Leetcode207: Median of Two Sorted Arrays

2024-08-28 19:32

本文主要是介绍Leetcode207: Median of Two Sorted Arrays,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).






  • 如果A或者B为空,则直接返回B[k-1]或者A[k-1];
  • 如果k为1,我们只需要返回A[0]和B[0]中的较小值;
  • 如果A[k/2-1]=B[k/2-1],返回其中一个;


class Solution {
public:double findkmins(vector<int>::iterator a, int m, vector<int>::iterator b, int n, int k){if(m>n)return findkmins(b, n, a, m, k);if(m==0)return b[k-1];if(k==1)return min(*a, *b);int pa = min(k/2, m);int pb = k-pa;if(*(a+pa-1)<*(b+pb-1)){return findkmins(a+pa, m-pa, b, n, k-pa);}else if(*(a+pa-1)>*(b+pb-1)){return findkmins(a, m, b+pb, n-pb, k-pb);}elsereturn *(a+pa-1);}double findMedianSortedArrays(vector<int>& nums1, vector<int>& nums2) {int m = nums1.size();int n = nums2.size();int total = m+n;vector<int>::iterator a = nums1.begin();vector<int>::iterator b = nums2.begin();if(total & 0x1){return findkmins(a, m, b, n, total/2+1);}elsereturn (findkmins(a, m, b, n, total/2)+findkmins(a, m, b, n, total/2+1))/2;}


class Solution(object):def findMedianSortedArrays(self, nums1, nums2):""":type nums1: List[int]:type nums2: List[int]:rtype: float"""merge = []index1 = 0index2 = 0while index1 < len(nums1) and index2 < len(nums2):if nums1[index1]<nums2[index2]:merge.append(nums1[index1])index1 += 1else:merge.append(nums2[index2])index2 += 1while index1 < len(nums1):merge.append(nums1[index1])index1 += 1while index2 < len(nums2):merge.append(nums2[index2])index2 += 1total = len(nums1)+len(nums2)if total & 0x1:return merge[total/2]else:return (merge[total/2-1]+merge[total/2])/2.0

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第一次在csdn上写备忘录,以前一直是在笔记本上写,主要是笔记本上可以随意写,只要自己能看懂,在网页上多少都受些限制,另外一方面也是想锻炼下写作能力,为以后的论文做基础吧!最近偶尔上leetcode练些题目,所以也就以这个为主题写一篇试试看,因为能力不足,理解或言辞上会有错误,还望访者不吝赐教,我定当万分感激。 好了,废话也说完了,现在进入正题: 题目: There are two sor