[230514] TPO72 | 2022年托福阅读真题第2/36篇 | The Impact Origin of Lunar Craters|11:30~14:55

2023-10-08 21:50

本文主要是介绍[230514] TPO72 | 2022年托福阅读真题第2/36篇 | The Impact Origin of Lunar Craters|11:30~14:55,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

7202 The Impact Origin of Lunar Craters 


7202 The Impact Origin of Lunar Craters 


Paragraph 1 

问题1 2

Paragraph 2 


Paragraph 3 

问题4 5

Paragraph 4 

Paragraph 5 

Paragraph 6 

问题6 7

Paragraph 7 





From their discovery in 1609 until recently, lunar craters were almost 

unanimously thought to have volcanic origins, even though the topography of 

the Moon and its craters had been studied minutely by generations of 

observers. Dissenting voices, such as that of Robert Hooke, who postulated in 

1665 that they were formed by the impact of meteors, did little to sway the 

majority opinion. The most serious challenge to the volcanic-formation hypothesis

was made in 1893 by the geologist G. K. Gilbert. After analyzing 

the depth-to-diameter ratios of craters, Gilbert suggested that the craters could 

have been formed only by the impact of meteors. The central peaks that were 

commonly observed resulted from rebound of rock, in a similar manner to 

liquids (think of drops of water hitting a puddle). Bright rays surrounded many 

craters that were formed from material flung out during the impact-impact ejecta

lunar crater          月球陨石坑;月坑

unanimously        / juˈnænɪməsli /        adv.全体一致地

topography         / təˈpɑːɡrəfi /             n.地形学,地形测量学 ;地形,地貌;地图地形描绘;(剖,生)局部解剖(图)

minutely              / maɪˈnuːtli /               adv.详细地;精密地        adj.每分钟的

dissenting         adj.不同意的(等于 dissentient)v.不同意;持异议(dissent 的 ing 形式)

/ dɪˈsentɪŋ /      

postulate           / ˈpɑːstʃəleɪt /            v.假定,假设;(教会法)提名(某人)任圣职,选举(某人)任圣职        n.<正式>假定,假设;<正式>(数)公设

meteor                / ˈmiːtiər /                n.流星;大气现象

负数 meteors

sway                   / sweɪ /                   v.摇摆,摇晃,摆动;影响(某人),使改变看法;<文> 统治,管理;(使)摇摆,摇动


depth-to-diameter ratio         深径比

ratio of depth to diameter

rebound             / rɪˈbaʊnd /        v.(球或其他运动物体)弹回;回升,反弹;抢篮板球;产生事与愿违的结果,适得其反


                                                    v.重捆;重新装订(rebind 的过去式和过去分词)

puddle                                        n.(尤指雨水积成的)水坑,泥潭;胶土(用黏土、沙和水而成,用来助堤坝防水);(划桨激起的)漩涡

                                                  vt.(尤指雨水)弄湿;(液体)形成水潭;<古>(在泥潭、浅水滩)打滚;<非正式>瞎忙(puddle about/around);用胶土填(洞);把(黏土和沙)捣成胶土;处理(混合的水和黏土)将金(或蛋白石)分离;搅炼(熔化的铁水)

ray                                               n.光束,光线;(热、电或其他能源的)射线;一丝,一线(希望、慰藉等);<非正式>(日光浴用语)阳光(rays);半直线;长音阶第二音,C大调第二音;鳐,魟;辐射状东西;(菊科植物头状花序的)舌状花,(盘)边花;辐肋,鳍刺;(海星的)放射形口腕,辐腕

                                               v.<文> 放射,射出(光线);呈辐射状伸出,从中心四下延展

负数 rays

surround                                v.围绕,环绕;(军队,警察等)包围;与……紧密相连(或相关);喜欢结交(某类人),身边总有(某类东西)


fling out                       / flɪŋ aʊt /                用力抛出;出言不逊

过去式 flung out           被迫离开;扔掉(flung 是 fling 的过去时)

impact-impact           碰撞

ejecta                          / ɪˈdʒektə /                n.喷出物;排泄物

surround   v.围绕,环绕

ray  n.光束;光线
puddle  n.水坑;泥潭

topography  n.地形学
meteor  n.流星
sway   v.摇摆,摇晃
rebound    n/v.弹回,反弹;


翻译:Bright rays surrounded many craters that were formed from material flung out during the impact-impact ejecta.

 P1 段落大意:从1609年发现至今,月球陨石坑被一致的认为是火山起源。Robert Hooke反对,他认为是由于流星的影响,但是没有改变大多数人的看法。1893年,GK做出了假设,月球陨石坑是由火山形成的,但在分析坑的深径比之后,GK表示,craters仅仅是因为流星的影响形成。

Although impacts with a surface can occur at all angles, from less than 5° to 

90°, early experiments suggested that only vertical (90°) impacts were capable 

of producing circular craters. So the main argument against an impact 

mechanism for lunar crater formation was that only circular craters could be 

seen on the Moon. However, Gilbert himself showed that the average impact 

angle was 45°-in fact, very few impacts were close to vertical. 

impact                 n.撞击,冲击力;巨大影响,强大作用


circular                adj.圆形的,环形的;循环的,绕圈的;循环论证的;传阅的


P2 段落大意:尽管平面的撞击出现在所有的角度:从5°到90°,早期的研究表明只有90°可以产生圆形陨石坑。然而,GK表明平均的撞击角度是45°,只有很少一部分撞击接近90°垂直。

In 1916 E. J. Öpik published work that recognized that the impact of meteors at 

very high velocities would be fundamentally different from the impact at low 

velocities created in early laboratory experiments. Such high-velocity impacts 

would have a similar effect to an explosion, and craters would be circular even 

at low-impact angles. Nevertheless, the volcanic hypothesis remained intact

and there was significant unwillingness amongst the scientific community 

about accepting impact cratering. This began to change in the 1960s with the 

work of the American geologist Gene Shoemaker, who made a lifetime study 

of cratering. 

velocity            / vəˈlɑːsəti /         n.速度,速率;高速,快速;(经济)周转率,流通速度

复数 velocities

intact                adj.完好无损的

impact cratering        陨石坑;撞击坑;撞击火山

P3 段落大意:1916年,E.J. Opik认识到流星的撞击,在高速状态下非常不同于低速状态。高速撞击类似于爆炸,即使在低角度撞击下也会产生圆形的陨石坑。然而,火山学说依然保持完整,大部分人不愿意接受撞击坑形成学说。1960s 随着Gene Shoemaker的研究工作,发生了变化。

Of the 170 known impact craters on the Earth, Meteor Crater in Arizona was 

one of the first to be recognized as being formed from an impact. In 1906 D. M. 

Barringer provided good evidence for impact formation. However, Meteor 

Crater was not universally accepted as an impact crater until the 1960s. Its 

impact origin was finally demonstrated in papers published in 1960 and 1963 

by Shoemaker. Three lines of evidence show that an impact, and not a 

volcanic eruption, formed Meteor Crater. 

demonstrate                v.证明;示范,演示;表露;游行,示威


Three lines of evidence show that an impact, and not a   volcanic eruption, formed Meteor Crater.


P4 段落大意:

地球上已知的170个撞击坑,流星🌠陨石坑是第一个被发现由于撞击形成的。1906年,DM提供了撞击形成的证据,然而Meteor Crater直到1960s才被承认是撞击坑。撞击起源最终在Shoemaker于1960和1963发表的论文中被证明。

First, as Barringer had recognized many large fragments from an impact have 

been found on the desert plains surrounding Meteor Crater. Impact structures 

that are larger than Meteor Crater do not usually preserve fragments of the 

original projectiles because they vaporize on impact. 

fragment                / ˈfræɡmənt /                n.碎片;片段;残存部分 v.(使)破碎,分裂

preserve                / prɪˈzɜːrv /



projectile               / prəˈdʒekt(ə)l /        n.炮弹;抛射体;自动推进武器


projectiles             n.落弹数(projectile 的复数形式)

vaporize                 / ˈveɪpəraɪz /        vi.蒸发        vt.使……蒸发

vaporize  vi.蒸发

projectile  n.炮弹;抛射体

fragment   n.碎片;片段;残存部分 


P5 段落大意:【第一条证据】DM认出了在Meteor Crater周围有很多撞击的大碎片,Meteor Crater通常不会存留抛射体的碎片,因为它们会在撞击处蒸发不见。

In addition, most volcanic craters are formed by sustained compression of 

volcanic gases, which blast out large volumes of fragments. Volcanic ejecta 

form simple aprons around craters, the first-erupted materials at the bottom 

and the last at the top. Shoemaker's field studies showed that a completely 

different situation exists at Meteor Crater, where the ejecta form an inverted 

flap, flung out and overturned in a single blast. Thus, a drill hole through the 

ejecta on the rim would pass through layers of the same material twice. In 

Shoemaker's words, the strata appeared to “have been peeled back from the 

area of the crater, somewhat like petals of a flower blossoming.” Similar 

structures are observed in laboratory experiments involving hypervelocity 


compression                n.压紧,压缩

blast out                        爆破

ejecta                           / ɪˈdʒektə /                n.喷出物;排泄物

apron                           / ˈeɪprən /                 n.围裙;舞台前缘,台唇;停机坪   v.着围裙于

aprons                         n.[轻]围裙;皮圈;裙板(apron 的复数)

first-erupted              adj.第一次爆发的

inverted                        adj.倒转的,反向的       v.颠倒(invert 的过去分词);使……反向

flap                               n.片状悬垂物;拍打,拍动;(飞机的)襟翼;<非正式>混乱,激动;<美>群众愤怒,大众批评        v.<非正式>激动,紧张;摆动,拍打

inverted flap

flung out                       用力抛出——>用力扔掉

overturn                        v.(使)翻倒,(使)倾覆;推翻,撤销(判决等);颠覆,破坏(政府或体系);<英>在英国大选中因获得多数席位而获胜


blast                              n.爆炸,爆破;冲击波;爆炸声,爆破声;强劲的(气或水)流,疾风;吹奏声,轰鸣;严厉的批评;狂欢,有趣的事;(球队或选手的)猛烈进攻;枪击;<美>(公司、组织等发出的)群发电子邮件



dirll                               / drɪl /                n.钻,钻机;训练,演习;粗斜纹布;条播沟;条播机;条播作物;<非正式>常规,正确步骤;尾角螺        v.钻孔;训练,演习;条播

drill hole                       [机] 钻孔        

rim                                 / rɪm /                     n.(圆形物体的)边沿;(污垢等)一周,一圈;轮辋,轮圈;眼镜框;(篮球的)篮筐,篮圈 ;界,边界


strata                            / ˈstreɪtə /                n.层;[地质]地层;阶层n.(Strata)人名;(意、塞)斯特拉塔                 

peeled back                  剥落卷页

petal                              / ˈpet(ə)l /                n.花瓣

hypervelocity              / ˌhaɪpərvəˈlɑsəti /        n.极高速

复数 hypervelocities

peel back  剥落卷页

rim n/v.(形成)边沿;一周

hypervelocity  n. 极高速

petal  n.花瓣

strata  n.层


drill  n.钻,钻机

blast   n.爆炸,爆破

overturn  v.(使)翻倒, (使)倾覆;

flap n/v. 拍打;摆动

apron  n.围裙


Shoemaker's field studies showed that a completely   different situation exists at Meteor Crater, where the ejecta form an inverted   flap, flung out and overturned in a single blast.舒梅克的实地研究表明,陨石坑中存在着完全不同的情况,那里的喷出物形成了一个倒置的襟翼,在一次爆炸中被抛出并倾覆。

Thus, a drill hole through the ejecta on the rim would pass through layers of the same material twice. 因此,通过边缘喷出物的钻孔将两次穿过相同的材料层。

P6 段落大意:【第二条证据】大多数火山坑由于持续的火山气体挤压形成,爆破出大量的碎片。火山喷出物堆积形成坑周围的边缘,第一次首先爆发的物质在底部,最后爆发的在顶部。Meteor Crater的喷出物形成了一个倒置的襟翼,在一次爆炸中被抛出并倾覆。因此,通过边缘喷出物的钻孔将两次穿过相同的材料层。strata好像从crater区域剥落一样,就像花瓣从盛开的花朵上剥落一样。实验室中的极高速撞击也有类似的结构。

 The final piece of evidence comes from an investigation of the effects of the 

intense pressures involved in an impact. At Meteor Crater, shattered target 

rocks are cemented together by glass at depths of 200-400 meters. The glass 

is formed by melting the target during the impact. Melting occurs principally 

as a result of the very high pressures involved during an impact, and because 

the pressure is applied almost instantaneously, it is referred to as shock 

pressure. Unusual high-pressure minerals are often found in the rocks affected 

by the impact. These minerals are produced by shock pressure during the impact. 

In 1962 Shoemaker made a case for the impact formation of Copernicus 

Crater, one of the most prominent craters on the near side of the Moon. Before 

the decade was out, most scientists had come to accept that lunar craters 

were formed by impact rather than volcanism

intense pressures                强大的压力

shattered                                / ˈʃætərd /                     adj.破碎的;极度疲劳的

                                                v.打碎;削弱;使心烦意乱(shatter 的过去分词)

cement                                   / sɪˈment /                   n.水泥;胶合剂,接合剂;(对关系、看法等起巩固作用的)纽带;牙骨质;(黏附颗粒的)沉积岩基质;(填充牙齿龋洞的)黏固粉        v.用(水泥或胶合剂)黏结,胶合;巩固,加强;决定,确立

instantaneously                    / ˌɪnstənˈteɪniəsli /        adv.即刻;突如其来地

Copernicus Crater               哥白尼陨石坑

Copernicus                           /kəˈpɜrnəkəs/         n.哥白尼(波兰天文学家)

prominent                               / ˈprɑːmɪnənt /        adj.重要的,著名的;显眼的,突出的;突起的,高耸的        n.舟蛾(=prominent moth

volcanism                              / ˈvɑlkənɪzm /        n.(地质)火山作用(活动或现象)    

cement   v.用(水泥或胶合剂)黏结,胶合
prominent   adj.重要的,著名的

volcanism  n.火山作用

P7 段落大意:【第三条证据】最后一条证据来自于调查撞击中强大的压力的影响。在Metero Crater中,破碎的岩石由玻璃粘合在一起。玻璃在撞击时期由于融化形成,融化主要因为高压产生。很多不寻常的高压矿物质也在受撞击影响的岩石中发现,这些矿物质由突然的压力产生。1962年,Shoemaker研究哥白尼陨石坑的形成。



Paragraph 1 

From their discovery in 1609 until recently, lunar craters were almost 

unanimously thought to have volcanic origins, even though the topography of 

the Moon and its craters had been studied minutely by generations of 

observers. Dissenting voices, such as that of Robert Hooke, who postulated in 

1665 that they were formed by the impact of meteors, did little to sway the 

majority opinion. The most serious challenge to the volcanic-formation 

the hypothesis was made in 1893 by the geologist G. K. Gilbert. After analyzing 

the depth-to-diameter ratios of craters, Gilbert suggested that the craters could 

have been formed only by the impact of meteors. The central peaks that were 

commonly observed resulted from the rebound of rock, in a similar manner to 

liquids (think of drops of water hitting a puddle). Bright rays surrounded many 

craters that were formed from material flung out during the impact-impact ejecta. 

1. The word “Dissenting" in the passage is closest in meaning to 

A. confusing         B. forceful         C. opposing         D. respected 

2. The author mentions “drops of water hitting a puddle" in the passage for which of the following reasons? 

A. To illustrate the behavior of liquids under pressure 

B. To demonstrate common eruption patterns of volcanoes 

C. To help readers perceive flaws in G. K. Gilbert's ideas 

D. To help readers imagine how lunar craters formed

问题1 2

【1】dissenting=opposing 反对的


Paragraph 2 

Although impacts with a surface can occur at all angles, from less than 5° to 

90°, early experiments suggested that only vertical (90°) impacts were capable 

of producing circular craters. So the main argument against an impact 

mechanism for lunar crater formation was that only circular craters could be 

seen on the Moon. However, Gilbert himself showed that the average impact 

angle was 45°-in fact, very few impacts were close to vertical.

3. According to paragraphs 1 and 2, which of the following seemed to disprove Gilbert's theory of lunar crater creation? 

A. Only circular craters could be seen on the Moon. 

B. The impact of meteors striking the Moon could not be observed. 

C. Impact craters like those on Earth are not visible on the Moon. 

D. Materials surrounding the lunar craters were volcanic in origin. 




Paragraph 3 

In 1916 E. J. Öpik published work that recognized that the impact of meteors at 

very high velocities would be fundamentally different from the impact at low

velocities created in early laboratory experiments. Such high-velocity impacts 

would have a similar effect to an explosion, and craters would be circular even 

at low-impact angles. Nevertheless, the volcanic hypothesis remained intact, 

and there was significant unwillingness amongst the scientific community 

about accepting impact cratering. This began to change in the 1960s with the 

work of the American geologist Gene Shoemaker, who made a lifetime study 

of cratering.

4. According to paragraph 3, what was E. J. Öpik's contribution to the study of craters? 

A. Öpik's work disproved the idea that the average meteor impact angle on the Moon was 45°. 

B. Öpik's work showed that circular craters could be formed by meteors impacting the Moon at low angles. 

C. Öpik's work suggested that the craters on the Moon may have had several causes. 

D. Öpik's work proved that only high-velocity impacts at 90° could have caused lunar craters. 

5. According to paragraph 3, which of the following best describes the impact of a meteor striking at a high velocity? 

A. It is similar in its effects to those of a low-velocity impact. 

B. It creates irregular craters at low-impact angles. 

C. It causes a volcanic reaction. 

D. It has an effect similar to an explosion. 

问题4 5


EJ发现高速撞击类似于爆炸,即使在低角度撞击下也会产生圆形的陨石坑。——>B ✅

——> D ✅

Paragraph 4 

Of the 170 known impact craters on the Earth, Meteor Crater in Arizona was 

one of the first to be recognized as being formed from an impact. In 1906 D. M. 

Barringer provided good evidence for impact formation. However, Meteor 

Crater was not universally accepted as an impact crater until the 1960s. Its 

impact origin was finally demonstrated in papers published in 1960 and 1963 

by Shoemaker. Three lines of evidence show that an impact, and not a 

volcanic eruption, formed Meteor Crater. 

Paragraph 5 

First, as Barringer had recognized many large fragments from an impact have 

been found on the desert plains surrounding Meteor Crater. Impact structures 

that are larger than Meteor Crater do not usually preserve fragments of the 

original projectiles because they vaporize on impact. 

Paragraph 6 

In addition, most volcanic craters are formed by sustained compression of 

volcanic gases, which blast out large volumes of fragments. Volcanic ejecta 

form simple aprons around craters, the first-erupted materials at the bottom 

and the last at the top. Shoemaker's field studies showed that a completely 

different situation exists at Meteor Crater,【7C】 where the ejecta form an inverted 

flap, flung out and overturned in a single blast. Thus, a drill hole through the 

ejecta on the rim would pass through layers of the same material twice. In 

Shoemaker's words, the strata appeared to “have been peeled back from the 

area of the crater, somewhat like petals of a flower blossoming.” Similar structures

are observed in laboratory experiments involving hypervelocity impacts. 【7D】

6. The word “sustained” in the passage is closest in meaning to 

A. delayed         B. occasional         C. constant         D. intense 

7. Select the TWO answer choices that name things mentioned in paragraph 6 that involved structures resembling a blossoming flower. To receive credit, you must select TWO answers. 

A. Volcanic craters         B. Drill holes         C. Meteor Crater         

D. Certain laboratory experiments 

问题6 7


【7】C D

Paragraph 7 

The final piece of evidence comes from an investigation of the effects of the 

intense pressures involved in an impact. At Meteor Crater, shattered target 

rocks are cemented together by glass at depths of 200-400 meters. The glass 

is formed by melting the target during the impact. Melting occurs principally 

as a result of the very high pressures involved during an impact, and because 

the pressure is applied almost instantaneously, it is referred to as shock 

pressure. Unusual high-pressure minerals are often found in the rocks affected 

by the impact. These minerals are produced by shock pressure during the impact. 

In 1962 Shoemaker made a case for the impact formation of Copernicus 

Crater, one of the most prominent craters on the near side of the Moon.// Before 

the decade was out, most scientists had come to accept that lunar craters 

were formed by impact rather than volcanism. 在那个十年结束之前,


8. According to paragraph 7, the shock of a meteor impact causes all of the following to occur in the area EXCEPT 

A. melting of rocks         B. creation of unusual materials 

C. reduction in pressure intensity         D. formation of glass underground 


shock pressure=intense pressure

C increasing


9. Look at the four squares [] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. 

For example, large quantities of meteoric iron were identified around the crater rim and on the surrounding plain. 

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage. 

Of the 170 known impact craters on the Earth, Meteor Crater in Arizona was 

one of the first to be recognized as being formed from an impact. In 1906 D. M. 

Barringer had provided good evidence for impact formation.  However, 

Meteor Crater was not universally accepted as an impact crater until the 1960s. 

 Its impact origin was finally demonstrated in papers published in 1960 and 

1963 by Shoemaker.  Three lines of evidence show that an impact, and not a 

volcanic eruption, formed Meteor Crater.  

evidence——>eg——however, not accepted


10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. Drag your choices to the spaces where they belong. To review the passage, click on View Text. 

Through much of the twentieth century, scientists disagreed on how lunar craters were formed. 

A. Over the years, the prevailing belief that lunar craters were formed by volcanic activity was challenged by proponents of the meteor impact theory of crater formation. 

B. The most widely accepted explanation of lunar crater formation was the theory proposed in 1893 by the geologist G. K. Gilbert. 

C. Because G. K. Gilbert's research showed that the average impact angle of meteors was 45°, he abandoned his own theory of lunar crater formation. 

D. The research of D. M. Barringer and Gene Shoemaker provided solid evidence supporting impact formation and was a major factor in discrediting the volcanic creation theory. 

E. Volcanic craters are formed by the explosion of compressed volcanic gases, which blasts out large volumes of fragments. 

F. The application of field studies of the Meteor Crater to the formation of the Moon's Copernicus Crater effectively ended the centuries-old debate over the origin of lunar craters.

P1 段落大意:从1609年发现至今,月球陨石坑被一致的认为是火山起源。Robert Hooke反对,他认为是由于流星的影响,但是没有改变大多数人的看法。1893年,GK做出了假设,月球陨石坑是由火山形成的,但在分析坑的深径比之后,GK表示,craters仅仅是因为流星的影响形成。

P2 段落大意:尽管平面的撞击出现在所有的角度:从5°到90°,早期的研究表明只有90°可以产生圆形陨石坑。然而,GK表明平均的撞击角度是45°,只有很少一部分撞击接近90°垂直。

P3 段落大意:1916年,E.J. Opik认识到流星的撞击,在高速状态下非常不同于低速状态。高速撞击类似于爆炸,即使在低角度撞击下也会产生圆形的陨石坑。然而,火山学说依然保持完整,大部分人不愿意接受撞击坑形成学说。1960s 随着Gene Shoemaker的研究工作,发生了变化。

P4 段落大意:地球上已知的170个撞击坑,流星🌠陨石坑是第一个被发现由于撞击形成的。1906年,DM提供了撞击形成的证据,然而Meteor Crater直到1960s才被承认是撞击坑。撞击起源最终在Shoemaker于1960和1963发表的论文中被证明。

P5 段落大意:【第一条证据】DM认出了在Meteor Crater周围有很多撞击的大碎片,Meteor Crater通常不会存留抛射体的碎片,因为它们会在撞击处蒸发不见。

P6 段落大意:【第二条证据】大多数火山坑由于持续的火山气体挤压形成,爆破出大量的碎片。火山喷出物堆积形成坑周围的边缘,第一次首先爆发的物质在底部,最后爆发的在顶部。Meteor Crater的喷出物形成了一个倒置的襟翼,在一次爆炸中被抛出并倾覆。因此,通过边缘喷出物的钻孔将两次穿过相同的材料层。strata好像从crater区域剥落一样,就像花瓣从盛开的花朵上剥落一样。实验室中的极高速撞击也有类似的结构。

P7 段落大意:【第三条证据】最后一条证据来自于调查撞击中强大的压力的影响。在Metero Crater中,破碎的岩石由玻璃粘合在一起。玻璃在撞击时期由于融化形成,融化主要因为高压产生。很多不寻常的高压矿物质也在受撞击影响的岩石中发现,这些矿物质由突然的压力产生。1962年,Shoemaker研究哥白尼陨石坑的形成。

A ✅ 全文主旨

B widely accepted

C 定位P2⃣️段 abandoned

D ✅ 567段提供证据

E 定位P6⃣️段 volcanic craters不是重点

F ✅定位P7⃣️段 effectively ended

这篇关于[230514] TPO72 | 2022年托福阅读真题第2/36篇 | The Impact Origin of Lunar Craters|11:30~14:55的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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