少之又少的新GRE issue写作范文

2024-08-29 22:38

本文主要是介绍少之又少的新GRE issue写作范文,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

  以下是关于选择少之又少的新GRE issue写作范文实例,通过这些GRE写作范文或是习作,考生可以学习一下里面的短语、句子或思路,给自己的写作找一些思路和灵感。


  The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare.



  Admittedly being limited by the resources and natural rules, the chance of choice is also limited in a small cycle. However, with the improvement of people's abilities and the development of technology and politics, the chance to choose can be accordingly increased to some extent. Therefore, I fundamentally agree with the speaker on the assertion that the absence of choice is a circumstance is very rare.

  As social animals, people are unable to do anything arbitrarily outstepping the limit of their physical abilities, the laws of nature and social rules and regulations. For instance,no matter how high people can jump, they can not fly freely like a bird for the reason that any species, mankind included, can not escaped the rules of gravity; And no matter how fast people run, they can not surmount the speed of the light due to people's physical limitation. People's life process is also lacking the choice. We can not choose our parents. Children have to select the schools based on the previous performance in the junior schools. Within the restriction of social laws and regulations,it is illegal for a man to marry with two or more women. Even when we choose our career, our professional knowledge and skills and the potential roles that the society provides restrict our choices. All these examples demonstrate that human can not make a random choice outstripping the limitation of the natural disciplines and the established laws and rules of our society.

  However, it does not follow that people are deprived of all chances to make a choice and therefore turn out to be pessimistic and even cynical. On the one hand, although both the physical and natural limitations hinder people making arbitrary choices,people can augment their chances of choice by self-improvement. For example,through rigid and scientific trains and exercise, athletes can hugely improve their potentials and break the previous records they made. Those job-hunters can enrich their faculties by digesting and assimilating an amount of special knowledge to make themselves qualified to as many fields as possible which provide them more working choice. Therefore, people themselves can to some extent increase the chances of choice by their own efforts.

  On the other hand, with the development of economy and politics, the scale and the chance that people can make a choice are expanded accordingly. Nowadays people can safely live in almost any circumstance, no matter how hot or cold, by equipping with the air-conditioners in their homes which was only unrealized dream for our ancestors. And the advanced traffic vehicles make people travel almost every corner all over the world while those in the ancient periods can seldom walk out of their nation. As for political field, more and more people can take part in policy-making nowadays, while it is impossible for our forefathers who were deprived of almost all political rights in the autocratic nations. From these changes, we can safely draw a conclusion that the range for choosing are coordinately inclining with the development of the economy and democracy.

  In conclusion, although people can only make choices within the limitation of their own abilities and the laws of the nature, they can change it by self-improvement or personal efforts, and meanwhile the advanced technology and the opening democracy can also grant them various chances of choice.

  以上便是关于选择少之又少的新GRE issue写作范文,各位考生在新GRE写作练习中应加强对思维逻辑的重视,平时注意积累论据论证素材,注意借鉴一些新GRE写作范文,来吸收其精华,提高自己的写作水平。

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