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HistoryOf computer developmentElectronic computerIn 1946 Pennsylvania University in the USA developed the first electronic computer in the world through several years" hard efforts."ENIAC两位设计者 ——莫契利和埃克特Transistor computer In the late 1960s and early 1970s, engineers made great strides(进步) in reducing the size of electronic components. They developed the semiconductor chip(半导体芯片), which was about the size of a fingenail and could contain hundreds of transistors.1955年,贝尔实验室使用800只晶体管组装了世界上第一台晶体管计算机TRADIC。(Transistor Digital Computer)Personal Computer In 1981, International Business Machines (IBM), the largest computer company in the world, introduced its own microcomputer, dubbed the IBM PC (“PC” is the abbreviation for personal computer). The First IBM PC This computer is small in size and you can easily arrange it to fit in your bedroom with its all .Today this is thought to be the most popular computer in all.Today’s daySit down in front of an iMac and something incredible happens: The world around you seems to disappear, and you lose yourself in the big, beautiful display. To create an experience this immersive(身临其境), we pushed every limit, considered every detail, and advanced iMac in astonishing(惊奇)ways.We’ve gone to extraordinary lengths. And widths.The ultimate all-in-one. Honed to the cutting edge.The first iMac was a revolution: An all-in-one computer(一体机) that put everything —mainframe(主机), monitor(显示器) and more — inside one simple, fashionable shell(外壳). Today, iMac includes a brilliant desktop display, and it’s filled with the latest high-performance technologies. Yet it’s just 5 mm thin at its edge.The development of computer technology has the following four characteristics :1. multi-polarization(多极化)2. Intelligent(智能化)3. networked(网络化)4. multimedia(多媒体)计算机的未来发展趋势DNA计算机激光计算机量子计算机纳米计算机 Fifth generation computer refers to a new generation of computers, with artificial intelligence, it has the reasoning, lenovo, judgment, decision making, learning, and other functions. These computers are: superconducting computers, nano computer, light computer and DNA computer and quantum computer, etc. Fifth generation computer refers to a new generation of computers, with artificial intelligence, it has the reasoning, lenovo, judgment, decision making, learning, and other functions. These computers are: superconducting computers, nano computer, light computer and DNA computer and quantum computer, etc. 第五代计算机是指新一代的计算机,人工智能,它具有推理,联想,判断,决策,学习等功能。这些计算机有:超导计算机,纳米计算机,光计算机和DNA计算机和量子计算机等。 Computer is to use the laser as a carrier of information processing of computer, also called is, their speed will be at least 1000 times faster than ordinary computers. It relies on a laser beam(激光束) into composed of a reflector(反射镜) and lens array(透镜阵列) to the information processing.The EndThank you!! 关 键 词: 发展史 英语 计算机