLineWidth(2).setTextAlign('right');var max = Math.ceil(this.max());  var min = Math.floor(this.min()); var mod = 1;while (max > mod * 10) {mod *= 10;}if (mod > 10) mod /= 10;//最大值的末位为0的近似数,比如最大值25,最合适的近似数为30var adjmax = Math.ceil(max/mod)*mod;if (adjmax == max) {adjmax+=mod;}adjmax /= mod;var size = this.size();  var perH = Math.round((height-100) / adjmax);  var perW = Math.round((width-100) / (size*2+1));//宽和高度边界var wBound = (2*size+1)*perW, hBound = adjmax*perH;plot.setLineWidth(5).strokeRect(0, 0, wBound, hBound);this.axis2D(0, hBound, wBound+20, hBound+20, this.xLabel, this.yLabel);plot.setLineWidth(2);var count = 0;for (var i = hBound; i >-1; i -= hBound / 10) {plot.fillText((adjmax*mod/10*count).toFixed(0), -10, i+10, 30);count++;if (i > 0) {plot.beginPath().moveTo(0, i).lineTo(wBound, i).closePath().stroke();}}for (var i = 0; i < 2*size+1; i++) {plot.beginPath().moveTo(i*perW, 0).lineTo(i*perW, hBound).closePath().stroke();}var xpos, xpos2;for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { xpos = perW*(1+2*i);xpos2 = xpos + 0.5*perW;plot.setFillStyle(colorArray[i%colors]);  plot.fillRect(perW*(1+2*i), hBound, perW, -this.statisticalSample[i]/mod*perH); plot.setTextAlign('center');if (i < lables) {plot.fillText(lableArray[i], xpos2, hBound+30, 100);  }//plot.fillText(this.statisticalSample[i].toFixed(0), xpos2, hBound+40, 100);  }  plot.restore();}//垂直方向直方图this.verticalhistogram = function(lableArray, xOffset, yOffset) {lableArray = lableArray ? lableArray : [];var lables = lableArray.length;xOffset = xOffset ? xOffset : 0;yOffset = yOffset ? yOffset : 0;var colorArray = ['red', 'orange', '#0088FF', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', '#FF00FF','#888888', 'black'];var colors = colorArray.length;var height = 380, width = 580;plot.save().translate(xOffset+60, yOffset+50);var max = Math.ceil(this.max());  var min = Math.floor(this.min()); var mod = 1;while (max > mod * 10) {mod *= 10;}//最大值的末位为0的近似数,比如最大值25,最合适的近似数为30if (mod > 10) mod /= 10;var adjmax = Math.ceil(max/mod)*mod;if (adjmax == max) {adjmax+=mod;}adjmax /= mod;var size = this.size();  var perH = Math.round((height-100) / (size*2+1));			  var perW = Math.round((width-100) / adjmax);//宽和高度边界var hBound = (2*size+1)*perH, wBound = adjmax*perW;plot.setLineWidth(5).strokeRect(0, 0, wBound, hBound);this.axis2D(0, hBound, wBound+20, hBound+20, this.xLabel, this.yLabel);plot.setLineWidth(2).setTextAlign('center');var count = 0;for (var i = 0; i < wBound+1; i += wBound / 10) {plot.fillText((adjmax*mod/10*count).toFixed(0), i, hBound+25, 30);count++;if (i > 0) {plot.beginPath().moveTo(i, 0).lineTo(i, hBound).closePath().stroke();}}for (var i = 0; i < 2*size+1; i++) {plot.beginPath().moveTo(0, i*perH).lineTo(wBound, i*perH).closePath().stroke();}var ypos, ypos2;for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { ypos = perH*(1+2*i);ypos2 = ypos + 0.5*perH+5;plot.setFillStyle(colorArray[i%colors]);  plot.fillRect(0, ypos, this.statisticalSample[i]/mod*perW, perH); plot.setTextAlign('right');if (i < lables) {plot.fillText(lableArray[i], -10, ypos2, 100);  }}  plot.restore();}//复式直方图this.multiHistogram = function(lableArray, lableArray2, xOffset, yOffset) {//lableArray是统计数据中横轴的描述//lableArray2是所统计的项目的描述lableArray = lableArray ? lableArray : [];var lables = lableArray.length;xOffset = xOffset ? xOffset : 0;yOffset = yOffset ? yOffset : 0;var colorArray = ['red', 'orange', '#0088FF', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', '#FF00FF','#888888', 'black'];var colors = colorArray.length;var height = 380, width = 580;plot.save().translate(xOffset+60, yOffset+50);plot.setLineWidth(2).setTextAlign('right');var max = Math.ceil(this.max());  var min = Math.floor(this.min()); var mod = 1;while (max > mod * 10) {mod *= 10;}if (mod > 10) mod /= 10;//最大值的末位为0的近似数,比如最大值25,最合适的近似数为30var adjmax = Math.ceil(max/mod)*mod;if (adjmax == max) {adjmax+=mod;}adjmax /= mod;var size = this.size();  var perH = Math.round((height-100) / adjmax); var part = size*(this.multi+1)+1;var perW = Math.round((width-100) / part);//宽和高度边界var wBound = part*perW, hBound = adjmax*perH;plot.setLineWidth(5).strokeRect(0, 0, wBound, hBound);this.axis2D(0, hBound, wBound+20, hBound+20, this.xLabel, this.yLabel);plot.setLineWidth(2);var count = 0;for (var i = hBound; i >-1; i -= hBound / 10) {plot.fillText((adjmax*mod/10*count).toFixed(0), -10, i+10, 30);count++;if (i > 0) {plot.beginPath().moveTo(0, i).lineTo(wBound, i).closePath().stroke();}}for (var i = 0; i < part; i++) {plot.beginPath().moveTo(i*perW, 0).lineTo(i*perW, hBound).closePath().stroke();}var xpos, xpos2;for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this.multi; j++) {xpos = perW*((this.multi+1)*i+j+1);plot.setFillStyle(colorArray[j%colors]);  plot.fillRect(xpos, hBound, perW, -this.statisticalSample[i][j]/mod*perH); }xpos2 = perW*((this.multi+1)*i+1) + 0.5*this.multi*perW;plot.setFillStyle('black');plot.setTextAlign('center');if (i < lables) {plot.fillText(lableArray[i], xpos2, hBound+30, 100);  }//plot.fillText(this.statisticalSample[i].toFixed(0), xpos2, hBound+40, 100);  }  plot.setTextAlign('left');for (var j = 0; j < this.multi; j++) {			plot.setFillStyle(colorArray[j%colors]);  plot.fillRect(wBound - 50, -20-25*(this.multi-j-1), 20, 12);plot.fillText(lableArray2[j], wBound-20, -20-25*(this.multi-j-1)+12, 50);}plot.restore();}


这篇关于[从头学数学] 第72节 平均数与条形统计图的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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根据通知,2024年AMC10美国数学竞赛的报名还有两周,正式比赛还有两个月就要开始了。计划参赛的孩子们要记好时间,认真备考,最后冲刺再提高成绩。 那么如何备考2024年AMC10美国数学竞赛呢?做真题,吃透真题和背后的知识点是备考AMC8、AMC10有效的方法之一。通过做真题,可以帮助孩子找到真实竞赛的感觉,而且更加贴近比赛的内容,可以通过真题查漏补缺,更有针对性的补齐知识的短板。


1.没有分段的情况 原函数为一元二次凹函数(开口向下),如下: 因为要使得其存在正解,必须满足,那么。 上述函数的最优结果为:,。 对应的mathematica代码如下: Clear["Global`*"]f0[x_, a_, b_, c_, d_] := (a*x - b)*(d - c*x);(*(b c+a d)/(2 a c)*)Maximize[{f0[x, a, b,


2024年国赛已经来到了最后一天,有必要去给大家讲解一下,我们不需要过多的去关注模型的结果,因为模型的结果的分值设定项最多不到20分。但是如果大家真的非常关注的话,那有必要给大家讲解一下论文结果相关的问题。很多的论文,上至国赛优秀论文下至不获奖的论文并不是所有的论文都可以进行完整的复现求解,大部分数模论文都为存在一个灰色地带。         白色地带即认为所有的代码均可运行、公开