I’m old enough to remember the days when computers ran one application at a time. You opened Lotus 1-2-3, worked on a file, closed it and moved to the next task. It was a simpler time without distractions. Compare that with what you’re doing today. Are you reading this while working on a PHP application, fiddling with a graphic in PhotoShop, opening 57 browser tabs, listening to the latest SitePoint podcast, answering the phone, monitoring your twitter stream, and keeping an eye on email notifications? Technology has allowed us to multitask and achieve more at the same time.
我年纪大了,想起了计算机一次运行一个应用程序的日子。 您打开了Lotus 1-2-3,处理了一个文件,将其关闭,然后移至下一个任务。 这是一个比较简单的时间,没有干扰。 将其与您今天所做的进行比较。 您在使用PHP应用程序,在PhotoShop中摆弄图形,打开57个浏览器选项卡,收听最新的SitePoint播客,接听电话,监视Twitter流以及关注电子邮件通知时是否正在阅读本文? 技术使我们能够完成多项任务并同时实现更多目标。
Or has it?
According to a recent study at Stanford University, media multitaskers have more limited attention spans and cannot switch jobs as easily as those who prefer to work on one task at a time.
根据斯坦福大学最近的一项研究 ,媒体多任务处理者的注意力跨度有限,并且无法像那些喜欢一次完成一项任务的人那样容易地切换工作。
A series of tests were given to a group of 100 students who had been identified as single and multi-taskers. The single-taskers consistently out-performed the multi-taskers every time. Researcher Anthony Wagner stated:
对被确定为单人和多任务的100名学生进行了一系列测试。 单任务者每次都始终胜过多任务者。 研究员瓦格纳(Anthony Wagner)说:
When multitaskers are in situations where there are multiple sources of information coming from the external world or emerging out of memory, they’re not able to filter out what’s not relevant to their current goal. That failure to filter means they’re slowed down by that irrelevant information.
当多任务处理程序处于来自外部世界或内存不足的多个信息源的情况下,他们将无法筛选出与当前目标无关的信息。 过滤失败意味着这些无关的信息使它们放慢了速度。
The scientists had assumed the human brain could process more than one stream of information at a time. They had originally theorized that multitaskers had a special innate gift that allowed them to handle multiple tasks better than others. Eyal Ophir, the study’s lead author, added:
科学家们假设人类的大脑一次可以处理多个信息流。 他们最初的理论是,多任务处理者有一种特殊的天赋,使他们比其他人能够更好地处理多项任务。 该研究的主要作者Eyal Ophir补充说:
We kept looking for what they’re better at, and we didn’t find it.
They couldn’t help thinking about the task they weren’t doing. The high multitaskers are always drawing from all the information in front of them. They can’t keep things separate in their minds.
他们忍不住想着自己没有做的任务。 高效的多任务处理程序总是从前面的所有信息中提取信息。 他们无法将事情分开。
Researcher Professor Clifford Nass concluded:
Multitaskers are suckers for irrelevancy. Everything distracts them.
多任务处理程序是无关紧要的工具。 一切都分散了他们的注意力。
Could it be that doing less actually allows you to accomplish more? Can you multi-task effectively?
少做实际上会让您完成更多工作吗? 您可以有效执行多项任务吗?
Photo credit: Georgia Wiggs
照片来源: 佐治亚·威格斯
翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/myth-of-multitasking/