
2023-10-08 04:40



If you’re a fan of using Windows PowerShell rather than the Command Prompt, you might enjoy being able to access it right from the context menu you get when you right-click a folder in Windows. Here’s how to make it happen.

如果您是使用Windows PowerShell而不是命令提示符的爱好者,则可以在右键单击Windows中的文件夹时从获得的上下文菜单中直接访问它。 这是实现它的方法。

Windows already includes an “Open command window here” option when you Shift+click a folder. PowerShell offers a more powerful feature set, though, especially if you do any kind of automation through scripting. If you do prefer PowerShell, you either have to open PowerShell and then navigate to the folder or use the command from the menu in File Explorer. Instead, why not add an “Open PowerShell window here” option to the same context menu? It’s easy to do. You just have to dive into the Windows Registry for a couple of quick edits.

当您按住Shift并单击一个文件夹时,Windows已经包含“此处打开命令窗口”选项。 但是,PowerShell提供了更强大的功能集,尤其是如果您通过脚本执行任何类型的自动化时 。 如果您确实喜欢PowerShell,则必须打开PowerShell,然后导航到该文件夹​​,或者使用“文件资源管理器”菜单中的命令。 相反,为什么不将“此处打开PowerShell窗口”选项添加到同一上下文菜单中呢? 这很容易做到。 您只需深入Windows注册表即可进行一些快速编辑。

通过手动编辑注册表将“此处打开PowerShell窗口”添加到上下文菜单 (Add “Open PowerShell Window Here” to the Context Menu by Editing the Registry Manually)

To add an “Open PowerShell Window Here” option to the context menu, you just need to make a couple of quick edits in the Windows Registry.


Standard warning: Registry Editor is a powerful tool and misusing it can render your system unstable or even inoperable. This is a pretty simple hack and as long as you stick to the instructions, you shouldn’t have any problems. That said, if you’ve never worked wi





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