本文主要是介绍微软ico图标_微软将以全新的品牌设计统一Windows 10图标,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Last week, Microsoft revealed plans to modernize its Office icon suite, but it looks like the plan is bigger than just Office. In fact, this new design language appears to be part of a bigger plan for all stock Windows icons.
上周,微软透露了对其Office图标套件进行现代化升级的计划,但看起来该计划比Office更大。 实际上,这种新的设计语言似乎是所有库存Windows图标更大计划的一部分。
If you scroll through your Windows machine’s start menu and just look at the Microsoft icons, you’ll see an array of styles and looks—some of which that date back quite a while. To modernize the look and feel of Windows 10, Microsoft will work towards updating these icons with a clean and consistent look.
如果滚动查看Windows机器的“开始”菜单,然后仅查看Microsoft图标,就会看到一系列样式和外观-其中一些样式可以追溯到很久以前。 为了使Windows 10的外观和感觉更现代化,Microsoft将努力以干净一致的外观更新这些图标。
This move makes a lot of sense, as we’re living in a world where these refinements really matter. Apple has consistent design language across of its devices and Google has Material Design to keep a similar look and feel across its various services and operating systems.
这一举动意义非凡,因为我们生活在一个这些改进确实至关重要的世界中。 苹果在其所有设备上使用一致的设计语言,而谷歌使用Material Design在其各种服务和操作系统上保持相似的外观。

So it makes sense that Microsoft would not only redesign its Office icons—which haven’t seen an update in five years—but use this design language across the rest of the operating system. The updated Office icons are incredibly clean and modern looking, and I’m personally really looking forward to seeing the design take over the rest of Windows 10.
因此,微软不仅会重新设计其Office图标(这已经五年没有更新),而是在整个操作系统的其余部分使用这种设计语言,这是有道理的。 更新后的Office图标非常干净和现代,我个人非常希望看到该设计能够取代Windows 10的其余部分。
Microsoft’s Head of Office Design Jon Friedman post a detailed Medium on the new Office icons last week, but it was only revealed in the comments (where Friedman answered reader questions) that the design will make its way to the rest of the operating system.
微软办公室设计负责人乔恩·弗里德曼(Jon Friedman)上周在新的Office图标上发布了详细的媒介,但仅在评论中(弗里德曼回答了读者的问题)才透露该设计将在其他操作系统中使用。
via The Verge
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/microsoft-will-unify-windows-10-icons-with-a-new-brand-wide-design/
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