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C 源码+仿真图+毕业设计+实物制作步骤+11
摘要 I
abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外发展现状 1
1.3 设计思想及基本功能 1
第2章 系统总体方案设计 3
2.1 设计要求 3
2.2 方案选择和论证 3
2.2.1 单片机的选择 3
2.2.2 显示方案的选择 3
2.2.3 时钟模块的选择 4
2.2.4 电机的选择 4
第3章 系统硬件设计 5
3.1 整体方案设计 5
3.1.1 系统概述 5
3.1.2 系统框图 5
3.2 最小系统模块 5
3.2.1 STC89C51简介 5
3.2.2 最小系统电路 7
3.3 液晶显示电路 9
3.3.1 1602液晶简介 9
3.3.2 液晶引脚说明 9
3.3.3 指令介绍 10
3.3.4 液晶显示模块电路 13
3.4 时钟模块 14
3.4.1 DS1302简介 14
3.4.2 引脚说明 14
3.4.3 时钟芯片DS1302的工作原理 15
3.4.4 DS1302模块电路图 17
3.5 光照强度采集电路 17
3.5.1光敏电阻概述 17
3.5.2光敏电阻工作原理 17
3.5.3光敏电阻的分类 18
3.5.4光敏电阻的主要参数 18
3.5.5 ADC0832简介 18
3.5.6 光照强度采集电路 18
3.6 电机驱动模块 19
3.7 按键输入模块 19
第4章 软件设计 21
4.1 程序语言及开发环境 21
4.2 程序流程图设计 22
4.2.1 总体程序流程图设计 22
4.2.2 1602液晶程序设计 23
4.2.3 读出DS1302的时间信息 24
第5章 硬件组装与调试 25
5.1 元器件的选择与测量 25
5.2 元件的焊接与组装 25
5.3 电路的调试 25
5.3.1 调试方法 26
5.3.2 调试步骤 26
第6章 总结 28
鸣 谢 29
参考文献 30
附 录 31
附录一 元件清单 31
附录二 原理图 32
附录三 PCB图 33
Automatic control technology is one of the fastest growing and most influential technologies in the twentieth Century. Today’s technology, production, military, management, life and other fields are inseparable from the automatic control technology. By definition, the automatic control technology is to realize the application of control theory and technology, is by the automatic control system has a certain control function, to complete a control task, to ensure a process in accordance with the expectation, or achieve a goal. With the development of electronic computer technology and other high technology, the level of automatic control technology is getting higher and higher, and the application is more and more extensive, and the role is more and more important. Especially in the production process automation, factory automation, robot technology, integrated management engineering, aerospace engineering, military technology and other fields, automatic control technology plays a key role. Of course, in the smart home, the automatic control technology has good prospects for development. Application of automatic control technology, will be more intelligent home environment, user-friendly.
Aiming at the problem of lighting and avoiding light in household environment, automatic curtain control system will replace manual control and become more humanized. This paper summarizes the design and control system of automatic curtain system, introduces the theoretical analysis of the design of a complete automatic curtain control system, and the realization of the function of each link. The core of the automatic curtain control system is to use the single-chip microcomputer STC89C51 control, and then uses the photosensitive detection circuit, clock circuit, motor control circuit, button circuit and other peripheral circuits. The whole system realizes semi-automatic control, automatic control and other functions under the coordination of each module. In the theoretical level, the program is driven by each module, and the internal links of each module are realized. The software is used to design and simulate the schematic diagram.
The automatic curtain system hardware circuit is mainly composed of photosensitive detection circuit, clock circuit, motor control circuit, button circuit and other peripheral circuits. This design mainly discusses the design process of automatic curtain system, hardware circuit design, software debugging process. By this system, different control modes of curtain switch automatic control, timing control and manual control can be realized by lighting intensity.
Keywords: Intelligent curtain; single chip microcomputer; stepping motor
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题背景及意义