tcp流式传输_从Windows或OS X将视频流式传输到iPhone,iPad或iPod Touch

2023-10-10 07:20

本文主要是介绍tcp流式传输_从Windows或OS X将视频流式传输到iPhone,iPad或iPod Touch,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



Want to easily stream video from the collection on your computer to a portable Apple Device over Wi-Fi or Internet? Today we take a look at what might be the easiest way to stream video to your iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad with Air Video.

是否想通过Wi-Fi或Internet轻松地将视频从计算机上的收藏集流式传输到便携式Apple设备? 今天,我们来看看用Air Video将视频流传输到iPod Touch,iPhone或iPad上最简单的方法。

Air Video is available for your Apple Device as a Free or Full version. The Free version limits the number of displayed folders, while the Full version doesn’t. The full version is only $2.99 which is a steal for all it can do. You will also need to download and install the free Air Video Server on your Windows or Mac OS X computer. It will let you stream video over a Wi-Fi network or Internet (including 3G) via Remote Access – this feature is still in Beta.

Air Video有免费版或完整版供您的Apple设备使用。 免费版限制显示的文件夹数量,而完整版则没有限制。 完整版仅售2.99美元,这是它所能做的一切。 您还需要在Windows或Mac OS X计算机上下载并安装免费的Air Video Server。 它可以让您通过远程访问通过Wi-Fi网络或Internet(包括3G)流式传输视频- 此功能仍处于Beta中


It will convert video formats that can’t be played on your device to an iPhone friendly format. It can convert the more widely used containers like mp4, MOV, AVI, MPEG, DIVX, FLV…etc. Keep in mind that DRM protected videos and Propriety codecs are not supported.

它将无法在您的设备上播放的视频格式转换为iPhone友好格式。 它可以转换更广泛使用的容器,例如mp4,MOV,AVI,MPEG,DIVX,FLV等。 请记住,不支持受DRM保护的视频和专有编解码器。

Note: We tested both the free and full versions of the app on an iPod Touch and iPad running iOS 4.0. The server was installed on a Windows 7 x64 Ultimate desktop.

注意:我们在运行iOS 4.0的iPod Touch和iPad上测试了该应用程序的免费和完整版本。 该服务器已安装在Windows 7 x64 Ultimate桌面上。

Install Air Video Server


The first thing we need to do is download and install the free Air Video Server software to your computer (link below). Install as normal accepting the defaults.

我们需要做的第一件事是下载免费的Air Video Server软件并将其安装到您的计算机上(下面的链接)。 正常安装,接受默认设置。


When the server launches, under the Shared Folders tab click on Add Disk Folder…



Then browse to the location of the videos you want to stream.



You can add as many locations as you want. Notice here we added a shared folder from our Windows Home Server too…more on that below.

您可以根据需要添加任意多个位置。 请注意,这里我们也从Windows Home Server中添加了一个共享文件夹…更多有关此内容的信息。


Another interesting thing you can do if you’re running iTunes is add an iTunes Playlist.



Then select from your Playlists what you want to add.



Then it will be added to the shared locations too.



Install Air Video Free


Now download and install the Air Video Free or Full App (link below) on your Apple device, either through iTunes…

现在通过iTunes在Apple设备上下载并安装Air Video Free或Full App (下面的链接) ...


Or directly from the App Store on your device.

或直接从设备上的App Store。


Using Air Video


Here we take a look at the free version running on an iPod Touch. Once installed, click on the Air Video Free icon on your main menu.

在这里,我们看一下iPod Touch上运行的免费版本。 安装完成后,单击主菜单上的“免费视频播放”图标。


Next click the “+” button to look for the Server(s) you have running.

接下来,单击“ +”按钮以查找您正在运行的服务器。


On the Select Server screen pick the computer we just installed the server on.



Now select one of the folders you added to the Shared Folders tab on the Air Video Server.

现在,选择您添加到Air Video服务器上“共享文件夹”选项卡中的文件夹之一。


The free version won’t display all the folders at once. However, we found if we kept refreshing the view we would eventually get to the folder we wanted.

免费版本不会一次显示所有文件夹。 但是,我们发现如果继续刷新视图,我们最终将进入所需的文件夹。


If you click to display more items, you’ll be prompted to get the full version.



Click Yes and you’ll be taken to the App Store to purchase the full version which is only $2.99…not a bad price for such an awesome app!

单击“是”,您将被带到App Store购买完整版本,价格仅为2.99美元……对于这样一款出色的应用程序来说,这并不是一个不小的价钱!


Here is an example of the full version which shows all of your folders at once.



Stream & Convert Video


After you select the video you want to watch, the true awesomeness of this app is revealed. Tap on Play with Live Conversion, and you can watch the video while it’s being converted to an iPod friendly format. Very Cool!

选择要观看的视频后,就会显示出该应用的真棒。 点击“使用实时转换播放” ,您可以在将视频转换为iPod友好格式的同时观看视频。 很酷!


It only takes a moment for your video to start. You will be able to watch it while it’s converting in the background and have basic video player controls.

您的视频只需要一点时间就可以开始播放。 当它在后台转换时,您将能够观看它,并具有基本的视频播放器控件。


Once you have the volume and screen size setup, tap on the screen again to hide the controls.



You can also select to just convert videos while you do something else. The videos will be added to a Queue and converted one at a time. While the videos are converting, you can view the Queue on your device.

您还可以选择在执行其他操作时仅转换视频。 这些视频将被添加到队列中,并一次转换一个。 在转换视频时,您可以在设备上查看队列。


Then go back to your folders and find other videos to convert.



If you’re converting several videos, you’ll get a message letting you know it has been added to the Conversion Queue.



You’ll be able to check out your Queue and see the progress of what’s converting.



You can also see what is converting from the Air Video Server under the Conversions tab.

您还可以在“转换”选项卡下查看从Air Video Server转换的内容。


Enable Remote Access


So far we’ve looked at streaming content over a Wi-Fi network. But you can also stream it over an Internet Connection including 3G which is great for iPhone and iPad users. The first thing we need to do is make sure to do before enabling Remote Access is make the Air Port Server secure. Click on Settings then check Require Password and set a strong password for it.

到目前为止,我们已经研究了通过Wi-Fi网络流式传输内容。 但是您也可以通过包括3G的Internet连接流式传输,这对于iPhone和iPad用户非常有用。 我们需要做的第一件事是确保启用“远程访问”之前要确保使Air Port Server安全。 单击设置,然后选中要求密码并为其设置一个强密码。


On the Air Video Server select the Remote tab and check Enable Access from Internet (beta). Then Check Automatically Map Port (requires a router with UPnP or NAT-PMP support). Then Test Connection. Make sure to take note of the Server PIN as you’ll need it when connecting your Device.

在Air Video Server上,选择“远程”选项卡,然后选中“ 启用从Internet(测试版)的访问”。 然后检查自动映射端口(需要具有UPnP或NAT-PMP支持的路由器)。 然后测试连接。 连接设备时,请务必记下服务器PIN码。


Provided you have the capabilities in your router, you should see a successful Connection Test. If the test fails, you might have to do some troubleshooting on your router, manually configure it’s settings, try flashing it with dd-wrt, or just buy a capable one.

如果您的路由器具备此功能,则应该会看到成功的连接测试。 如果测试失败,则可能需要对路由器进行一些故障排除,手动配置其设置,尝试使用dd-wrt对其进行刷新,或者仅购买功能强大的路由器。


Now on your Apple device, launch Air Video and when the Servers screen comes up click on the “+” button to get to the Select Server screen. This time select Enter Server PIN.

现在,在您的Apple设备上,启动Air Video,然后在出现“服务器”屏幕时,单击“ +”按钮进入“选择服务器”屏幕。 这次选择输入服务器PIN。


Since we password protected the server, we’ll need to enter that in first.



Then type in the server PIN that we took note of earlier and tap Save.



Now you will see the Server which you’re accessing online and will show the Server PIN under it.



Then continue to use it as you would on a local Wi-Fi network.



Supports Windows Home Server Shares

支持Windows Home Server共享

One cool thing we found is this will work with network folders from Windows Home Server. We have seen other methods where people install Air Video directly on WHS, but accessing the shared folders might be your best bet. Installing 3rd party software on WHS is not necessarily supported and the software may not be configured for its architecture. It might be nice to see an Add-In for WHS for Air Video though.

我们发现的一件很酷的事情是,它将与Windows Home Server中的网络文件夹一起使用。 我们已经看到了其他方法,人们可以在WHS上直接安装Air Video,但是最好访问共享文件夹。 不一定支持在WHS上安装第三方软件,并且可能未针对其体系结构配置该软件。 不过,很高兴看到WHS航空视频插件。


We had no noticeable slow downs while selecting Play with Live Conversion with videos from the Server on our Wi-Fi connection.



Air Video on iPad


As we mentioned before it can run on the iPad as well. Here are a couple shots of it running on that device.

正如我们之前提到的,它也可以在iPad上运行。 这是在该设备上运行的几张照片。


Since there’s obviously more room on an iPad screen, you can navigate through your folders more easily. Especially with the full version as it shows more folders at once.

由于iPad屏幕上显然还有更多空间,因此您可以更轻松地浏览文件夹。 尤其是完整版,因为它一次可以显示更多文件夹。




While there are other apps that will let you stream multimedia content to your Apple device, we had the best experience with either the Free or Full version of Air Video. If you’re looking for what is probably the easiest way to stream video to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch Air Video is definitely the way to go. You can always start with the free version, and if you like it, get the full version for a few bucks and have easier access to all of your video folders.

虽然还有其他应用程序可以让您将多媒体内容流式传输到Apple设备,但是我们对免费版或完整版Air Video拥有最佳的体验。 如果您正在寻找将视频流传输到iPhone,iPad或iPod Touch Air Video的最简单方法,那么绝对是必经之路。 您始终可以从免费版本开始,如果您喜欢它,则只需花几美元即可获得完整版本,并可以更轻松地访问所有视频文件夹。

Download the Free Air Video Server for OS X or Windows

下载适用于OS X或Windows的Free Air Video Server

Air Video Full Edition – iTunes Preview

空中视频完整版– iTunes预览

Air Video Website




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