If We Were a Child Again(大数除法、求余)

2024-08-22 14:38
文章标签 大数 除法 child 求余

本文主要是介绍If We Were a Child Again(大数除法、求余),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




If I could do the easy mathematics like my school days!!         

I can guarantee, that I’d not make any mistake this time!!”         

Says a smart university student!!         

But his teacher even smarter – “Ok! I’d assign you such projects in your software lab. Don’t be so sad.”         

“Really!!” - the students feels happy. And he feels so happy that he cannot see the smile in his teacher’s face.         



The Problem


The first project for the poor student was to make a calculator that can just perform the basic arithmetic operations.         


But like many other university students he doesn’t like to do any project by himself. He just wants to collect programs from here and there. As you are a friend of him, he asks you to write the program. But, you are also intelligent enough to tackle this kind of people. You agreed to write only the (integer) division and mod (% in C/C++) operations for him.



Input is a sequence of lines. Each line will contain an input number. One or more spaces. A sign (division or mod). Again spaces. And another input number. Both the input numbers are non-negative integer. The first one may be arbitrarily long. The second number n will be in the range (0 < n < 231).         



A line for each input, each containing an integer. See the sample input and output. Output should not contain any extra space.


Sample Input

110 / 100

99 % 10

2147483647 / 2147483647

2147483646 % 2147483647





Sample Output









#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>void chu (char *p,unsigned long long b);
void yu (char *p,unsigned long long b);int a[1000000];int main()
{static char str[1000000];unsigned long long b = 0,t = 0;char c = ' ';while (scanf ("%s",&str) != EOF){do{c = getchar ();}while (c != '/' && c != '%');scanf ("%llu",&b);if (c == '/'){chu (str,b);}else if (c == '%'){yu (str,b);}}return 0;
}void chu (char *p,unsigned long long b)
{int *p1 = a;unsigned long long tmp = b,shang = 0,yu = 0;unsigned long long quan = 1,i = 0;int tf = 1,pritf = 0;while (*p != '\0'){*p1 = (int)(*p - '0');p1++;p++;}*p1 = 10;p1 = a;while (*p1 != 10){yu = yu * 10;yu += *p1;shang = yu / b;yu %= b;if (shang != 0 && tf){printf ("%llu",shang);tf = 0;pritf = 1;}else{if (!tf)printf ("%llu",shang);}p1++;}if (!pritf)printf ("0");printf ("\n");
}void yu (char *p,unsigned long long b)
{int *p1 = a;unsigned long long tmp = b,shang = 0,yu = 0;unsigned long long quan = 1,i = 0;int tf = 1;while (*p != '\0'){*p1 = (int)(*p - '0');p1++;p++;}*p1 = 10;p1 = a;while (*p1 != 10){yu = yu * 10;yu += *p1;shang = yu / b;yu %= b;p1++;}printf ("%llu\n",yu);


这篇关于If We Were a Child Again(大数除法、求余)的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



uva 10069 DP + 大数加法

代码: #include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cstdlib>#include <algorithm>#include <cstring>#include <cmath>#include <stack>#include <vector>#include <queue>#include <map>#include <cl


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