x11 simple-wm-hints

2024-08-22 12:08
文章标签 x11 simple wm hints

本文主要是介绍x11 simple-wm-hints,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


  1. 得到 icon 的图片
    /* load the given bitmap data and create an X pixmap contianing it. */icon_pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,win,icon_bitmap_bits,icon_bitmap_width,icon_bitmap_height);if (!icon_pixmap) {fprintf(stderr, "XCreateBitmapFromData - error creating pixmap\n");exit(1);}
  1. 初始化 标识 内存
    /* allocate a WM hints structure. */win_hints = XAllocWMHints();if (!win_hints) {fprintf(stderr, "XAllocWMHints - out of memory\n");exit(1);}/* initialize the structure appropriatly. *//* first, specify which size hints we want to fill in.  *//* in our case - setting the icon's pixmap, setting the *//* state hint as well as the icon position hint.        */win_hints->flags = IconPixmapHint | StateHint | IconPositionHint;/* next, specify the desired ihnts data.           *//* in our case - supply the icon's desired pixmap. *//* make the window's initial state be iconized,    *//* and set the icon position to the top-left part  *//* of the screen.                                  */win_hints->icon_pixmap = icon_pixmap;win_hints->initial_state = IconicState;win_hints->icon_x = 0;win_hints->icon_y = 0;
  1. 在窗口中设置窗口标识
    /* pass the hints to the window manager. */XSetWMHints(display, win, win_hints);
  1. 将标识的内存释放
    /* finally, we can free the WM hints structure. */XFree(win_hints);

这篇关于x11 simple-wm-hints的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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控件重绘有三种方法: 1 设定界面属性 2 利用Windows的消息机制,通过Windows消息映射(Message Mapping)和反映射(Message Reflecting),在合适的时机修改控件的状态和行为。此方式涉及NM_CUSTOMDRAW和WM_DRAWITEM 3 利用虚函数机制,重载虚函数。即DrawItem虚函数。 对于NM_CUSTOMDRAW,某些支持此消息的控件

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1、 开一个有vnc的节点 2、 开放所有用户的Xserver权限 xhost + 3、X11转发 ssh hlzhang@ -X 4、打开远程窗口 paraview 在227的界面打开156的图形窗口



SendMessage和 PostMessage; 使用PostMessage(WM_QUIT)退出程序时导致的内存泄漏问题

引言:我们要使用代码关闭程序的话,应该向窗口发送WM_CLOSE或者直接调DestroyWindow(HWND)函数   (默认情况下WM_CLOSE的消息响应就是调用DestroyWindow(HWND)   函数,所以我们直接调用也达到一样的效果).这样可以令操作系统回收窗口占用着的内存资源后再退出程序. 千万不要直接用PostMessage(WM_QUIT);令程序退出,这样程序是可以退出