修改自己对应模块bin以及shared libs 的Android.bp
1. 针对Android.bp情形
Android.bp 的cflags 里面添加 :
"-Wno-error", "-fno-omit-frame-pointer", "-O0", "-Wno-frame-larger-than="
Android.bp 申明属性 :
clang: true sanitize: {address: true,}
cc_defaults {name: "asan_debugd_defaults",cflags: ["-Werror","-Wall",//enable asan related cflags begin"-Wno-error","-fno-omit-frame-pointer","-O0","-Wno-frame-larger-than=",//enable asan related cflags end],clang: true, //ASAN related propertysanitize: {address: true,}, //ASAN optioncppflags: ["-Wnon-virtual-dtor","-fno-strict-aliasing",],ldflags: ["-Wl",],
}cc_binary {name: "asan_debugd",defaults: ["asan_debugd_defaults"],static_libs: [ "libAsanDebug",],shared_libs: [ "liblog", "libutils", "libcutils"],srcs: ["asan_debugd.cpp"],
注意,如果bin开启了ASAN,则bin的static libraries 都默认开启ASAN,而shared libraries 不会感染编译配置。所以可疑的shared libs 也要加。
2, 针对Android.mk情形
LOCAL_CFLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer -O0 -Wno-frame-larger-than= -fsanitize=address
LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES +=libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android
其中LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES 所申明的.so,在/system/lib64/里面有,在/system/lib/里面没有(64位使用类HWASAN方法实现的,与32位实现方式差别很大),所以需要64位的版本才能使用。
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)################################### /system/bin/asan_debugd ############################################include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := asan_debugdLOCAL_CFLAGS := -WerrorLOCAL_LDFLAGS += -WlLOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -Wfloat-equal -Wformat=2 -Wshadow -fstack-protector-allLOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optionalLOCAL_MULTILIB :=64LOCAL_SRC_FILES += asan_debugd.cppLOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := liblog libutils libcutils \libAsanDebug#LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libAsanDebug#asan related cflags
LOCAL_CFLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer -O0 -Wno-frame-larger-than= -fsanitize=address
LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES +=libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-androidinclude $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)
1, 预编译ASAN库
vendor空间所开启的编译命令与上述类似。但是有个问题,在/vendor/lib64/里面没有libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so,所以需要把/system/lib64/里面的libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so 预编译到/vendor/lib64.
如果不会写预编译的Android.mk 可以点击下面链接下载,预编译的lib以及Android.mk我都整理号了:
上述文件夹下载好了,放到能够编译到的地方即可。然后修改自己模块的Android.mk或者Android.bp 以下假设我预编译到vendor/lib(64)的.so改名叫做libclang_rt.asan-android_vnd.so
cc_defaults {name: "asan_debuglib_defaults_vnd",cflags: ["-Werror","-Wall","-Wno-error", // asan related cflags"-fno-omit-frame-pointer", // asan related cflags"-O0", // asan related cflags"-Wno-frame-larger-than=" // asan related cflags],cppflags: ["-Wnon-virtual-dtor","-fno-strict-aliasing",],ldflags: ["-Wl",],shared_libs: [ "liblog", "libutils", "libcutils", "libclang_rt.asan-android_vnd",],clang: true, // asan related cflagssanitize: {address: true,}, // asan related cflagscompile_multilib: "64",
}// vendor/lib64/libAsanDebug_vndcc_library_shared {name: "libAsanDebug_vnd",vendor: true, //vendor partitiondefaults: ["asan_debuglib_defaults_vnd"],static_libs: [],export_include_dirs: ["export_headers", ],srcs: ["AsanDebug.cpp"],
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)##################################### /vendor/lib64/libAsanDebug_vnd #################################include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := libAsanDebug_vndLOCAL_CFLAGS := -WerrorLOCAL_LDFLAGS += -WlLOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optionalLOCAL_SRC_FILES += AsanDebug.cppLOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH) \$(LOCAL_PATH)/export_headersLOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DIRS := $(LOCAL_PATH)/export_headers#ifeq (1,$(filter 1,$(shell echo "$$(( $(PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION) >= 26 ))" )))
#endifLOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES :=liblog libutils libcutils#asan related configure begin
LOCAL_CFLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer -O0 -Wno-frame-larger-than= -fsanitize=address
LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES +=libclang_rt.asan-android_vnd
#asan related configure endinclude $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
Base.h:0: error: undefined reference to 'vtable for
prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/aarch64-linux-android/bin/ld.gold: the vtable symbol may be undefined because the class is missing its key function
Base.h:0: error: undefined reference to 'vtable for
prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/aarch64-linux-android/bin/ld.gold: the vtable symbol may be undefined because the class is missing its key function
clang-6.0: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
[ 68% 20/29] target Prebuilt:...D/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service-client)
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
diff --git a/1.0/default/impl/src/monitor/MonitorBase.h b/1.0/default/impl/src/monitor/MonitorBase.h
index 2590edd..a1c31ad 100755
--- a/1.0/default/impl/src/monitor/MonitorBase.h
+++ b/1.0/default/impl/src/monitor/MonitorBase.h
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class MonitorBase : public android::RefBase {MonitorBase() {}virtual ~MonitorBase() {}- virtual void dumpResource();
+ virtual void dumpResource() {}
frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/RenderEngine/RenderEngine.h:0: error: undefined reference to 'vtable for android::RE::RenderEngine'
prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld: the vtable symbol may be undefined because the class is missing its key function
clang-6.0: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/RenderEngine/RenderEngine.h b/services/surfaceflinger/RenderEngine/RenderEngine.h
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 178615548..2d15eabd1
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/RenderEngine/RenderEngine.h
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/RenderEngine/RenderEngine.h
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public:virtual void unbindNativeBufferAsFrameBuffer(RE::BindNativeBufferAsFramebuffer* bindHelper) = 0;// set-up
- virtual void checkErrors() const;
+ virtual void checkErrors() const = 0;virtual void setViewportAndProjection(size_t vpw, size_t vph, Rect sourceCrop, size_t hwh,bool yswap, Transform::orientation_flags rotation) = 0;virtual void setupLayerBlending(bool premultipliedAlpha, bool opaque, bool disableTexture,
ASAN在发现有违规内存操作的时候,就会ABORT该进程,并产生tombstone,main log打印 异常栈。在如踩内存发生的时候就会打印,而不会等到被踩内存时候发生。
以下烂代码为例,开启 ASAN:
+ if (HeartBeatCount > 60) {
+ char* p = (char*)malloc(40);
+ for(int x = 0; x < 50; x ++) {p[x] = 'c';}
+ }
编译、烧写,开机;抓取adb log.
五, LOG分析
01-02 03:13:59.407 573 626 I HealthFdbusClient: sendHeartBeat: sendHeartBeat count=60
01-02 03:13:59.408 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: =================================================================
01-02 03:13:59.408 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.409 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.409 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: ==573==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow on address 0x003200039678 at pc 0x005892d4c428 bp 0x007692802970 sp 0x007692802968
01-02 03:13:59.409 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.409 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.409 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: WRITE of size 1 at 0x003200039678 thread T3
01-02 03:13:59.409 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.422 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #0 0x5892d4c427 (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0x28427)
01-02 03:13:59.422 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.422 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #1 0x5892d3bdd3 (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0x17dd3)
01-02 03:13:59.422 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.422 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #2 0x5892d3e693 (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0x1a693)
01-02 03:13:59.422 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.422 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #3 0x5892d43813 (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0x1f813)
01-02 03:13:59.422 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.422 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #4 0x76968439b7 (/system/lib64/libc.so+0x819b7)
01-02 03:13:59.422 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.423 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #5 0x76967e547b (/system/lib64/libc.so+0x2347b)
01-02 03:13:59.423 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.423 573 626 I chatty : uid=0(root) health@1.0-serv identical 1 line
01-02 03:13:59.423 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.423 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: 0x003200039678 is located 0 bytes to the right of 40-byte region [0x003200039650,0x003200039678)
01-02 03:13:59.423 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.423 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: allocated by thread T3 here:
01-02 03:13:59.423 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.424 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #0 0x76957ac133 (/system/lib64/libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so+0x9d133)
01-02 03:13:59.424 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.424 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #1 0x5892d4c38b (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0x2838b)
01-02 03:13:59.424 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.424 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #2 0x5892d3bdd3 (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0x17dd3)
01-02 03:13:59.424 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.424 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #3 0x5892d3e693 (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0x1a693)
01-02 03:13:59.424 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.424 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #4 0x5892d43813 (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0x1f813)
01-02 03:13:59.424 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.424 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #5 0x76968439b7 (/system/lib64/libc.so+0x819b7)
01-02 03:13:59.425 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.425 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #6 0x76967e547b (/system/lib64/libc.so+0x2347b)
01-02 03:13:59.425 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.425 573 626 I chatty : uid=0(root) health@1.0-serv identical 1 line
01-02 03:13:59.425 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.425 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Thread T3 created by T0 here:
01-02 03:13:59.425 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.425 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #0 0x76957999bf (/system/lib64/libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so+0x8a9bf)
01-02 03:13:59.425 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.425 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #1 0x5892d3f8c7 (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0x1b8c7)
01-02 03:13:59.426 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.426 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #2 0x5892d35953 (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0x11953)
01-02 03:13:59.426 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.426 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #3 0x5892d3687b (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0x1287b)
01-02 03:13:59.426 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.426 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #4 0x5892d3172f (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0xd72f)
01-02 03:13:59.426 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.426 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #5 0x769686eacb (/system/lib64/libc.so+0xacacb)
01-02 03:13:59.426 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.426 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #6 0x5892d315d7 (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0xd5d7)
01-02 03:13:59.426 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.429 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: #7 0x7696aaf58f (/system/bin/linker64+0x2e58f)
01-02 03:13:59.429 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.429 573 626 I chatty : uid=0(root) health@1.0-serv identical 1 line
01-02 03:13:59.429 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.430 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow (/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service+0x28427)
01-02 03:13:59.430 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.430 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Shadow bytes around the buggy address:
01-02 03:13:59.430 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: 0x001640007270: fa fa fd fd fd fd fa fa fa fa fd fd fd fd fd fd
01-02 03:13:59.430 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: 0x001640007280: fa fa fd fd fd fd fa fa fa fa fd fd fd fd fd fd
01-02 03:13:59.430 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: 0x001640007290: fa fa fd fd fd fd fd fd fa fa fd fd fd fa fa fa
01-02 03:13:59.430 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: 0x0016400072a0: fa fa fd fd fd fd fd fd fa fa fd fd fd fd fd fd
01-02 03:13:59.430 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: 0x0016400072b0: fa fa fd fd fd fd fa fa fa fa fd fd fd fa fa fa
01-02 03:13:59.431 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: =>0x0016400072c0: fa fa 00 00 00 00 fa fa fa fa 00 00 00 00 00[fa]
01-02 03:13:59.431 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: 0x0016400072d0: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
01-02 03:13:59.431 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: 0x0016400072e0: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
01-02 03:13:59.431 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: 0x0016400072f0: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
01-02 03:13:59.431 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: 0x001640007300: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
01-02 03:13:59.431 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: 0x001640007310: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
01-02 03:13:59.431 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Shadow byte legend (one shadow byte represents 8 application bytes):
01-02 03:13:59.431 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Addressable: 00
01-02 03:13:59.431 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Partially addressable: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
01-02 03:13:59.431 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Heap left redzone: fa
01-02 03:13:59.431 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Freed heap region: fd
01-02 03:13:59.431 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Stack left redzone: f1
01-02 03:13:59.431 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Stack mid redzone: f2
01-02 03:13:59.432 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Stack right redzone: f3
01-02 03:13:59.432 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Stack after return: f5
01-02 03:13:59.432 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Stack use after scope: f8
01-02 03:13:59.432 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Global redzone: f9
01-02 03:13:59.432 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Global init order: f6
01-02 03:13:59.432 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Poisoned by user: f7
01-02 03:13:59.432 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Container overflow: fc
01-02 03:13:59.432 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Array cookie: ac
01-02 03:13:59.432 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Intra object redzone: bb
01-02 03:13:59.432 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: ASan internal: fe
01-02 03:13:59.432 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Left alloca redzone: ca
01-02 03:13:59.432 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: Right alloca redzone: cb
01-02 03:13:59.432 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.433 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service: ==573==ABORTING
01-02 03:13:59.433 573 626 I vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service:
01-02 03:13:59.433 573 626 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL) in tid 626 (health@1.0-serv), pid 573 (health@1.0-serv)
01-02 03:13:59.510 10797 10797 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
01-02 03:13:59.511 935 935 I /system/bin/tombstoned: received crash request for pid 626
01-02 03:13:59.512 10797 10797 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 573 (target tid = 626)
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'Android/sa8155_v35_d02/sa8155_v35_d02:9/PQ1A.190105.004/zhangheyang04181326:userdebug/test-keys'
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64'
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : pid: 573, tid: 626, name: health@1.0-serv >>> /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service <<<
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : Abort message too long: claimed length = 3499
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : x0 0000000000000000 x1 0000000000000272 x2 0000000000000006 x3 0000000000000008
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : x4 ff464d4853514e41 x5 ff464d4853514e41 x6 ff464d4853514e41 x7 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : x8 0000000000000083 x9 1858882d2c01f7e5 x10 0000000000000000 x11 fffffffc7fffffdf
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : x12 0000000000000001 x13 0000000000000000 x14 0000000000000004 x15 0000000000000000
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : x16 00000076968b12c8 x17 00000076967ef0d0 x18 0000000000000006 x19 000000000000023d
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : x20 0000000000000272 x21 0000007696496108 x22 0000007695a8c3b8 x23 00000076964960f0
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : x24 0000005892d4c428 x25 0000000000000001 x26 0000007696bd65e0 x27 000000000000006f
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : x28 0000000000000000 x29 0000007692801c90
01-02 03:13:59.514 10797 10797 F DEBUG : sp 0000007692801c50 lr 00000076967e3bfc pc 00000076967e3c24
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG :
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG : backtrace:
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000000000021c24 /system/lib64/libc.so (abort+116)
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0000000000033690 /system/lib64/libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so (__sanitizer::Abort()+56)
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG : #02 pc 0000000000031250 /system/lib64/libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so (__sanitizer::Die()+164)
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG : #03 pc 00000000000a1fd0 /system/lib64/libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so (__asan::ScopedInErrorReport::~ScopedInErrorReport()+316)
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00000000000a1768 /system/lib64/libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so (__asan::ReportGenericError(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, bool, unsigned long, unsigned int, bool)+348)
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00000000000a2594 /system/lib64/libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so (__asan_report_store1+48)
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG : #06 pc 0000000000028424 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service (vendor::gwm::hardware::health::V1_0::implementation::HealthFdbusClient::sendHeartBeat(int)+1252)
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG : #07 pc 0000000000017dd0 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service (vendor::gwm::hardware::health::V1_0::implementation::Health::sendHeartBeat()+96)
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG : #08 pc 000000000001a690 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service (vendor::gwm::hardware::health::V1_0::implementation::HealthThreadWorker::HandleLifeSign()+900)
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG : #09 pc 000000000001f810 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG : #10 pc 00000000000819b4 /system/lib64/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+36)
01-02 03:13:59.519 10797 10797 F DEBUG : #11 pc 0000000000023478 /system/lib64/libc.so (__start_thread+68)
触发ASAN的地方,参考上述LOG WRITE of size 1 at 0x003200039678 thread T3
> addr2line -e ./vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service 28427 -f -a -C
被监控内存申请的地方,参考上述LOG allocated by thread T3 here:
> addr2line -e ./vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service 2838b -f -a -C
被监测线程创建的地方,参考上述LOG Thread T3 created by T0 here:
> addr2line -e ./vendor.gwm.hardware.health@1.0-service 1b8c7 -f -a -C
std::__1::__libcpp_thread_create(long*, void* (*)(void*), void*)