
2023-10-10 09:50


What you think vs What is real.


3 months ago, I woke up at 3 pm, earlier than usual, thinking for which movie to watch. Opened Facebook, saw some people posting about CodeCademy offering free Pro Memberships for Covid-19. Was kinda amazed and applied right away.

3个月前,我比平时更早于下午3点醒来,想着看哪部电影。 打开Facebook,看到一些人发布有关CodeCademy的信息,这些代码为Covid-19 提供免费的Pro会员资格 。 立刻感到惊讶并立即应用。

Web开发人员职业道路 (Web Developer Career Path)

Now, after reading many reviews and articles, I decided that I’d study Web Development form the platform. Then, there were either courses that I’d have to enroll and complete or the whole Career Path. Not gonna lie, the career path seemed like a ton of work in the start but I eventually made up my mind to go for that rather than to manually choose what to study. Also, I feel like its easier when someone does the tough job for you i.e. The curriculum-making, etc. So, as y’all would’ve guessed, I decided to go with the Career Path.

现在,在阅读了许多评论和文章之后,我决定我将从平台研究Web开发 。 然后,要么是我必须注册并完成的课程,要么是整个职业道路。 不会撒谎,职业道路一开始似乎很繁重,但是我最终下定决心要去做,而不是手动选择要学习的东西。 另外,当有人为您完成艰苦的工作(例如课程设置等)时,我感到很容易。所以,正如大家都猜到的那样,我决定选择职业道路。

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Ah, shit!

Well, the Curriculum starts off easy peasy, with HTML. I was like ‘HTML, dat easy!’, and it was. But along the way, I kinda started getting the gist of the platform, i.e. you read one line, write four. It became actually cool to practice the concepts right after learning about them.

好吧,课程从HTML轻松开始。 我就像“ HTML,这很简单!” ,确实如此。 但是在此过程中,我有点开始了解该平台的要旨,即您读 一行,写了 四行 。 在了解了概念之后立即实践这些概念实际上变得很酷。

It was all pieces of cakes until I reached to JavaScript.


JavaScript (JavaScript)

Now, nothing so special about this, but the Whole Curriculum consists of 7 modules of Javascript out of 14.

现在,没有什么特别的,但是整个课程包含14个 Java模块中的7

For discussing the reason, let’s talk about Js now. Web Development is mainly Front End & Back End.

为了讨论原因,现在让我们谈谈Js。 Web开发主要是前端后端

Front End being the part that we, the users, see and interact with and Back End being the one with which we, the developers, interact. ‘What role Js plays in’ you might ask, so, lemme tell y’all that React.js is considered to be the best Front End Library to be used. And what do you think the ‘js’ means in the name? C’mon, give it a try!..

前端是我们( 用户)与之交互的部分, 后端是我们( 开发人员 )与之交互的部分。 您可能会问,“ Js扮演什么角色 ”,所以lemme告诉大家, React.js被认为是最好的前端库。 您认为“ js ”在名称中意味着什么? 来吧,试试看!







Tried? ‘JavaScript’, is that what you say? Damn! you’re intelligent.

试过了吗 “ JavaScript” 你说什么 该死的! 你很聪明。

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Let’s switch to Back End. The language taught for Back End on the platform is Node.js. There’s also SQL, but that’s just for making changes to the data. And what is ‘js’ in Node.js? — Bruh! what you doing, Einstein. — Yeah, exactly what you think, JavaScript! YAY.

让我们切换到后端。 在平台上为后端教授的语言是Node.js。 还有SQL ,但这只是为了更改数据。 在Node.js中,“ js ”是什么? 布鲁! 爱因斯坦,你在做什么。 -是啊,正是你想,JavaScript的! 好极了。

Also, I must mention here that I feel like JavaScript deserves the attention given to it. Because C’mon, you won’t like a website with shows a picture of rock, paper, and scissors, YOU WANT TO PLAY THAT! So, in order for the website to — :

另外,我必须在这里提到,我觉得JavaScript应该受到关注。 因为C'mon,您不会喜欢这样的网站,因为该网站上没有石头,纸和剪刀的图片, 您想玩那个! 因此,为了使网站能够-:

  • Get your click

  • Decide what to do

  • Respond back

  • basically, THINK!


— it requires JavaScript. JavaScript is like the brain of the Web Dev. It makes the website feel stuff i.e. your click, hovering, etc. It also makes the website decide on its own what to do if a certain action is undertaken i.e. OnClick(), onActive(), etc. But this is just for the Front End, talking about Back End, Boi, its Js everywhere.

—它需要JavaScript。 JavaScript就像Web开发人员的大脑。 它使网站感觉到东西,例如您的单击,悬停等。它还使网站自行决定如果采取了某些操作(例如OnClick()onActive()OnClick() ,该怎么做。但这仅适用于前端最后,谈论后端,Boi,无所不在的Js 。

Enough with the Career Path talk. Let’s talk business.

足够与“职业道路”对话。 让我们谈生意。

思想 (Thoughts)

Firstly, let me tell you all that it took me 3 months to see the 100% mark. Countless all-nighters, stressful coding sessions, feeling like killing myself, but here we are, through all the thick and thin, we here.

首先,让我告诉大家,我花了3个月的时间才能看到100%的标记。 无数个通宵达旦的人,紧张的编码会议,仿佛要自杀,但在这里,无论身在何处,我们都在这里。

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Certificate BABAYYYYYYY!

Okay, enough of this BS, what I truly believe is that the Curriculum pays much lesser heed to the Back End Stuff as compared to how much it pays towards Front End. To give you an insight, 10 modules are dedicated to Front End and 4 to Back End. They must increase the content of Node.js or any other Back end library/framework in the curriculum because C’mon, there must a balance or else just call it ‘Front End Developer’.

好的,对于这个学士学位来说,我真正相信的是,与向前端支付多少钱相比,课程对后端东西的关注要少得多。 为了让您有一个深入的了解,有10个模块专用于前端,而4个模块专用于后端 。 他们必须增加Node.js或课程表中任何其他后端库/框架的内容,因为来吧,必须保持平衡,否则就称其为“ 前端开发人员 ”。

Also, the Projects! Boi of Boi were they —

还有,项目! Boi Boi是他们-

var interruption = [‘A pain in the *’, ‘The best thing on the platform!’];

var interruption = ['A pain in the *', 'The best thing on the platform!'];

— So, Projects aye? Lemme give it a heading.

—那么,项目赞成吗? 引出标题。

专案 (Projects)

There were a total of 77 Projects in the Career Path.


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Honestly, the Projects are the best thing that is present. That is because some of them really, when I say ‘really’ I mean it, challenging. Let’s take some of the biggest Projects:

老实说,项目是目前最好的项目。 那是因为其中有些确实是当我说“真的”时的意思,具有挑战性。 让我们来看一些最大的项目:

  • Lodash


  • Revenous


  • Jamming


  • Expresso


  • Gold Medal Metrics


Need to see all my Projects? Hop onto Github.

需要查看我所有的项目吗? 跳到Github上 。

And completing this many projects, you tend to pick up a thing or two. But the project I want to boast on is Sound Clone. But before I show you the project, tell me, ‘do you like this? →

完成这么多项目,您往往会捡一两件事。 但是我要吹嘘的项目是Sound Clone 。 但是在我向您展示该项目之前,请告诉我,' 您喜欢这个吗? '

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← And Songs? If you answered ‘yes’, congratulations mate! you belong to a species called Human Beings, who tend to pull each other’s legs for their good. And now, you may want to visit this Repository or the Website itself. If you like the idea, give it a like, it’s free!

←和歌曲? 如果您回答“ ”,那么恭喜您! 你们属于一个叫做人类的物种,他们往往为了自己的利益而牵拉彼此的双腿。 现在,您可能要访问此存储库或网站本身。 如果您喜欢这个主意,给个喜欢,它是免费的!

认真的谈话 (Serious Talk)

Now, that I’ve mentioned Web Development several times to get high scores on the SEO chart. Let’s talk about what I can conclude and what you can learn from me.

现在,我已经多次提到Web开发,以在SEO图表上获得高分。 让我们谈谈我可以得出的结论以及您可以向我学习的内容。

结论 (Conclusion)

I know those 77 projects sound like a ton deal but trust me, 20–30 of those are a joke and at-most 15 are those which actually challenge you to the bare bottom. And in my opinion, those are the ones which actually make you learn stuff. Despite the fact that I’ve studied this all for 3 months, have written thousands of lines of code in this short span but I still feel like I lack the knowledge’s implementation.

我知道这77个项目听起来像是一笔不小的交易,但请相信我,其中20–30个是在开玩笑,最多15个实际上是在挑战您的赤字。 在我看来,这些才是真正让您学习的东西。 尽管我已经研究了3个月,但在短时间内编写了数千行代码,但我仍然觉得我缺乏知识的实现。

缺乏执行 (Lack of Implementation)

First, let me tell you how the projects on the platform work. All the projects are designed to test certain knowledge and they do. But doing the code when you’re told each and every line, is not really coding! I feel like, all the projects did was that I’d now read any text more attentively and would follow documentation more closely. Now, I know Documentation is important to know about and following them, as compared to watching youtube videos is considered a better coding practice but Boi, you kidding me?. Telling me each and every line I have to write won’t improve my coding skills. Now, I know people who have taken courses at CodeCademy would say ‘They don’t tell us about all the lines.’ But consider these two:

首先,让我告诉您平台上的项目如何工作。 所有项目都旨在测试某些知识,而且确实可以。 但是,当您被告知每一行代码时,并不是真正的编码 ! 我觉得,所有项目所做的就是,我现在将更加专心地阅读任何文本,并且会更加仔细地阅读文档。 现在,我知道与了解和跟踪文档有关的文档很重要,与观看youtube视频相比,这被认为是更好的编码习惯,但是Boi,您是在骗我吗? 告诉我我必须写的每一行都不会提高我的编码技能。 现在,我知道在CodeCademy上过课程的人会说' 他们不会告诉我们所有方面。 但是,请考虑以下两个:

  • ‘Write a function that returns the maximum number from an array.’




  • ‘Write an integer returning function which would take an array as the parameter, you need to iterate over the array and save the maximum number into a new variable and then return it.’


See? I know some people would say that the second one is better, but in the real world, the companies, your boss won’t use that sentence, rather her secretary would use the first sentence.

看到? 我知道有人会说第二个更好,但是在现实世界中,公司,您的老板不会使用该句子,而她的秘书会使用第一个句子。

And I feel like this is the thing which will keep us, the course students, from becoming confident in programming, because if we get used to being told each and every step that we need to do, we won’t be confident in doing anything from our own. For example, let’s suppose I’m asked the same task as above i.e. to find the max out of array. Now, these questions will be my enemies:

我觉得这将使我们这些课程的学生对编程失去信心,因为如果我们习惯于被告知需要做的每一步,我们就不会对做任何事情充满信心从我们自己的。 例如,假设我们被问到与上述相同的任务,即查找数组外的最大值。 现在,这些问题将成为我的敌人:

  • Do I get the array’s size/length as a parameter?

  • Do I have to iterate over the whole array or can I use any built-in method/function?

  • Batman vs Superman?

  • Do I need to create a new variable or splice all the numbers lower than the maximum number? (ik, very noob)

    我需要创建一个新变量还是拼接所有低于最大数字的数字? (ik,非常菜鸟)
  • Why use a function? use the Math.max() function instead.

    为什么要使用功能? 请改用Math.max()函数。

— etc. These are some of the questions that I’ll have to face and I, who never choose between such options, will get confused.


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So, to conclude, this is my opinion on these Career Paths. Tell me if you disagree and share your opinion in the comments below. I’d love to read it!

因此,总而言之,这是我对这些职业道路的看法。 告诉我您是否不同意并在以下评论中分享您的观点。 我很想读它!

Let’s connect! Linkedin.

让我们连接! 领英

Happy Learning. =D

学习愉快。 = D

翻译自: https://medium.com/front-end-weekly/just-finished-a-paid-career-path-am-i-a-web-developer-now-311818a83c3c



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