The basic building block of all pictures in TikZ is the path. A path is a series of straight lines and curves that are connected (that is not the whole picture, but let us ignore the complications for the moment). You start a path by specifying the coordinates of the start position as a point in round brackets, as in (0,0). This is followed by a series of “path extension operations.” The simplest is –, which we used already. It must be followed by another coordinate and it extends the path in a straight line to this new position. For example, if we were to turn the two paths of the axes into one path, the following would result:
- path是一系列的直线或曲线连接而成;
- 由一系列的坐标点表示,其间用–连接
\begin{tikzpicture}\draw (0, 1) -- (2, 1) -- (1, 0) -- (1, 2);\draw (3, 1) -- (5, 1) -- (4, 0) -- (4, 2) -- cycle;\end{tikzpicture}