本文主要是介绍用AppleScript做macOS UI自动化,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
用AppleScript做macOS UI自动化
- 一、定位到System Setting → General → Login Items& Extensions 页面
- 1. 获取页面锚点,以便直接滑动到锚点区域
- 2. 滑动到Extensions 区域
- 二、根据名称找到元素,再点击元素的按钮
- 三、获取元素位置并点击
一、定位到System Setting → General → Login Items& Extensions 页面
1. 获取页面锚点,以便直接滑动到锚点区域
tell application "System Settings"get every anchor of current paneend tell
2. 滑动到Extensions 区域
tell application "System Settings"activatereveal anchor "ExtensionItems" of pane id "com.apple.LoginItems-Settings.extension"
end tell
期望点[Trend Micro Antivirus Extension]的按钮,所以先根据Text 定位到[Trend Micro Antivirus Extension],再找到他同层级的下一个元素并点击
-- 启用辅助功能
tell application "System Events"-- 指定目标应用程序tell process "System Settings"-- 打开目标窗口set frontmost to truedelay 1 -- 给窗口一些时间来加载-- 获取目标窗口set targetWindow to window "Login Items & Extensions"-- 获取目标元素的所有兄弟元素(同层次元素)set siblingElements to UI elements of group 3 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of group 2 of splitter group 1 of group 1 of targetWindow-- 初始化变量set targetElementFound to falseset nextElement to missing value-- 遍历所有同层次元素,找到目标元素并获取其下一个元素repeat with i from 1 to count of siblingElementsset currentElement to item i of siblingElementsif value of currentElement contains "Trend Micro Antivirus Extension" thenset targetElementFound to trueelse if targetElementFound thenset nextElement to currentElementexit repeatend ifend repeat-- 点击目标元素的下一个元素的信息if nextElement is not missing value thenperform action "AXPress" of nextElementelsereturn "not found button"end ifend tell
end tell
通过UI Browser 可以很快得到element
这篇关于用AppleScript做macOS UI自动化的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!