
2023-10-11 22:50
文章标签 记录 课程 2022.5 5.18



arm-linux-gcc main.c -o main



arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc test.c -o test






open and read
// linux文件IO编程(系统调用函数)
// open(打开文件) write(写入)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "stdio.h"
#include <unistd.h>// man open
// man read
// man write
// man close
int main()
{int fd;//打开文件fd = open("1.txt",O_RDWR);// 自动创建//fd = open("2.txt", O_RDWR|O_CREAT);if (fd < 0){perror("open file fail");return -1;}char buf[20] = {0};int ret;ret = read(fd,buf,10);printf("buf:%s, ret:%d\n", buf, ret);close(fd);return 0;
// linux文件IO编程(系统调用函数)
// open(打开文件) write(写入)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "stdio.h"
#include <unistd.h>// man open
// man read
// man write
// man close
// lseek
int main()
{int fd;//打开文件fd = open("1.txt",O_RDWR);// 自动创建//fd = open("2.txt", O_RDWR|O_CREAT);if (fd < 0){perror("open file fail");return -1;}char buf[20] = {0};int ret;ret = read(fd,buf,10);printf("buf:%s, ret:%d\n", buf, ret);/*写入文件*/char buf1[] = "abcdef";int ret_wirte;ret_wirte = write(fd,buf1,7);printf("write_buf:%s, ret_write:%d\n",buf1,ret_wirte);close(fd);return 0;
// linux文件IO编程(系统调用函数)
// open(打开文件) write(写入)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "stdio.h"
#include <unistd.h>// man open
// man read
// man write
// man close
// lseek
int main()
{int fd;//打开文件fd = open("1.txt",O_RDWR);// 定位文件lseek(fd, 3, SEEK_SET);printf("len=%d\n", lseek(fd,0,SEEK_END));if (fd < 0){perror("open file fail");return -1;}char buf[20] = {0};int ret;ret = read(fd,buf,10);printf("buf:%s, ret:%d\n", buf, ret);close(fd);return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{int fd1,fd2;int b;char buff[5] ;fd1 = open("img.png",O_RDWR);fd2 = open("copy.png", O_RDWR | O_CREAT,);//先把文件偏移量移到文件末尾,返回文件内容大小,然后再使文件偏移量移到文件头b = lseek(fd1, 0, SEEK_END);lseek(fd1, 0, SEEK_SET);while(b>0 && b>=5){read(fd1, buff, sizeof(buff));write(fd2,buff,sizeof(buff));b -=5;}close(fd1);close(fd2);return 0;}
  • 老师代码
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>#define SIZE 1024int main(int argc,char *argv[])
{//打开源文件int fd_src,fd_dst;fd_src = open(argv[1],O_RDWR);if(fd_src < 0){printf("open %s fail\n",argv[1]);return -1;}//打目标文件fd_dst = open(argv[2],O_RDWR|O_CREAT);if(fd_src < 0){printf("open %s fail\n",argv[2]);return -1;}	//清空数据存储区char buf[SIZE];memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf));int ret_rd,ret_wr,i=0;while(1){	//读源文件ret_rd = read(fd_src,buf,SIZE);//写目标文件ret_wr = write(fd_dst,buf,ret_rd);printf("rd:%d wr:%d count:%d\n",ret_rd,ret_wr,++i);//读写的结束条件if(ret_rd < SIZE)break;}//关闭文件close(fd_src);close(fd_dst);return 0;


gcc copy_images.c -o copy
./copy img.png  copy.png




void *mmap(void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);





PROT_EXEC 映射区域可被执行
PROT_READ 映射区域可被读取
PROT_WRITE 映射区域可被写入
PROT_NONE 映射区域不能存取









#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>#define LCD_WIDTH 	800
#define LCD_HEIGHT 	480
#define FB_SIZE 	800*480*4
#define WHITE_COLOR	0x00FFFFFFvoid lcd_draw_point(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int color, unsigned int *lcd_ptr)
{if( x<LCD_WIDTH && y<LCD_HEIGHT ){*(lcd_ptr+LCD_WIDTH*y+x) = color;}
}void lcd_draw_circle(unsigned r_x, unsigned int r_y, unsigned int radius, unsigned int *lcd_ptr)
{unsigned int x_begin, y_begin;if(r_x-radius<0){r_x = radius;}if(r_y-radius<0){r_y = radius;}for(y_begin=r_y-radius; y_begin<r_y+radius; y_begin++){for(x_begin=r_x-radius; x_begin<r_x+radius; x_begin++){if((r_x-x_begin)*(r_x-x_begin) + (r_y-y_begin)*(r_y-y_begin) < radius*radius){lcd_draw_point(x_begin, y_begin, 0x00ff0000, lcd_ptr);}}}
}void lcd_draw_single_color(unsigned int color, unsigned int *lcd_ptr)
{int x, y;for(y=0; y<LCD_HEIGHT; y++){for(x=0; x<LCD_WIDTH; x++){*(lcd_ptr+LCD_WIDTH*y+x) = color;}}
}int open_lcd_device(unsigned int **lcd_ptr)
{int lcd_fd;lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);if(lcd_fd == -1){perror("open lcd device failed\n");return -1;}*lcd_ptr = mmap( NULL, FB_SIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, lcd_fd, 0);if(lcd_ptr == MAP_FAILED){perror("map lcd_fb error\n");return -1;}return lcd_fd;
}int close_lcd_device(int lcd_fd, unsigned int *lcd_ptr)
{munmap(lcd_ptr, FB_SIZE);return close(lcd_fd);
}int main(int argc,char *argv[])
{int lcd_fd, radius = 100;unsigned int *lcd_ptr;lcd_fd = open_lcd_device(&lcd_ptr);if(lcd_fd == -1){return -1;}lcd_draw_single_color( WHITE_COLOR, lcd_ptr );lcd_draw_circle(LCD_WIDTH/2, LCD_HEIGHT/2, radius, lcd_ptr);	close_lcd_device(lcd_fd, lcd_ptr);return 0;




其实就扫描屏幕的坐标点,满足if((r_x-x_begin)*(r_x-x_begin) + (r_y-y_begin)*(r_y-y_begin) < radius*radius)这个条件的就给这个地址赋值像素信息

// Created by zh006 on 2022/5/13.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>#define LCD_WIDTH 	800
#define LCD_HEIGHT 	480
#define FB_SIZE 	800*480*4
#define WHITE_COLOR	0x00FFFFFFvoid lcd_draw_point(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int color, unsigned int *lcd_ptr)
{if( x<LCD_WIDTH && y<LCD_HEIGHT ){*(lcd_ptr+LCD_WIDTH*y+x) = color;}
}void lcd_draw_circle(unsigned r_x, unsigned int r_y, unsigned int radius, unsigned int *lcd_ptr,int color)
{unsigned int x_begin, y_begin;if(r_x-radius<0){r_x = radius;}if(r_y-radius<0){r_y = radius;}for(y_begin=r_y-radius; y_begin<r_y+radius; y_begin++){for(x_begin=r_x-radius; x_begin<r_x+radius; x_begin++){if((r_x-x_begin)*(r_x-x_begin) + (r_y-y_begin)*(r_y-y_begin) < radius*radius){lcd_draw_point(x_begin, y_begin, color, lcd_ptr);}}}
}void lcd_draw_single_color(unsigned int color, unsigned int *lcd_ptr)
{int x, y;for(y=0; y<LCD_HEIGHT; y++){for(x=0; x<LCD_WIDTH; x++){*(lcd_ptr+LCD_WIDTH*y+x) = color;}}
}int open_lcd_device(unsigned int **lcd_ptr)
{int lcd_fd;lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);if(lcd_fd == -1){perror("open lcd device failed\n");return -1;}*lcd_ptr = mmap( NULL, FB_SIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, lcd_fd, 0);if(lcd_ptr == MAP_FAILED){perror("map lcd_fb error\n");return -1;}return lcd_fd;
}int close_lcd_device(int lcd_fd, unsigned int *lcd_ptr)
{munmap(lcd_ptr, FB_SIZE);return close(lcd_fd);
}int main(int argc,char *argv[])
{int lcd_fd, radius = 50;int green = 0x0000ff00;int red = 0x00ff0000;int blue = 0x00000ff;int yellow = 0x00ffff3;int purple = 0xcc3399;unsigned int *lcd_ptr;lcd_fd = open_lcd_device(&lcd_ptr);if(lcd_fd == -1){return -1;}lcd_draw_single_color( WHITE_COLOR, lcd_ptr );lcd_draw_circle(LCD_WIDTH/2-100, LCD_HEIGHT/2, radius, lcd_ptr,green);lcd_draw_circle(LCD_WIDTH/2, LCD_HEIGHT/2, radius, lcd_ptr,red);lcd_draw_circle(LCD_WIDTH/2+100, LCD_HEIGHT/2, radius, lcd_ptr,blue);lcd_draw_circle(LCD_WIDTH/2+200, LCD_HEIGHT/2, radius, lcd_ptr,purple);lcd_draw_circle(LCD_WIDTH/2-200, LCD_HEIGHT/2, radius, lcd_ptr,yellow);close_lcd_device(lcd_fd, lcd_ptr);return 0;


// Created by zh006 on 2022/5/13.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>#define LCD_WIDTH 	800
#define LCD_HEIGHT 	480
#define FB_SIZE 	800*480*4
#define WHITE_COLOR	0xFFFFFFvoid lcd_draw_point(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int color, unsigned int *lcd_ptr)
{if( x<LCD_WIDTH && y<LCD_HEIGHT ){*(lcd_ptr+LCD_WIDTH*y+x) = color;}
}void lcd_draw_run_circle(unsigned r_x1, unsigned int r_y1,unsigned r_x2, unsigned r_y2, unsigned int radius,unsigned int mv_speed, unsigned int *lcd_ptr,int color1, int color2)
{int x_mv1 = mv_speed, y_mv1 = mv_speed;int x_mv2 = mv_speed, y_mv2 = mv_speed;// 第一个球配置unsigned int x_begin1, y_begin1;if(r_x1-radius<0){r_x1 = radius;}if(r_y1-radius<0){r_y1 = radius;}// 第二个球配置unsigned int x_begin2, y_begin2;if(r_x2-radius<0){r_x2 = radius;}if(r_y2-radius<0){r_y2 = radius;}while(1){// 画第一个球for(y_begin1=r_y1-radius; y_begin1<r_y1+radius; y_begin1++){for(x_begin1=r_x1-radius; x_begin1<r_x1+radius; x_begin1++){if((r_x1-x_begin1)*(r_x1-x_begin1) + (r_y1-y_begin1)*(r_y1-y_begin1) < radius*radius){lcd_draw_point(x_begin1, y_begin1, color1, lcd_ptr);}}}// 画第二个球for(y_begin2=r_y2-radius; y_begin2<r_y2+radius; y_begin2++){for(x_begin2=r_x2-radius; x_begin2<r_x2+radius; x_begin2++){if((r_x2-x_begin2)*(r_x2-x_begin2) + (r_y2-y_begin2)*(r_y2-y_begin2) < radius*radius){lcd_draw_point(x_begin2, y_begin2, color2, lcd_ptr);}}}// 第一个球边缘碰撞检测if(r_x1<radius || r_x1>= LCD_WIDTH - radius){x_mv1 = -x_mv1;}if(r_y1<radius || r_y1>= LCD_HEIGHT - radius){y_mv1 = -y_mv1;}// 第二个球边缘碰撞检测if(r_x2<radius || r_x2>= LCD_WIDTH - radius){x_mv2 = -x_mv2;}if(r_y2<radius || r_y2>= LCD_HEIGHT - radius){y_mv2 = -y_mv2;}// 两球相撞检测int dx = r_x1 - r_x2;int dy = r_y1 - r_y2;float distance = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);if (distance <= 2*radius){x_mv1 = -x_mv1;y_mv1 = -y_mv1;x_mv2 = -x_mv2;y_mv2 = -y_mv2;}// 第一个球坐标赋新值r_y1 += y_mv1;r_x1 += x_mv1;// 第二个坐标赋新值r_y2 += y_mv2;r_x2 += x_mv2;// 第一个球的之前的地方重新填补白色for(y_begin1=0; y_begin1<LCD_HEIGHT; y_begin1++){for(x_begin1=0; x_begin1<LCD_WIDTH; x_begin1++){if((r_x1-x_begin1)*(r_x1-x_begin1) + (r_y1-y_begin1)*(r_y1-y_begin1) >= radius*radius){lcd_draw_point(x_begin1, y_begin1, WHITE_COLOR, lcd_ptr);}}}for(y_begin2=r_y2-radius; y_begin2<r_y2+radius; y_begin2++){for(x_begin2=r_x2-radius; x_begin2<r_x2+radius; x_begin2++){if((r_x2-x_begin2)*(r_x2-x_begin2) + (r_y2-y_begin2)*(r_y2-y_begin2) < radius*radius){lcd_draw_point(x_begin2, y_begin2, color2, lcd_ptr);}}}// 第二个球的之前的地方重新填补白色for(y_begin2=0; y_begin2<LCD_HEIGHT; y_begin2++){for(x_begin2=0; x_begin2<LCD_WIDTH; x_begin2++){if((r_x2-x_begin2)*(r_x2-x_begin2) + (r_y2-y_begin2)*(r_y2-y_begin2) >= radius*radius){lcd_draw_point(x_begin2, y_begin2, WHITE_COLOR, lcd_ptr);}}}}
}void lcd_draw_single_color(unsigned int color, unsigned int *lcd_ptr)
{int x, y;for(y=0; y<LCD_HEIGHT; y++){for(x=0; x<LCD_WIDTH; x++){*(lcd_ptr+LCD_WIDTH*y+x) = color;}}
}int open_lcd_device(unsigned int **lcd_ptr)
{int lcd_fd;lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);if(lcd_fd == -1){perror("open lcd device failed\n");return -1;}*lcd_ptr = mmap( NULL, FB_SIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, lcd_fd, 0);if(lcd_ptr == MAP_FAILED){perror("map lcd_fb error\n");return -1;}return lcd_fd;
}int close_lcd_device(int lcd_fd, unsigned int *lcd_ptr)
{munmap(lcd_ptr, FB_SIZE);return close(lcd_fd);
}int main(int argc,char *argv[])
{int lcd_fd, radius = 70;int green = 0x0000ff00;int red = 0x00ff0000;int blue = 0x00000ff;int yellow = 0x00ffff3;int purple = 0xcc3399;unsigned int *lcd_ptr;lcd_fd = open_lcd_device(&lcd_ptr);if(lcd_fd == -1){return -1;}lcd_draw_single_color( WHITE_COLOR, lcd_ptr );lcd_draw_run_circle(LCD_WIDTH/2, LCD_HEIGHT/2, LCD_WIDTH/2+200, LCD_HEIGHT/2,radius, 3, lcd_ptr,purple, yellow);close_lcd_device(lcd_fd, lcd_ptr);return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>int main()
{//打开lcdint fd;fd = open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);if(fd < 0){perror("open lcd fail");return -1;}//lcd的映射int *addr;addr = mmap(NULL,800*480*4,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,fd,0);if(addr == NULL){perror("mmap fail");return -1;}int black = 0x00000000;int red = 0x00ff0000;int green = 0x0000ff00;int a=400,b=240,r=100;int a1=150,b1=350,r1=80;int m=10,n=20; //球1int m1=8,n1=5; //球2int tmp;int x;int y;while(1){	for(y=0;y<480;y++){for(x=0;x<800;x++){*(addr+y*800+x) = black;if((x-a)*(x-a)+(y-b)*(y-b) <= r*r)*(addr+y*800+x) = red; //球1if((x-a1)*(x-a1)+(y-b1)*(y-b1) <= r1*r1)*(addr+y*800+x) = green; //球2			}}//球1动a+=m;b+=n;//球1反弹if(a<100||a>700)m = -m;if(b<100||b>380)n = -n;		//球2动a1+=m1;b1+=n1;//球2反弹if(a1<80||a1>720)m1 = -m1;if(b1<80||b1>400)n1 = -n1;	//两球相碰if((a-a1)*(a-a1)+(b-b1)*(b-b1)<=(r+r1)*(r+r1)){//反弹m = -m;n = -n;m1 = -m1;n1 = -n1;//换色tmp = red;red = green;green = tmp;}}	//lcd的映射释放munmap(addr,800*480*4);//关闭lcdclose(fd);return 0;




#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>int show_bmp(char * pathname, int *addr)
{if(addr == NULL){perror("mmap fail");return -1;}//打开一张bmp图int fd_bmp;fd_bmp = open(pathname,O_RDWR);if(fd_bmp < 0){perror("open bmp fail");return -1;}//去掉bmp图片的头54个字节lseek(fd_bmp,54,SEEK_SET);//读bmp图char buf[800*480*3] = {0};read(fd_bmp,buf,800*480*3);int x;int y;for(y=0;y<480;y++){for(x=0;x<800;x++){*(addr+(479-y)*800+x) = (buf[(y*800+x)*3+0]) | (buf[(y*800+x)*3+1]<<8) | (buf[(y*800+x)*3+2]<<16);//479     =  buf[0]|buf[1]<<8|buf[2]<16//478	=  buf[3]|buf[4]<<8|buf[5]<16}}// unsigned int sleep(unsigned int seconds);以秒为单位sleep(1);
}int main()
{int fd;fd = open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);if(fd < 0){perror("open lcd fail");return -1;}//lcd的映射int *addr = mmap(NULL, 800 * 480 * 4, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);if (addr == NULL){perror("mmap fail");return -1;}while(1){show_bmp("lufei.bmp", addr);show_bmp("sabo.bmp", addr);show_bmp("aisi.bmp", addr);}//lcd的映射释放munmap(addr,800*480*4);//关闭lcdclose(fd);return 0;


arm-linux-gcc src/*.c -o draw_circle -I include
  • src/*.c 编译所有c文件
  • draw_circle 输出的可执行文件名
  • -I incldue 引用的头文件的路径


1.将jpegsrc.v9a.tar.gz 解压到共享目录,①tar -zxvf jpegsrc.v9a.tar.gz -C ~       x    c    z    j   压缩GZ:cz      解压bz2格式:xj-C :指定包解压的位置Linux: gz    bz2    xzx:解压           c:压缩z:gz格式     j:bz2格式
2.在家目录创建一个jpeg目录②cd③mkdir jpeg3.进入jpeg-9a目录④cd jpeg-9a4.配置jpeg-9a⑤./configure --prefix=/home/gec/jpeg/  CC=arm-linux-gcc --host=arm-linux --enable-shared --enable-statichost:指定编译的命令prefix : jpeg安装的位置5.编译jpeg⑥make -j5.安装jpeg⑦make install①将/home/gec/jpeg/arm-jpeg/lib/libjpeg.so.9,下载到开发板/lib目录,然后修改库权限
④将/home/gec/jpeg/arm-jpeg/include里面的头文件拷贝到windowns放进该文件夹6.编译代码1. arm-linux-gcc *.c -o main -I./libjpeg -L./libjpeg -ljpeg *.c :当前目录下的所有.c文件(只有一个.c文件有main函数)-I./libjpeg :指定第三方库的一个头文件路径-L./libjpeg :指定第三方动态库的路径-ljpeg :指定动态库的库名规定:libxxxx.so 库名-lxxxx就代表链接库文件
arm-linux-gcc *.c -o main -I./libjpeg -L./libjpeg -ljpeg -L./ -lfont


g++ -o compress  compress.cpp -I./include/ -L/lib/ -ltest


./include/ --> /usr/include --> /usr/local/include







把所有的输入设备 都归结到输入子系统中去。
输入设备: 鼠标  键盘  触摸屏 他有一个专门的结构体来保存这些事件。
这个结构体在哪里呢? /dev/input/event0struct input_event 用来描述一盒输入事件 定义<linux/input.h>
{_u16 type : 表示我这个输入事件的类型EV_KEY :按键事件EV_REL:  相对事件 : 鼠标事件EV_ABS : 绝对事件  :  触摸屏事件_16 code : code的含义 根据我type的不同 而不同if  ( type == EV_KEY)code == 按键的键值 KEY_AKEY_B...#define BTN_TOUCH 0X14A ; //触摸屏按键if (type ==EV_REL)code = 相对坐标轴REL_X   相对坐标轴的X轴REL_Y   相对坐标轴的Y轴if (type == EV_ABS)code =绝对坐标轴 (触摸屏)ABS_X  绝对坐标轴的X轴ABS_Y  绝对坐标轴的Y轴_s32  value: 根据我type的不同 而不同if(type == EV_KEY){if(code ==BTN_TOUCH){value = 1 : 说明我这个按键是按下状态Value = 0 :  说明我这个按键是松开状态}}if(type == EV_ABS ){if(code == ABS_X)value = 绝对坐标轴的X轴的值if(code == ABS_Y)value = 绝对坐标轴的Y轴的值}          }
我们的应用 就是不停地去读取我这个 结构体地信息。练习: 获取手指在屏幕上点击的坐标 
第一步: 打开我这个linux输入子系统  open(“/dev/input/event0 ”,。。。)第二步: 去读取这个结构体里面的信息。 自定义一个结构体 struct input_event evread(fd,&ev,sizeof(ev)); while(1);第三步: 分析我上面讲解地这三项 ,获得触摸地绝对坐标轴值第四步: 关闭输入子设备
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note */
/** Input event codes**    *** IMPORTANT **** This file is not only included from C-code but also from devicetree source* files. As such this file MUST only contain comments and defines.** Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Vojtech Pavlik* Copyright (c) 2015 Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com>** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by* the Free Software Foundation.*/
#define _INPUT_EVENT_CODES_H/** Device properties and quirks*/#define INPUT_PROP_POINTER		0x00	/* needs a pointer */
#define INPUT_PROP_DIRECT		0x01	/* direct input devices */
#define INPUT_PROP_BUTTONPAD		0x02	/* has button(s) under pad */
#define INPUT_PROP_SEMI_MT		0x03	/* touch rectangle only */
#define INPUT_PROP_TOPBUTTONPAD		0x04	/* softbuttons at top of pad */
#define INPUT_PROP_POINTING_STICK	0x05	/* is a pointing stick */
#define INPUT_PROP_ACCELEROMETER	0x06	/* has accelerometer */#define INPUT_PROP_MAX			0x1f
#define INPUT_PROP_CNT			(INPUT_PROP_MAX + 1)/** Event types*/#define EV_SYN			0x00
#define EV_KEY			0x01
#define EV_REL			0x02
#define EV_ABS			0x03
#define EV_MSC			0x04
#define EV_SW			0x05
#define EV_LED			0x11
#define EV_SND			0x12
#define EV_REP			0x14
#define EV_FF			0x15
#define EV_PWR			0x16
#define EV_FF_STATUS		0x17
#define EV_MAX			0x1f
#define EV_CNT			(EV_MAX+1)/** Synchronization events.*/#define SYN_REPORT		0
#define SYN_CONFIG		1
#define SYN_MT_REPORT		2
#define SYN_DROPPED		3
#define SYN_MAX			0xf
#define SYN_CNT			(SYN_MAX+1)/** Keys and buttons** Most of the keys/buttons are modeled after USB HUT 1.12* (see http://www.usb.org/developers/hidpage).* Abbreviations in the comments:* AC - Application Control* AL - Application Launch Button* SC - System Control*/#define KEY_RESERVED		0
#define KEY_ESC			1
#define KEY_1			2
#define KEY_2			3
#define KEY_3			4
#define KEY_4			5
#define KEY_5			6
#define KEY_6			7
#define KEY_7			8
#define KEY_8			9
#define KEY_9			10
#define KEY_0			11
#define KEY_MINUS		12
#define KEY_EQUAL		13
#define KEY_BACKSPACE		14
#define KEY_TAB			15
#define KEY_Q			16
#define KEY_W			17
#define KEY_E			18
#define KEY_R			19
#define KEY_T			20
#define KEY_Y			21
#define KEY_U			22
#define KEY_I			23
#define KEY_O			24
#define KEY_P			25
#define KEY_LEFTBRACE		26
#define KEY_RIGHTBRACE		27
#define KEY_ENTER		28
#define KEY_LEFTCTRL		29
#define KEY_A			30
#define KEY_S			31
#define KEY_D			32
#define KEY_F			33
#define KEY_G			34
#define KEY_H			35
#define KEY_J			36
#define KEY_K			37
#define KEY_L			38
#define KEY_SEMICOLON		39
#define KEY_APOSTROPHE		40
#define KEY_GRAVE		41
#define KEY_LEFTSHIFT		42
#define KEY_BACKSLASH		43
#define KEY_Z			44
#define KEY_X			45
#define KEY_C			46
#define KEY_V			47
#define KEY_B			48
#define KEY_N			49
#define KEY_M			50
#define KEY_COMMA		51
#define KEY_DOT			52
#define KEY_SLASH		53
#define KEY_RIGHTSHIFT		54
#define KEY_KPASTERISK		55
#define KEY_LEFTALT		56
#define KEY_SPACE		57
#define KEY_CAPSLOCK		58
#define KEY_F1			59
#define KEY_F2			60
#define KEY_F3			61
#define KEY_F4			62
#define KEY_F5			63
#define KEY_F6			64
#define KEY_F7			65
#define KEY_F8			66
#define KEY_F9			67
#define KEY_F10			68
#define KEY_NUMLOCK		69
#define KEY_SCROLLLOCK		70
#define KEY_KP7			71
#define KEY_KP8			72
#define KEY_KP9			73
#define KEY_KPMINUS		74
#define KEY_KP4			75
#define KEY_KP5			76
#define KEY_KP6			77
#define KEY_KPPLUS		78
#define KEY_KP1			79
#define KEY_KP2			80
#define KEY_KP3			81
#define KEY_KP0			82
#define KEY_KPDOT		83#define KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU	85
#define KEY_102ND		86
#define KEY_F11			87
#define KEY_F12			88
#define KEY_RO			89
#define KEY_KATAKANA		90
#define KEY_HIRAGANA		91
#define KEY_HENKAN		92
#define KEY_MUHENKAN		94
#define KEY_KPJPCOMMA		95
#define KEY_KPENTER		96
#define KEY_RIGHTCTRL		97
#define KEY_KPSLASH		98
#define KEY_SYSRQ		99
#define KEY_RIGHTALT		100
#define KEY_LINEFEED		101
#define KEY_HOME		102
#define KEY_UP			103
#define KEY_PAGEUP		104
#define KEY_LEFT		105
#define KEY_RIGHT		106
#define KEY_END			107
#define KEY_DOWN		108
#define KEY_PAGEDOWN		109
#define KEY_INSERT		110
#define KEY_DELETE		111
#define KEY_MACRO		112
#define KEY_MUTE		113
#define KEY_VOLUMEDOWN		114
#define KEY_VOLUMEUP		115
#define KEY_POWER		116	/* SC System Power Down */
#define KEY_KPEQUAL		117
#define KEY_KPPLUSMINUS		118
#define KEY_PAUSE		119
#define KEY_SCALE		120	/* AL Compiz Scale (Expose) */#define KEY_KPCOMMA		121
#define KEY_HANGEUL		122
#define KEY_HANJA		123
#define KEY_YEN			124
#define KEY_LEFTMETA		125
#define KEY_RIGHTMETA		126
#define KEY_COMPOSE		127#define KEY_STOP		128	/* AC Stop */
#define KEY_AGAIN		129
#define KEY_PROPS		130	/* AC Properties */
#define KEY_UNDO		131	/* AC Undo */
#define KEY_FRONT		132
#define KEY_COPY		133	/* AC Copy */
#define KEY_OPEN		134	/* AC Open */
#define KEY_PASTE		135	/* AC Paste */
#define KEY_FIND		136	/* AC Search */
#define KEY_CUT			137	/* AC Cut */
#define KEY_HELP		138	/* AL Integrated Help Center */
#define KEY_MENU		139	/* Menu (show menu) */
#define KEY_CALC		140	/* AL Calculator */
#define KEY_SETUP		141
#define KEY_SLEEP		142	/* SC System Sleep */
#define KEY_WAKEUP		143	/* System Wake Up */
#define KEY_FILE		144	/* AL Local Machine Browser */
#define KEY_SENDFILE		145
#define KEY_DELETEFILE		146
#define KEY_XFER		147
#define KEY_PROG1		148
#define KEY_PROG2		149
#define KEY_WWW			150	/* AL Internet Browser */
#define KEY_MSDOS		151
#define KEY_COFFEE		152	/* AL Terminal Lock/Screensaver */
#define KEY_ROTATE_DISPLAY	153	/* Display orientation for e.g. tablets */
#define KEY_MAIL		155
#define KEY_BOOKMARKS		156	/* AC Bookmarks */
#define KEY_COMPUTER		157
#define KEY_BACK		158	/* AC Back */
#define KEY_FORWARD		159	/* AC Forward */
#define KEY_CLOSECD		160
#define KEY_EJECTCD		161
#define KEY_NEXTSONG		163
#define KEY_PLAYPAUSE		164
#define KEY_STOPCD		166
#define KEY_RECORD		167
#define KEY_REWIND		168
#define KEY_PHONE		169	/* Media Select Telephone */
#define KEY_ISO			170
#define KEY_CONFIG		171	/* AL Consumer Control Configuration */
#define KEY_HOMEPAGE		172	/* AC Home */
#define KEY_REFRESH		173	/* AC Refresh */
#define KEY_EXIT		174	/* AC Exit */
#define KEY_MOVE		175
#define KEY_EDIT		176
#define KEY_SCROLLUP		177
#define KEY_SCROLLDOWN		178
#define KEY_KPLEFTPAREN		179
#define KEY_NEW			181	/* AC New */
#define KEY_REDO		182	/* AC Redo/Repeat */#define KEY_F13			183
#define KEY_F14			184
#define KEY_F15			185
#define KEY_F16			186
#define KEY_F17			187
#define KEY_F18			188
#define KEY_F19			189
#define KEY_F20			190
#define KEY_F21			191
#define KEY_F22			192
#define KEY_F23			193
#define KEY_F24			194#define KEY_PLAYCD		200
#define KEY_PAUSECD		201
#define KEY_PROG3		202
#define KEY_PROG4		203
#define KEY_ALL_APPLICATIONS	204	/* AC Desktop Show All Applications */
#define KEY_SUSPEND		205
#define KEY_CLOSE		206	/* AC Close */
#define KEY_PLAY		207
#define KEY_FASTFORWARD		208
#define KEY_BASSBOOST		209
#define KEY_PRINT		210	/* AC Print */
#define KEY_HP			211
#define KEY_CAMERA		212
#define KEY_SOUND		213
#define KEY_QUESTION		214
#define KEY_EMAIL		215
#define KEY_CHAT		216
#define KEY_SEARCH		217
#define KEY_CONNECT		218
#define KEY_FINANCE		219	/* AL Checkbook/Finance */
#define KEY_SPORT		220
#define KEY_SHOP		221
#define KEY_ALTERASE		222
#define KEY_CANCEL		223	/* AC Cancel */
#define KEY_MEDIA		226#define KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE	227	/* Cycle between available videooutputs (Monitor/LCD/TV-out/etc) */
#define KEY_KBDILLUMUP		230#define KEY_SEND		231	/* AC Send */
#define KEY_REPLY		232	/* AC Reply */
#define KEY_FORWARDMAIL		233	/* AC Forward Msg */
#define KEY_SAVE		234	/* AC Save */
#define KEY_DOCUMENTS		235#define KEY_BATTERY		236#define KEY_BLUETOOTH		237
#define KEY_WLAN		238
#define KEY_UWB			239#define KEY_UNKNOWN		240#define KEY_VIDEO_NEXT		241	/* drive next video source */
#define KEY_VIDEO_PREV		242	/* drive previous video source */
#define KEY_BRIGHTNESS_CYCLE	243	/* brightness up, after max is min */
#define KEY_BRIGHTNESS_AUTO	244	/* Set Auto Brightness: manualbrightness control is off,rely on ambient */
#define KEY_DISPLAY_OFF		245	/* display device to off state */#define KEY_WWAN		246	/* Wireless WAN (LTE, UMTS, GSM, etc.) */
#define KEY_RFKILL		247	/* Key that controls all radios */#define KEY_MICMUTE		248	/* Mute / unmute the microphone *//* Code 255 is reserved for special needs of AT keyboard driver */#define BTN_MISC		0x100
#define BTN_0			0x100
#define BTN_1			0x101
#define BTN_2			0x102
#define BTN_3			0x103
#define BTN_4			0x104
#define BTN_5			0x105
#define BTN_6			0x106
#define BTN_7			0x107
#define BTN_8			0x108
#define BTN_9			0x109#define BTN_MOUSE		0x110
#define BTN_LEFT		0x110
#define BTN_RIGHT		0x111
#define BTN_MIDDLE		0x112
#define BTN_SIDE		0x113
#define BTN_EXTRA		0x114
#define BTN_FORWARD		0x115
#define BTN_BACK		0x116
#define BTN_TASK		0x117#define BTN_JOYSTICK		0x120
#define BTN_TRIGGER		0x120
#define BTN_THUMB		0x121
#define BTN_THUMB2		0x122
#define BTN_TOP			0x123
#define BTN_TOP2		0x124
#define BTN_PINKIE		0x125
#define BTN_BASE		0x126
#define BTN_BASE2		0x127
#define BTN_BASE3		0x128
#define BTN_BASE4		0x129
#define BTN_BASE5		0x12a
#define BTN_BASE6		0x12b
#define BTN_DEAD		0x12f#define BTN_GAMEPAD		0x130
#define BTN_SOUTH		0x130
#define BTN_A			BTN_SOUTH
#define BTN_EAST		0x131
#define BTN_B			BTN_EAST
#define BTN_C			0x132
#define BTN_NORTH		0x133
#define BTN_X			BTN_NORTH
#define BTN_WEST		0x134
#define BTN_Y			BTN_WEST
#define BTN_Z			0x135
#define BTN_TL			0x136
#define BTN_TR			0x137
#define BTN_TL2			0x138
#define BTN_TR2			0x139
#define BTN_SELECT		0x13a
#define BTN_START		0x13b
#define BTN_MODE		0x13c
#define BTN_THUMBL		0x13d
#define BTN_THUMBR		0x13e#define BTN_DIGI		0x140
#define BTN_TOOL_PEN		0x140
#define BTN_TOOL_RUBBER		0x141
#define BTN_TOOL_BRUSH		0x142
#define BTN_TOOL_PENCIL		0x143
#define BTN_TOOL_AIRBRUSH	0x144
#define BTN_TOOL_FINGER		0x145
#define BTN_TOOL_MOUSE		0x146
#define BTN_TOOL_LENS		0x147
#define BTN_TOOL_QUINTTAP	0x148	/* Five fingers on trackpad */
#define BTN_STYLUS3		0x149
#define BTN_TOUCH		0x14a
#define BTN_STYLUS		0x14b
#define BTN_STYLUS2		0x14c
#define BTN_TOOL_DOUBLETAP	0x14d
#define BTN_TOOL_TRIPLETAP	0x14e
#define BTN_TOOL_QUADTAP	0x14f	/* Four fingers on trackpad */#define BTN_WHEEL		0x150
#define BTN_GEAR_DOWN		0x150
#define BTN_GEAR_UP		0x151#define KEY_OK			0x160
#define KEY_SELECT		0x161
#define KEY_GOTO		0x162
#define KEY_CLEAR		0x163
#define KEY_POWER2		0x164
#define KEY_OPTION		0x165
#define KEY_INFO		0x166	/* AL OEM Features/Tips/Tutorial */
#define KEY_TIME		0x167
#define KEY_VENDOR		0x168
#define KEY_ARCHIVE		0x169
#define KEY_PROGRAM		0x16a	/* Media Select Program Guide */
#define KEY_CHANNEL		0x16b
#define KEY_FAVORITES		0x16c
#define KEY_EPG			0x16d
#define KEY_PVR			0x16e	/* Media Select Home */
#define KEY_MHP			0x16f
#define KEY_LANGUAGE		0x170
#define KEY_TITLE		0x171
#define KEY_SUBTITLE		0x172
#define KEY_ANGLE		0x173
#define KEY_ZOOM		0x174
#define KEY_MODE		0x175
#define KEY_KEYBOARD		0x176
#define KEY_SCREEN		0x177
#define KEY_PC			0x178	/* Media Select Computer */
#define KEY_TV			0x179	/* Media Select TV */
#define KEY_TV2			0x17a	/* Media Select Cable */
#define KEY_VCR			0x17b	/* Media Select VCR */
#define KEY_VCR2		0x17c	/* VCR Plus */
#define KEY_SAT			0x17d	/* Media Select Satellite */
#define KEY_SAT2		0x17e
#define KEY_CD			0x17f	/* Media Select CD */
#define KEY_TAPE		0x180	/* Media Select Tape */
#define KEY_RADIO		0x181
#define KEY_TUNER		0x182	/* Media Select Tuner */
#define KEY_PLAYER		0x183
#define KEY_TEXT		0x184
#define KEY_DVD			0x185	/* Media Select DVD */
#define KEY_AUX			0x186
#define KEY_MP3			0x187
#define KEY_AUDIO		0x188	/* AL Audio Browser */
#define KEY_VIDEO		0x189	/* AL Movie Browser */
#define KEY_DIRECTORY		0x18a
#define KEY_LIST		0x18b
#define KEY_MEMO		0x18c	/* Media Select Messages */
#define KEY_CALENDAR		0x18d
#define KEY_RED			0x18e
#define KEY_GREEN		0x18f
#define KEY_YELLOW		0x190
#define KEY_BLUE		0x191
#define KEY_CHANNELUP		0x192	/* Channel Increment */
#define KEY_CHANNELDOWN		0x193	/* Channel Decrement */
#define KEY_FIRST		0x194
#define KEY_LAST		0x195	/* Recall Last */
#define KEY_AB			0x196
#define KEY_NEXT		0x197
#define KEY_RESTART		0x198
#define KEY_SLOW		0x199
#define KEY_SHUFFLE		0x19a
#define KEY_BREAK		0x19b
#define KEY_PREVIOUS		0x19c
#define KEY_DIGITS		0x19d
#define KEY_TEEN		0x19e
#define KEY_TWEN		0x19f
#define KEY_VIDEOPHONE		0x1a0	/* Media Select Video Phone */
#define KEY_GAMES		0x1a1	/* Media Select Games */
#define KEY_ZOOMIN		0x1a2	/* AC Zoom In */
#define KEY_ZOOMOUT		0x1a3	/* AC Zoom Out */
#define KEY_ZOOMRESET		0x1a4	/* AC Zoom */
#define KEY_WORDPROCESSOR	0x1a5	/* AL Word Processor */
#define KEY_EDITOR		0x1a6	/* AL Text Editor */
#define KEY_SPREADSHEET		0x1a7	/* AL Spreadsheet */
#define KEY_GRAPHICSEDITOR	0x1a8	/* AL Graphics Editor */
#define KEY_PRESENTATION	0x1a9	/* AL Presentation App */
#define KEY_DATABASE		0x1aa	/* AL Database App */
#define KEY_NEWS		0x1ab	/* AL Newsreader */
#define KEY_VOICEMAIL		0x1ac	/* AL Voicemail */
#define KEY_ADDRESSBOOK		0x1ad	/* AL Contacts/Address Book */
#define KEY_MESSENGER		0x1ae	/* AL Instant Messaging */
#define KEY_DISPLAYTOGGLE	0x1af	/* Turn display (LCD) on and off */
#define KEY_SPELLCHECK		0x1b0   /* AL Spell Check */
#define KEY_LOGOFF		0x1b1   /* AL Logoff */#define KEY_DOLLAR		0x1b2
#define KEY_EURO		0x1b3#define KEY_FRAMEBACK		0x1b4	/* Consumer - transport controls */
#define KEY_FRAMEFORWARD	0x1b5
#define KEY_CONTEXT_MENU	0x1b6	/* GenDesc - system context menu */
#define KEY_MEDIA_REPEAT	0x1b7	/* Consumer - transport control */
#define KEY_10CHANNELSUP	0x1b8	/* 10 channels up (10+) */
#define KEY_10CHANNELSDOWN	0x1b9	/* 10 channels down (10-) */
#define KEY_IMAGES		0x1ba	/* AL Image Browser */#define KEY_DEL_EOL		0x1c0
#define KEY_DEL_EOS		0x1c1
#define KEY_INS_LINE		0x1c2
#define KEY_DEL_LINE		0x1c3#define KEY_FN			0x1d0
#define KEY_FN_ESC		0x1d1
#define KEY_FN_F1		0x1d2
#define KEY_FN_F2		0x1d3
#define KEY_FN_F3		0x1d4
#define KEY_FN_F4		0x1d5
#define KEY_FN_F5		0x1d6
#define KEY_FN_F6		0x1d7
#define KEY_FN_F7		0x1d8
#define KEY_FN_F8		0x1d9
#define KEY_FN_F9		0x1da
#define KEY_FN_F10		0x1db
#define KEY_FN_F11		0x1dc
#define KEY_FN_F12		0x1dd
#define KEY_FN_1		0x1de
#define KEY_FN_2		0x1df
#define KEY_FN_D		0x1e0
#define KEY_FN_E		0x1e1
#define KEY_FN_F		0x1e2
#define KEY_FN_S		0x1e3
#define KEY_FN_B		0x1e4#define KEY_BRL_DOT1		0x1f1
#define KEY_BRL_DOT2		0x1f2
#define KEY_BRL_DOT3		0x1f3
#define KEY_BRL_DOT4		0x1f4
#define KEY_BRL_DOT5		0x1f5
#define KEY_BRL_DOT6		0x1f6
#define KEY_BRL_DOT7		0x1f7
#define KEY_BRL_DOT8		0x1f8
#define KEY_BRL_DOT9		0x1f9
#define KEY_BRL_DOT10		0x1fa#define KEY_NUMERIC_0		0x200	/* used by phones, remote controls, */
#define KEY_NUMERIC_1		0x201	/* and other keypads */
#define KEY_NUMERIC_2		0x202
#define KEY_NUMERIC_3		0x203
#define KEY_NUMERIC_4		0x204
#define KEY_NUMERIC_5		0x205
#define KEY_NUMERIC_6		0x206
#define KEY_NUMERIC_7		0x207
#define KEY_NUMERIC_8		0x208
#define KEY_NUMERIC_9		0x209
#define KEY_NUMERIC_STAR	0x20a
#define KEY_NUMERIC_POUND	0x20b
#define KEY_NUMERIC_A		0x20c	/* Phone key A - HUT Telephony 0xb9 */
#define KEY_NUMERIC_B		0x20d
#define KEY_NUMERIC_C		0x20e
#define KEY_NUMERIC_D		0x20f#define KEY_CAMERA_FOCUS	0x210
#define KEY_WPS_BUTTON		0x211	/* WiFi Protected Setup key */#define KEY_TOUCHPAD_TOGGLE	0x212	/* Request switch touchpad on or off */
#define KEY_TOUCHPAD_ON		0x213
#define KEY_TOUCHPAD_OFF	0x214#define KEY_CAMERA_ZOOMIN	0x215
#define KEY_CAMERA_ZOOMOUT	0x216
#define KEY_CAMERA_UP		0x217
#define KEY_CAMERA_DOWN		0x218
#define KEY_CAMERA_LEFT		0x219
#define KEY_CAMERA_RIGHT	0x21a#define KEY_ATTENDANT_ON	0x21b
#define KEY_ATTENDANT_OFF	0x21c
#define KEY_ATTENDANT_TOGGLE	0x21d	/* Attendant call on or off */
#define KEY_LIGHTS_TOGGLE	0x21e	/* Reading light on or off */#define BTN_DPAD_UP		0x220
#define BTN_DPAD_DOWN		0x221
#define BTN_DPAD_LEFT		0x222
#define BTN_DPAD_RIGHT		0x223#define KEY_ALS_TOGGLE		0x230	/* Ambient light sensor */#define KEY_BUTTONCONFIG		0x240	/* AL Button Configuration */
#define KEY_TASKMANAGER		0x241	/* AL Task/Project Manager */
#define KEY_JOURNAL		0x242	/* AL Log/Journal/Timecard */
#define KEY_CONTROLPANEL		0x243	/* AL Control Panel */
#define KEY_APPSELECT		0x244	/* AL Select Task/Application */
#define KEY_SCREENSAVER		0x245	/* AL Screen Saver */
#define KEY_VOICECOMMAND		0x246	/* Listening Voice Command */
#define KEY_ASSISTANT		0x247	/* AL Context-aware desktop assistant */#define KEY_BRIGHTNESS_MIN		0x250	/* Set Brightness to Minimum */
#define KEY_BRIGHTNESS_MAX		0x251	/* Set Brightness to Maximum */#define KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_PREV		0x260
#define KEY_KBDINPUTASSIST_CANCEL		0x265/* Diagonal movement keys */
#define KEY_RIGHT_UP			0x266
#define KEY_RIGHT_DOWN			0x267
#define KEY_LEFT_UP			0x268
#define KEY_LEFT_DOWN			0x269#define KEY_ROOT_MENU			0x26a /* Show Device's Root Menu */
/* Show Top Menu of the Media (e.g. DVD) */
#define KEY_MEDIA_TOP_MENU		0x26b
#define KEY_NUMERIC_11			0x26c
#define KEY_NUMERIC_12			0x26d
/** Toggle Audio Description: refers to an audio service that helps blind and* visually impaired consumers understand the action in a program. Note: in* some countries this is referred to as "Video Description".*/
#define KEY_AUDIO_DESC			0x26e
#define KEY_3D_MODE			0x26f
#define KEY_NEXT_FAVORITE		0x270
#define KEY_STOP_RECORD			0x271
#define KEY_PAUSE_RECORD		0x272
#define KEY_VOD				0x273 /* Video on Demand */
#define KEY_UNMUTE			0x274
#define KEY_FASTREVERSE			0x275
#define KEY_SLOWREVERSE			0x276
/** Control a data application associated with the currently viewed channel,* e.g. teletext or data broadcast application (MHEG, MHP, HbbTV, etc.)*/
#define KEY_DATA			0x277
#define KEY_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD		0x278#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY		0x2c0
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY1		0x2c0
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY2		0x2c1
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY3		0x2c2
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY4		0x2c3
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY5		0x2c4
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY6		0x2c5
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY7		0x2c6
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY8		0x2c7
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY9		0x2c8
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY10		0x2c9
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY11		0x2ca
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY12		0x2cb
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY13		0x2cc
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY14		0x2cd
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY15		0x2ce
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY16		0x2cf
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY17		0x2d0
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY18		0x2d1
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY19		0x2d2
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY20		0x2d3
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY21		0x2d4
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY22		0x2d5
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY23		0x2d6
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY24		0x2d7
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY25		0x2d8
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY26		0x2d9
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY27		0x2da
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY28		0x2db
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY29		0x2dc
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY30		0x2dd
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY31		0x2de
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY32		0x2df
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY33		0x2e0
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY34		0x2e1
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY35		0x2e2
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY36		0x2e3
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY37		0x2e4
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY38		0x2e5
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY39		0x2e6
#define BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY40		0x2e7/* We avoid low common keys in module aliases so they don't get huge. */
#define KEY_MAX			0x2ff
#define KEY_CNT			(KEY_MAX+1)/** Relative axes*/#define REL_X			0x00
#define REL_Y			0x01
#define REL_Z			0x02
#define REL_RX			0x03
#define REL_RY			0x04
#define REL_RZ			0x05
#define REL_HWHEEL		0x06
#define REL_DIAL		0x07
#define REL_WHEEL		0x08
#define REL_MISC		0x09
#define REL_MAX			0x0f
#define REL_CNT			(REL_MAX+1)/** Absolute axes*/#define ABS_X			0x00
#define ABS_Y			0x01
#define ABS_Z			0x02
#define ABS_RX			0x03
#define ABS_RY			0x04
#define ABS_RZ			0x05
#define ABS_THROTTLE		0x06
#define ABS_RUDDER		0x07
#define ABS_WHEEL		0x08
#define ABS_GAS			0x09
#define ABS_BRAKE		0x0a
#define ABS_HAT0X		0x10
#define ABS_HAT0Y		0x11
#define ABS_HAT1X		0x12
#define ABS_HAT1Y		0x13
#define ABS_HAT2X		0x14
#define ABS_HAT2Y		0x15
#define ABS_HAT3X		0x16
#define ABS_HAT3Y		0x17
#define ABS_PRESSURE		0x18
#define ABS_DISTANCE		0x19
#define ABS_TILT_X		0x1a
#define ABS_TILT_Y		0x1b
#define ABS_TOOL_WIDTH		0x1c#define ABS_VOLUME		0x20#define ABS_MISC		0x28/** 0x2e is reserved and should not be used in input drivers.* It was used by HID as ABS_MISC+6 and userspace needs to detect if* the next ABS_* event is correct or is just ABS_MISC + n.* We define here ABS_RESERVED so userspace can rely on it and detect* the situation described above.*/
#define ABS_RESERVED		0x2e#define ABS_MT_SLOT		0x2f	/* MT slot being modified */
#define ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR	0x30	/* Major axis of touching ellipse */
#define ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR	0x31	/* Minor axis (omit if circular) */
#define ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR	0x32	/* Major axis of approaching ellipse */
#define ABS_MT_WIDTH_MINOR	0x33	/* Minor axis (omit if circular) */
#define ABS_MT_ORIENTATION	0x34	/* Ellipse orientation */
#define ABS_MT_POSITION_X	0x35	/* Center X touch position */
#define ABS_MT_POSITION_Y	0x36	/* Center Y touch position */
#define ABS_MT_TOOL_TYPE	0x37	/* Type of touching device */
#define ABS_MT_BLOB_ID		0x38	/* Group a set of packets as a blob */
#define ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID	0x39	/* Unique ID of initiated contact */
#define ABS_MT_PRESSURE		0x3a	/* Pressure on contact area */
#define ABS_MT_DISTANCE		0x3b	/* Contact hover distance */
#define ABS_MT_TOOL_X		0x3c	/* Center X tool position */
#define ABS_MT_TOOL_Y		0x3d	/* Center Y tool position */#define ABS_MAX			0x3f
#define ABS_CNT			(ABS_MAX+1)/** Switch events*/#define SW_LID			0x00  /* set = lid shut */
#define SW_TABLET_MODE		0x01  /* set = tablet mode */
#define SW_HEADPHONE_INSERT	0x02  /* set = inserted */
#define SW_RFKILL_ALL		0x03  /* rfkill master switch, type "any"set = radio enabled */
#define SW_RADIO		SW_RFKILL_ALL	/* deprecated */
#define SW_MICROPHONE_INSERT	0x04  /* set = inserted */
#define SW_DOCK			0x05  /* set = plugged into dock */
#define SW_LINEOUT_INSERT	0x06  /* set = inserted */
#define SW_JACK_PHYSICAL_INSERT 0x07  /* set = mechanical switch set */
#define SW_VIDEOOUT_INSERT	0x08  /* set = inserted */
#define SW_CAMERA_LENS_COVER	0x09  /* set = lens covered */
#define SW_KEYPAD_SLIDE		0x0a  /* set = keypad slide out */
#define SW_FRONT_PROXIMITY	0x0b  /* set = front proximity sensor active */
#define SW_ROTATE_LOCK		0x0c  /* set = rotate locked/disabled */
#define SW_LINEIN_INSERT	0x0d  /* set = inserted */
#define SW_MUTE_DEVICE		0x0e  /* set = device disabled */
#define SW_PEN_INSERTED		0x0f  /* set = pen inserted */
#define SW_MACHINE_COVER	0x10  /* set = cover closed */
#define SW_MAX			0x10
#define SW_CNT			(SW_MAX+1)/** Misc events*/#define MSC_SERIAL		0x00
#define MSC_PULSELED		0x01
#define MSC_GESTURE		0x02
#define MSC_RAW			0x03
#define MSC_SCAN		0x04
#define MSC_TIMESTAMP		0x05
#define MSC_MAX			0x07
#define MSC_CNT			(MSC_MAX+1)/** LEDs*/#define LED_NUML		0x00
#define LED_CAPSL		0x01
#define LED_SCROLLL		0x02
#define LED_COMPOSE		0x03
#define LED_KANA		0x04
#define LED_SLEEP		0x05
#define LED_SUSPEND		0x06
#define LED_MUTE		0x07
#define LED_MISC		0x08
#define LED_MAIL		0x09
#define LED_CHARGING		0x0a
#define LED_MAX			0x0f
#define LED_CNT			(LED_MAX+1)/** Autorepeat values*/#define REP_DELAY		0x00
#define REP_PERIOD		0x01
#define REP_MAX			0x01
#define REP_CNT			(REP_MAX+1)/** Sounds*/#define SND_CLICK		0x00
#define SND_BELL		0x01
#define SND_TONE		0x02
#define SND_MAX			0x07
#define SND_CNT			(SND_MAX+1)#endif
export JD_COOKIE="pt_key=AAJigHn3ADDMfp6EWwz1eqx0dswbQBarLDcwBP4B1eXRJBX0vdjboMlJAPTTHSOm4cc6eFZhiEo;pt_pin=jd_5a825106a0c33;&pt_key=AAJiiQXnADDUhCbDf9NWTb7tdKW4-D1lgSr34KR1jw8ufU8c3taTz9BzOSuDMdrKyCWkhhCvSVE;pt_pin=jd_6415bc2fe3a90;"
编辑模式:i(插入) a(下一个字节插入) o(下一行插入)
上翻页:ctrl + u
下翻页:ctrl+ d
2)shift+":" 按出:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>int main()
{int fd;fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);if (fd<0){perror("open lcd fail");return  -1;}// LCD MAPint *addr;addr = mmap(NULL,800*480*4, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);if (addr == NULL){perror("mman fail");return -1;}// 写入lcdint x,y;int green = 0x0000ff00;int red = 0x00ff0000;int blue = 0x00000ff;// 0-479for (y=0;y<480;y++){for (x = 0; x < 800; x++){if (y < 160) *(addr + y*800+x) = 0x00000000;else if (160< y && y< 320) *(addr + y*800+x) = 0x00ff0000;else   *(addr + y*800+x) = 0x00ffcc00;}}munmap(addr,800*480*4);close(fd);return 0;





目录 一、express 1、初识express 2、安装express 3、创建并启动web服务器 4、监听 GET&POST 请求、响应内容给客户端 5、获取URL中携带的查询参数 6、获取URL中动态参数 7、静态资源托管 二、工具nodemon 三、express路由 1、express中路由 2、路由的匹配 3、路由模块化 4、路由模块添加前缀 四、中间件

记录每次更新到仓库 —— Git 学习笔记 10

记录每次更新到仓库 文章目录 文件的状态三个区域检查当前文件状态跟踪新文件取消跟踪(un-tracking)文件重新跟踪(re-tracking)文件暂存已修改文件忽略某些文件查看已暂存和未暂存的修改提交更新跳过暂存区删除文件移动文件参考资料 咱们接着很多天以前的 取得Git仓库 这篇文章继续说。 文件的状态 不管是通过哪种方法,现在我们已经有了一个仓库,并从这个仓


文章目录 删除排序链表中的重复元素我的思路解法一:循环解法二:递归 网上思路 删除排序链表中的重复元素 II我的思路网上思路 总结 删除排序链表中的重复元素 给定一个已排序的链表的头 head , 删除所有重复的元素,使每个元素只出现一次 。返回 已排序的链表 。 图一 图二 示例 1:(图一)输入:head = [1,1,2]输出:[1,2]示例 2:(图


1 记录的背景 之前只知道有这个强大语言的存在,但一直侥幸自己应该不会用到它,所以一直没有开始学习。然而人生这么长,怎就确定自己不会用到呢? 这次要搭建一个可以自动跑完所有case并且打印每个case的pass信息到指定的文件中。从而减轻手动跑仿真,手动查看log信息的重复无效低质量的操作。下面简单记录下自己的思路并贴出自己的代码,方便自己以后使用和修正。 2 思路整理 作为一个IC d


本步骤只记录完成切面所需的必要代码 本人开发中遇到的问题: 切面一直切不进去,最后发现需要在springMVC的核心配置文件中中开启注解驱动才可以,只在spring的核心配置文件中开启是不会在web项目中生效的。 之后按照下面的代码进行配置,然后前端在访问controller层中的路径时即可观察到日志已经被正常记录到数据库,代码中有部分注释,看不懂的可以参照注释。接下来进入正题 1、导入m

flume系列之:记录一次flume agent进程被异常oom kill -9的原因定位

flume系列之:记录一次flume agent进程被异常oom kill -9的原因定位 一、背景二、定位问题三、解决方法 一、背景 flume系列之:定位flume没有关闭某个时间点生成的tmp文件的原因,并制定解决方案在博主上面这篇文章的基础上,在机器内存、cpu资源、flume agent资源都足够的情况下,flume agent又出现了tmp文件无法关闭的情况 二、


更改为 差分的数学表达式从泰勒级数展开式可得: 后悔没听廖老师的。 禹晶、肖创柏、廖庆敏《数字图像处理(面向新工科的电工电子信息基础课程系列教材)》 禹晶、肖创柏、廖庆敏《数字图像处理》资源二维码


Linux常用工具与命令日常记录(长期更新) 目录 1.本地复制到远程2.Linux压缩拆包与解压3.生成随机密码4.ubuntu默认Python版本设置5.计算当前文件夹中文件数量6.windows中编写shell脚本,在Linux运行出错7.history 历史命令显示时间用户8.Ubuntu18.04设置源、网卡9.Ubuntu18.04设置网卡10.Ubuntu:自定义开


Excel使用总结 表格颜色填充: 合并单元格: 选中你要合并的单元格区域。按下快捷键 Alt + H,然后松开这些键。再按下 M,接着按 C。这个组合键执行的操作是:Alt + H:打开“主页”选项卡。M:选择“合并单元格”选项。C:执行“合并并居中”操作。 插入行: 在Excel中,插入一行的快捷键是:Windows:选择整行(可以点击行号)。按下 Ctrl + Sh


文章目录 嵌入式开发常识汇总1、嵌入式Linux和stm32之间的区别和联系2、stm32程序下载方式3、Keil5安装芯片包4、芯片封装种类5、STM32命名6、数据手册和参考手册7、什么是寄存器、寄存器映射和内存映射8、芯片引脚顺序9、stm32芯片里有什么10、存储器空间的划分11、如何理解寄存器说明12、如何操作寄存器的某一位 STM32F407芯片学习1、stm32单片机启动流程s