
2024-08-31 15:48
文章标签 德国 练习 04 data index 博士



    • 1. exercise01: update delete by query
    • 2. exercise02: index template
    • 3. exercise03: alias,reindex,pipeline use

1. exercise01: update delete by query

# GOAL: Create, update and delete indices while satisfying a given
# set of requirements
# (i) a running Elasticsearch cluster with at least one node
# and a Kibana instance,
# (ii) the cluster has no index with name `hamlet`,
# (iii) the cluster has no template that applies to indices
# starting by `hamlet`# Create the index `hamlet-raw` with 1 primary shard and 3 replicas# Add a document to `hamlet-raw`, so that the document (i) has id
# "1", (ii) has default type, (iii) has one field named `line`
# with value "To be, or not to be: that is the question"# Update the document with id "1" by adding a field named
# `line_number` with value "3.1.64"
# Add a new document to `hamlet-raw`, so that the document (i) has
# the id automatically assigned by Elasticsearch, (ii) has
# default type, (iii) has a field named `text_entry` with value
# "Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer", (iv) has a field
# named `line_number` with value "3.1.66"
# Update the last document by setting the value of `line_number` to
# "3.1.65"
# In one request, update all documents in `hamlet-raw` by adding a
# new field named `speaker` with value "Hamlet"# Update the document with id "1" by renaming the field `line` into
# `text_entry`


PUT hamlet-raw
{"settings": {"number_of_replicas": 3,"number_of_shards": 1}
}PUT hamlet-raw/_doc/1
{"line":"To be, or not to be: that is the question"
}POST hamlet-raw/_update/1
{"doc" : {"line_number" : "3.1.64"}
}GET hamlet-raw/_doc/1POST hamlet-raw/_doc
{"text_entry": "text_entry","line_number": "3.1.66"
}# 根据返回的id进行操作
POST hamlet-raw/_update/2uDDLHYBznFAtuOD6g0k
{"doc":{"line_number": "3.1.65"}
}POST hamlet-raw/_update_by_query
}GET hamlet-raw/_search使用ingest pipeline
PUT _ingest/pipeline/rename_field
{"description": "rename field","processors": [{"rename": {"field": "line","target_field": "text_entry"}}]
POST hamlet-raw/_update_by_query?pipeline=rename_field
{"query": {"ids": {"values": ["1"]}}
GET hamlet-raw/_search也可以用script来处理POST hamlet-raw/_update/2
{"script":{"lang":"painless","source": "ctx._source.text_entry=ctx._source.remove('line')"}


# Create the index `hamlet` and add some documents by running the
# following _bulk commandPUT hamlet/_doc/_bulk
answer me: stand, and unfold yourself."}
{"line_number":"1.1.3","speaker":"BERNARDO","text_entry":"Long live
the king!"}
{"line_number":"1.2.1","speaker":"KING CLAUDIUS","text_entry":"Though
yet of Hamlet our dear brothers death"}
{"line_number":"1.2.2","speaker":"KING CLAUDIUS","text_entry":"The
memory be green, and that it us befitted"}
necessaries are embarkd: farewell:"}
{"line_number":"1.3.4","speaker":"LAERTES","text_entry":"But let me
hear from you."}
{"line_number":"1.3.5","speaker":"OPHELIA","text_entry":"Do you doubt
{"line_number":"1.4.1","speaker":"HAMLET","text_entry":"The air bites
shrewdly; it is very cold."}
{"line_number":"1.4.2","speaker":"HORATIO","text_entry":"It is a
nipping and an eager air."}
{"line_number":"1.4.3","speaker":"HAMLET","text_entry":"What hour
{"line_number":"1.5.2","speaker":"Ghost","text_entry":"Mark me."}
{"line_number":"1.5.3","speaker":"HAMLET","text_entry":"I will."}# Create a script named `set_is_hamlet` and save it into the cluster
# state. The script (i) adds a field named `is_hamlet` to each
# document, (ii) sets the field to "true" if the document has
# `speaker` equals to "HAMLET", (iii) sets the field to "false"
# otherwise
# Update all documents in `hamlet` by running the `set_is_hamlet`
# scriptPretty convenient the “update_by_query” API, don’t you think? Do you also
know how to use its counterpart for deletion?
# Remove from `hamlet` the documents that have either "KING
# CLAUDIUS" or "LAERTES" as the value of `speaker`


# 先用这个语法整一下
POST hamlet/_update_by_query
}把上面的语句存储一下, search template也是可以这里存储
PUT _scripts/set_is_hamlet
POST hamlet/_update_by_query
}GET hamlet/_search


POST hamlet/_delete_by_query
{"query": {"terms": {"speaker.keyword": ["KING CLAUDIUS","LAERTES"]}}

2. exercise02: index template

# GOAL: Create index templates that satisfy a given set of
# requirements
# (i) a running Elasticsearch cluster with at least one node
# and a Kibana instance,
# (ii) the cluster has no index with name `hamlet`,
# (iii) the cluster has no template that applies to indices
# starting by `hamlet`# Create the index template `hamlet_template`, so that the template
# (i) matches any index that starts by "hamlet_" or "hamlet-",
# (ii) allocates one primary shard and no replicas for each # matching index
# Create the indices `hamlet2` and `hamlet_test`
# Verify that only `hamlet_test` applies the settings defined in
# `hamlet_template`

template 没有办法进行部分update,update操作和创建操作一样,是直接的全部覆盖。

DELETE hamlet*DELETE _template/hamlet*PUT _template/hamlet_template
}PUT hamlet2
PUT hamlet_testGET _cat/shards/hamlet2?v
GET _cat/shards/hamlet_test?v
# Update `hamlet_template` by defining a mapping for the type
# "_doc", so that (i) the type has three fields, named `speaker`,
# `line_number`, and `text_entry`, (ii) `text_entry` uses an
# "english" analyzer
Updates to an index template are not automatically reflected on the matching
indices that already exist. This is because index templates are only applied
once at index creation time.
# Verify that the updates in `hamlet_template` did not apply to the
# existing indices
# In one request, delete both `hamlet2` and `hamlet_test`

GET _template/hamlet_template
PUT _template/hamlet_template
{"index_patterns" : ["hamlet_*","hamlet-*"],"settings" : {"index" : {"number_of_shards" : "1","number_of_replicas" : "0"}},"mappings": {"properties": {"speaker":{"type":"text"},"line_number":{"type":"text"},"text_entry":{"type":"text","analyzer": "english"}}}
}GET hamlet_test
DELETE hamlet2,hamlet_test
# Create the index `hamlet-1` and add some documents by running the
# following _bulk command
PUT hamlet-1/_doc/_bulk
answer me: stand, and unfold yourself."}
{"line_number":"1.1.3","speaker":"BERNARDO","text_entry":"Long live
the king!"}
{"line_number":"1.2.1","speaker":"KING CLAUDIUS","text_entry":"Though
yet of Hamlet our dear brothers death"}# Verify that the mapping of `hamlet-1` is consistent with what defined
in `hamlet_template`# Update `hamlet_template` so as to reject any document having a
# field that is not defined in the mapping
# Verify that you cannot index the following document in `hamlet-1` PUT
{"author": "Shakespeare"

这里如果想要在update hamlet_template 的时候对hamlet-1生效,只能删掉hamlet-1然后进行重建

PUT hamlet-1/_mapping
}POST hamlet-1/_doc
{"author": "Shakespeare"
# Update `hamlet_template` so as to enable dynamic mapping again
# Update `hamlet_template` so as to (i) dynamically map to an
# integer any field that starts by "number_", (ii) dynamically
# map to unanalysed text any string field
# Create the index `hamlet-2` and add a document by running the
# following commandPOST hamlet-2/_doc/4
{"text_entry": "With turbulent and dangerous lunacy?","line_number": "3.1.4","number_act": "3","speaker": "KING CLAUDIUS"
# Verify that the mapping of `hamlet-2` is consistent with what
# defined in `hamlet_template`

GET _template/hamlet_template
PUT _template/hamlet_template
{"order": 0,"index_patterns": ["hamlet_*","hamlet-*"],"settings": {"index": {"number_of_shards": "1","number_of_replicas": "0"}},"mappings": {"dynamic": true,"dynamic_templates": [{"longs_as_strings": {"match": "number_*","mapping": {"type": "integer"}}},{"longs_as_strings": {"match_mapping_type": "string","mapping": {"type": "keyword"}}}],"properties": {"line_number": {"type": "text"},"text_entry": {"analyzer": "english","type": "text"},"speaker": {"type": "text"}}},"aliases": {}
}POST hamlet-2/_doc/4
{"text_entry": "With turbulent and dangerous lunacy?","line_number": "3.1.4","number_act": "3","speaker": "KING CLAUDIUS"
}GET hamlet-2/_mapping

3. exercise03: alias,reindex,pipeline use

# GOAL: Create an alias, reindex indices, and create data pipelines
# (i) a running Elasticsearch cluster with at least one node
# and a Kibana instance,
# (ii) the cluster has no index with name `hamlet`,
# (iii) the cluster has no template that applies to indices
# starting by `hamlet`As usual, let’s begin by indexing some data.
# Create the indices `hamlet-1` and `hamlet-2`, each with two
# primary shards and no replicas
# Add some documents to `hamlet-1` by running the following commandPUT  hamlet-1/_doc/_bulk
answer me: stand, and unfold yourself."}
{"line_number":"1.1.3","speaker":"BERNARDO","text_entry":"Long live
the king!"}
{"line_number":"1.2.1","speaker":"KING CLAUDIUS","text_entry":"Though
yet of Hamlet our dear brothers death"}# Add some documents to `hamlet-2`
by running the following commandPUT hamlet-2/_doc/_bulk
{"line_number":"2.1.1","speaker":"LORD POLONIUS","text_entry":"Give
him this money and these notes, Reynaldo."}
{"line_number":"2.1.2","speaker":"REYNALDO","text_entry":"I will, my
{"line_number":"2.1.3","speaker":"LORD POLONIUS","text_entry":"You
shall do marvellous wisely, good Reynaldo,"}
{"line_number":"2.1.4","speaker":"LORD POLONIUS","text_entry":"Before
you visit him, to make inquire"}
# Create the alias `hamlet` that maps both `hamlet-1` and `hamlet-2`
# Verify that the documents grouped by `hamlet` are 8
By default, if your alias includes more than one index, you cannot index
documents using the alias name. But defaults can be overwritten, if you know
# Configure `hamlet-1` to be the write index of the `hamlet` alias
DELETE hamlet*
PUT hamlet-1
{"settings": {"number_of_shards": 2,"number_of_replicas": 0}
PUT hamlet-2
{"settings": {"number_of_shards": 2,"number_of_replicas": 0}
# Create the alias `hamlet` that maps both `hamlet-1` and `hamlet-2`
# Verify that the documents grouped by `hamlet` are 8
# Configure `hamlet-1` to be the write index of the `hamlet` aliasPOST /_aliases
{"actions": [{"add": {"index": "hamlet-1","alias": "hamlet","is_write_index": true}},{"add": {"index": "hamlet-2","alias": "hamlet"}}]
}PUT hamlet/_doc/1
{"message":"you want to be stronger"
GET hamlet/_count

# Add a document to `hamlet`, so that the document 
# (i) has id "8",
# (ii) has "_doc" type, 
# (iii) has a field `text_entry` with value  "With turbulent and dangerous lunacy?", 
# (iv) has a field  `line_number` with value "3.1.4", 
# (v) has a field `speaker`  with value "KING CLAUDIUS"# Create a script named `control_reindex_batch` and save it into the
# cluster state. The script checks whether a document has the
# field `reindexBatch`, and(i) in the affirmative case, it increments the field value by a script parameter named  `increment`, (ii) otherwise, the script adds the field to the  document setting its value to "1"

多练习这种script需要存储起来的场景。script的api可以参考painless guide部分

PUT _scripts/control_reindex_batch
{"script":{"lang":"painless","source": """if(ctx._source.containsKey('reindexBatch')){ctx._source.reindexBatch+=params.increment;}else{ctx._source.reindexBatch=1;}"""}
}POST hamlet-1/_update_by_query
GET hamlet-1/_search

# Create the index `hamlet-new` with 2 primary shards and no  replicas
# Reindex `hamlet` into `hamlet-new`, while satisfying the following
# criteria: 
(i) apply the `control_reindex_batch` script with the  `increment` parameter set to "1", 
(ii) reindex using two  parallel slices# In one request, add `hamlet-new` to the alias `hamlet` and delete
# the `hamlet` and `hamlet-2` indices
PUT hamlet-new
{"settings": {"number_of_shards": 2,"number_of_replicas": 0}
}POST _reindex?slices=2
{"source": {"index": "hamlet"},"dest": {"index": "hamlet-new"},"script":{"id":"control_reindex_batch","params": {"increment":1}}
}GET hamlet-new/_searchPOST _aliases
{"actions": [{"add": {"index": "hamlet-new","alias": "hamlet"}},{"remove": {"indices": ["hamlet-1","hamlet-2"],  # 需要注意的是这里多个索引的话json的key为indices,单数的话为index"alias": "hamlet"}}]
}GET hamlet/_search
# Create a pipeline named `split_act_scene_line`. The pipeline
# splits the value of `line_number` using the dots as a
# separator, and stores the split values into three
# new fields named `number_act`, `number_scene`, and
# `number_line`, respectively# Test the pipeline on the following document{"_source": {"line_number": "1.2.3"
Satisfied with the outcome? Go update your documents, then!
# Update all documents in `hamlet-new` by using the
# `split_act_scene_line` pipeline

结合set processor 和 script processor

POST _ingest/pipeline/_simulate
{"pipeline": {"description": "string split by dot","processors": [{"split": {"field": "line_number","separator": "\\.","target_field":"temp_arry"}},{"script": {"lang": "painless","source": """ctx.number_act=ctx.temp_arry[0];ctx.number_scene=ctx.temp_arry[1];ctx.number_line=ctx.temp_arry[2];
"""}},{"remove": {"field": "temp_arry"}}]},"docs": [{"_source": {"line_number": "1.1.3","text_entry": "Long live the king!","reindexBatch": 2,"speaker": "BERNARDO"}}]
}PUT _ingest/pipeline/split_act_scene_line
{"description": "string split by dot","processors": [{"split": {"field": "line_number","separator": "\\.","target_field": "temp_arry"}},{"script": {"lang": "painless","source": """ctx.number_act=ctx.temp_arry[0];ctx.number_scene=ctx.temp_arry[1];ctx.number_line=ctx.temp_arry[2];
"""}},{"remove": {"field": "temp_arry"}}]
}POST hamlet-new/_update_by_query?pipeline=split_act_scene_lineGET hamlet-new/_search




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使用Spring Boot集成Spring Data JPA和单例模式构建库存管理系统

引言 在企业级应用开发中,数据库操作是非常重要的一环。Spring Data JPA提供了一种简化的方式来进行数据库交互,它使得开发者无需编写复杂的JPA代码就可以完成常见的CRUD操作。此外,设计模式如单例模式可以帮助我们更好地管理和控制对象的创建过程,从而提高系统的性能和可维护性。本文将展示如何结合Spring Boot、Spring Data JPA以及单例模式来构建一个基本的库存管理系统